Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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The conversation on the fatality rates had gotten quiet last few weeks too.

I'm not surprised. The problem is here now and with our numbers continuing to rise, that's what they're gonna all of the coverage on. I really only see international stuff when there's updates to charts, and rarely any actual news story not involving a new city clapping or doing something fun while bored in lockdown.

Italy's case fatality rate is at 11% with the given stats. One has to wonder how many people have it and haven't been tested yet. Idk if I'm hoping more ppl have it and haven't been tested to bring that clip down or just hope the virus is mostly contained and accept that horrendous percentage.

The conversation on the fatality rates had gotten quiet last few weeks too.

Did you watch Dr John Campbell's video today on YouTube? He has an interesting discussion/assumption on death rates as it relates to figures provided by Germany and South Korea where the most testing per capita is occurring.

Cliffs: 1-2% death rate is likely.
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So UV rays will disinfect your N95 masks....(?)

Ok to reuse?

Steam or bake in the oven at low heat

Steam or bake in the oven at low heat

...or if you have 4 (or more) masks, number them and use them in consecutive order while the old ones dry out and become free of virus.
It will spike but not dramatically like we've seen elsewhere. Sending home the majority of employees to WFH well over a week before the actual lockdown will do a lot. Downtown SF was empty 5-7 days before the first state lockdown.

Streets aren't empty but they are def less than most urban places.
Agreed, I was at first seeing a group of people jogging along Embarcadero, now I notice that there's maybe groups of three Max and mostly everyone is walking on opposite sides of the sidewalk or even the bike-lanes. I see that Chicago, NO, and Detroit has cases rise, but hopefully it's a temporary thing. We have to remember, we're can't go back to normal as whole until every major metropolitan area has gotten pass this, and that's just talking nationally.
101-year-old Italian man, born during the Spanish flu pandemic which killed up to 50 million people, has recovered from coronavirus

They say there are 8 strains of this?
and living through 1 doesn't necessarily mean you're immune to the other 7 strains.

WTFF? how did 8 strains come from 1 bat?
that mean we need to pray for 8 different vaccines?
did dis dude just did dis?
Friend of mine (who is immunocompromised) posted this on her Facebook this morning. Real interesting data here, and very insightful:

Also, the homie got tested today. Said it was incredibly organized, and upon leaving, they gave him a new set of gloves and mask.
Anybody got that link to the site where u change your address
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