Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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These people crying about "freedom" are basically just selfish Jerks that want Don to get reelected. I bet most of these clowns have jobs where they can work from home. These people would probably be protesting during WWII because they had to ration metal and tin.

Looking at them, I doubt it. Professionals aren't going to be unmasked in the middle of the day amongst confederate flags in Michigan. They'd be worried about that job the extra $600 isn't going to make up for.

His strongest base is with lower class whites.
Looking at them, I doubt it. Professionals aren't going to be unmasked in the middle of the day amongst confederate flags in Michigan. They'd be worried about that job the extra $600 isn't going to make up for.

His strongest base is with lower class whites.

These people only care about his reelection chances. Most of the folks protesting in Michigan were mad because gardening wasn't an essential activity. Make no mistake, these people love Don more than their own situations. If Don told them to stay home they would.

I promise y´all gonna get as dog *** tired of me posting this quote as I am of Elon goddamn ******* Musk.


¨You get paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of problems you solve.¨
--Elon goddamn ******* Musk

Is the US the only country that has stay-at-home protests going?

Brazilians just yesterday. Spotty ones in Europe. Can demean those that want reopen, but fact of the matter is there needs to be a review of existing orders (one size doesn’t fit all), analysis of current situation and actual plan to move forward.
Multi months of lockdown is going to create economic ruin. Some jobs and businesses won’t come back. Uncle Sam isn’t just going to subsidize with no end.
That’s not a Plan. So unless independently wealthy, good luck with no income. We can argue Specifics, but doing nothing in Total Shutdown is asinine. Pragmatic approach needed. Soon.
Neighbors out in full force today. Freely interacting with each other. Barbecues, basketball games, reggae tin blasting and noticeably more cars on the road.
60 degrees and sunny in NY. This lockdown ain’t gonna work and Cuomo glass half full messages ain’t helping either.
It’s barely been a month.
Neighbors out in full force today. Freely interacting with each other. Barbecues, basketball games, reggae tin blasting and noticeably more cars on the road.
60 degrees and sunny in NY. This lockdown ain’t gonna work and Cuomo glass half full messages ain’t helping either.
It’s barely been a month.

it sounds like your someplace in Brooklyn

by me it’s the opposite it’s quite In the street
But i do have a view of the Williamsburg Bridge and I see A number of people walking and biking

its too early for any of that
Brazilians just yesterday. Spotty ones in Europe. Can demean those that want reopen, but fact of the matter is there needs to be a review of existing orders (one size doesn’t fit all), analysis of current situation and actual plan to move forward.
Multi months of lockdown is going to create economic ruin. Some jobs and businesses won’t come back. Uncle Sam isn’t just going to subsidize with no end.
That’s not a Plan. So unless independently wealthy, good luck with no income. We can argue Specifics, but doing nothing in Total Shutdown is asinine. Pragmatic approach needed. Soon.
You’re absolutely right. I think a big part of the problem is mixed messaging and/or lack of clarity from our “leaders.” There are many people preaching empty “stay at home” messages and the need to “flatten the curve” buzzwords that the average person simply doesn’t understand or care about. What we really need is for local leaders and county health officials with a good grasp of the picture in local areas to explain in basic terms what is happening currently, what the near term outlook is, and what the long term results would be based on potential actions with realistic timelines. I believe that politicians are either painting too rosy of a picture saying we are close (which we aren’t) or being too vague about timelines. Uncertainty can lead people to irrational behavior.
What an a-hole

What’s written on that Insta acct is true: parks director with the outright lie and overreach. If you understand public officials and budgets, they’re just spending existing line item already budgeted. Way to spend other people’s money.
So was too much trouble to just shoo kids away during regular patrols? Ok. Besides nobody within any distance close to them.

this just screams disaster waiting to happen


this is legit a result of decrepit school systems worldwide manufacturing entire populations of dumbass.

edit: **** it, ima elaborate. **** got me hot.

when´s the last time you saw a class on critical thinking? what percentage of people can actually debate?

how many full members of society cannot even properly evaluate sources of information IN ANY SCENARIO?

I´d bet a good chunk of my TrumpChange that Calder Robinson couldn´t pick out Portugal on a map.

anyone who knows how to think has a general idea of what to think in this set of circumstances...he does not.

when you don´t invest in an educated populace, you get a stupid one...which does work fine most of the time...

let´s say it´s not a focus...I might have had to write 5 properly researched papers between 4th and 12th grade.
I agree with your entire post but this, in particular, is really showing its ***.

The internet mixed with a complete lack of critical thinking/inability to vet information for a huge segment of America is gonna prove to be costly.

Of all things, people not understanding this virus for what it is and doing dumb **** like protesting in numbers is gonna be suicide for many people.

An executive recruiter called me last week about a position, my background, etc. Somehow the topic of conversation turned to education and I brought up how I went to Montessori in my city growing up. He mentioned that one of the biggest differentiators about Montessori schools is that they teach children how to think critically which is a skill that a vast amount of people lack.

He then cited a study some college did where they systematically tracked students college critical thinking each year from orientation to graduation and it barely moved. It’s an institutional problem within America’s education system that has to be addressed if we want to do better.
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