Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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So for people already on unemployment before this stimulus bill was passed, do they still get an increase of $600 to their unemployment benefits a week?
wow, so they are seeing a decline? Yikes. Scary.

Sure doesn't feel like they are seeing a decline. I thought i did a couple of days ago and then John Hopkins updated the numbers and was stunned at the increase
I’ve been using this

JHU sort of changes up their formatting on their website. They no longer list The recovered, or show chinas numbers compared to everyone else.

For Italy

new cases per day peaked 3/21 at 6557. Then it was 5560/4789/5249, and then today 5210

Daily deaths follow the same trend. 793 on 3/21. Two days of drops (651/601) Then 743 yesterday. Today 683 deaths.

NYC morgues near capacity, DHS briefing warns
Officials were told that morgues in the city are expected to reach capacity next week, per the briefing.
NY has had just 200 plus deaths. Don’t they average that daily pretty much? What am I missing here?
I'm absolutely in the same belief with suspending consumer debt immediately for a good period of time.

A little clarification I got from CNN:

Protections against foreclosures and evictions
The bill includes housing protections against foreclosures on mortgages and evictions for renters.
The bill states that anyone facing a financial hardship from coronavirus shall be given a forbearance on a federally backed mortgage loan of up to 60 days, which can be extended for four periods of 30 days each. The legislation says that servicers of federally backed mortgage loans may not begin the foreclosure process for 60 days from March 18.

The bill also does not allow fees, penalties or additional interest to be charged as a result of delayed payments. It includes similar protections for those with multifamily federal mortgage loans, allowing them to receive a 30-day forbearance and up to two 30-day extensions.

Those with federally backed mortgage loans who have tenants would also not be allowed to evict tenants solely for failure to pay rent for a 120-day period, and they may not charge fees or penalties to tenants for failing to pay rent.
This whole no eviction thing is so irrelevant. I hate that they keep promoting that part. Great, my landlord can’t file to evict me if I don’t pay next month. Doesn’t mean I still don’t owe him that money. Like how would I make up two months rent when things get going again. If u have a mortgage you can just back end that payment and extend the loan. Big deal. Renters are f***ed all around in this.
New Oxford study suggests millions of people may have already built up coronavirus immunity

A model predicting the progression of the novel coronavirus pandemic produced by researchers at Imperial College London set off alarms across the world and was a major factor in several governments' decisions to lock things down. But a new model from Oxford University is challenging its accuracy, the Financial Times reports.

The Oxford research suggests the pandemic is in a later stage than previously thought and estimates the virus has already infected at least millions of people worldwide. In the United Kingdom, which the study focuses on, half the population would have already been infected. If accurate, that would mean transmission began around mid-January and the vast majority of cases presented mild or no symptoms.
This whole no eviction thing is so irrelevant. I hate that they keep promoting that part. Great, my landlord can’t file to evict me if I don’t pay next month. Doesn’t mean I still don’t owe him that money. Like how would I make up two months rent when things get going again. If u have a mortgage you can just back end that payment and extend the loan. Big deal. Renters are f***ed all around in this.
THat Part
Parents on social media wylin right now that school closures been extended

Teachers too. You can't believe the number of teachers at my kids' school who seriously thought it would just be 2 weeks. They were asking students not to bother uploading their work because they could just turn it in when school resumes in 2 weeks.

New Oxford study suggests millions of people may have already built up coronavirus immunity

A model predicting the progression of the novel coronavirus pandemic produced by researchers at Imperial College London set off alarms across the world and was a major factor in several governments' decisions to lock things down. But a new model from Oxford University is challenging its accuracy, the Financial Times reports.

The Oxford research suggests the pandemic is in a later stage than previously thought and estimates the virus has already infected at least millions of people worldwide. In the United Kingdom, which the study focuses on, half the population would have already been infected. If accurate, that would mean transmission began around mid-January and the vast majority of cases presented mild or no symptoms.

We won't know for sure until an antibody test becomes available, but if we are really "in a later stage than previously thought," why are ICU beds (as well as morgues) just now starting to fill up?
They should start pumping out the test for people who have antibodies (they've been exposed, their body fought it off and now have immunity). Start mass testing, send people with antibodies back to work. I think this is good compromise

A little clarification I got from CNN:

Protections against foreclosures and evictions
The bill includes housing protections against foreclosures on mortgages and evictions for renters.
The bill states that anyone facing a financial hardship from coronavirus shall be given a forbearance on a federally backed mortgage loan of up to 60 days, which can be extended for four periods of 30 days each. The legislation says that servicers of federally backed mortgage loans may not begin the foreclosure process for 60 days from March 18.

The bill also does not allow fees, penalties or additional interest to be charged as a result of delayed payments. It includes similar protections for those with multifamily federal mortgage loans, allowing them to receive a 30-day forbearance and up to two 30-day extensions.

Those with federally backed mortgage loans who have tenants would also not be allowed to evict tenants solely for failure to pay rent for a 120-day period, and they may not charge fees or penalties to tenants for failing to pay rent.

forbearance is offered already for financial hardship.. Basically interest continues to accrue on your loan and gets added to your balance after. If they suspend the interest from accruing, that's another story.. but sounds like they're doing nothing but adding longer forebearance periods
Teachers too. You can't believe the number of teachers at my kids' school who seriously thought it would just be 2 weeks. They were asking students not to bother uploading their work because they could just turn it in when school resumes in 2 weeks.

We won't know for sure until an antibody test becomes available, but if we are really "in a later stage than previously thought," why are ICU beds (as well as morgues) just now starting to fill up?
More people are being tested and admitted
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