Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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10 towns in northern Italy have been put on a virtual lockdown due to coronavirus, according to local media

For those 10 towns (50,000 people):
- Residents are asked to stay at home for 1 week
- All public events are suspended
- No work and commercial activities
- No recreational activities
- All schools are closed
- Public transport won't stop in those areas

ANSA it News
Not going to lie. My parents and relatives took a trip to Japan on the 10th and come back tomorrow and I'm kinda freaking out. Not really sure what to think or how to act. They said they weren't going to really come by and say hi until 2-3 weeks after they come back just to be safe. Now I'm over here thinking, will they be ok??? Do I need to throw away any gifts they bring my kids? Kidding but not really....:emoji_cold_sweat:
Not going to lie. My parents and relatives took a trip to Japan on the 10th and come back tomorrow and I'm kinda freaking out. Not really sure what to think or how to act. They said they weren't going to really come by and say hi until 2-3 weeks after they come back just to be safe. Now I'm over here thinking, will they be ok??? Do I need to throw away any gifts they bring my kids? Kidding but not really....:emoji_cold_sweat:

IMO, if you have children you can NEVER be too safe. My parents and grandparents leave for Hawaii on Monday and I’m right there with you. At least your parents are sensible enough to recognize the potential issue. Mine would think I’m insane if I said that they hold off on coming by even if they were actually sick.

*Too late. Moon Jaein was warned by many officials and doctors in Korea to stop flights but $$$couldn't because of big bro Xi. Moon is Carrie Lam. :smh:
NEW: Italian town of Codogno closes schools, bars, eateries, and sporting facilities until at least Sunday after 6 cases of coronavirus were confirmed - ANSA

UPDATE: All 6 of the new coronavirus cases in Italy are in serious condition - ANSA

This dude was either sick for a while and continued to show up to work, played football and attended 3 dinners or suddenly developed symptoms and went to the ER on Thursday and is immediately in serious condition? Something isn’t adding up. I would like to know how long it takes from onset of symptoms for a patient to become “seriously ill”
Not going to lie. My parents and relatives took a trip to Japan on the 10th and come back tomorrow and I'm kinda freaking out. Not really sure what to think or how to act. They said they weren't going to really come by and say hi until 2-3 weeks after they come back just to be safe. Now I'm over here thinking, will they be ok??? Do I need to throw away any gifts they bring my kids? Kidding but not really....:emoji_cold_sweat:
IMO, if you have children you can NEVER be too safe. My parents and grandparents leave for Hawaii on Monday and I’m right there with you. At least your parents are sensible enough to recognize the potential issue. Mine would think I’m insane if I said that they hold off on coming by even if they were actually sick.
with all the news coming out of Japan and the lack of news coming from Hawaii why even risk it. Is vacationing a priority at this time?
with all the news coming out of Japan and the lack of news coming from Hawaii why even risk it. Is vacationing a priority at this time?

They are attending a family wedding and staying on afterward. When I mentioned that they should at least bring some surgical masks to use on the plane, airports, and crowded public places they looked at me like I was insane!

Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy

Great resource for everything Wuhan Coronavirus.
- 87 new cases in South Korea

The third death of Corona 19 in Gyeongju
Man in their 40s who died in Gyeongju, Gyeongsangbuk-do, and were positive for a new form of coronavirus infection (Corona 19) have been reported to have been outside for a week after their symptoms appeared, raising concerns about the possibility of transmission.

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NEW: Italy reports another case of coronavirus, the first one in Piedmont Region - ANSA

Italy has reported 33 new cases and 1 new death so far today, raising the country's total to 54 cases and 2 deaths

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Thus far, COVID-19 hits harder than Influenza but weaker than SARS and MERS. It infects the elderly, people w/ pre-existing conditions, weakened immune systems and people with Hypertension. Thus far, all data points to CFR's (case fatality ratio) highest amongst people of Chinese descent and lowest amongst Caucasians. The Diamond Princess Cruise is a good data point.

On avg, 55 Million travellers from China visit America per Month. COVID-19 was known and alerted by doctors in Wuhan in November. The Trump Admin began restricting flights from China during 1 st week of February. Some flights are still being allowed into US. If you live in or near a major city in US, COVID-19 is and has been here since probably December. Thus far, I haven't heard of anyone in US dropping dead in the subway or hospitals running out of beds.

No panic needed. Just keep health up, keep social distance 1meter, wash hands, then wash again, IF you want...mask up N95 or higher..per CDC recs.
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