Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Very interested to see how Trump is gonna open up the economy if NY and CA are still on lockdown. Not to mention the other states that have order stay homes.
I’m watching Tiger King right now lol hit them with the Joe exotic :rofl:
Very interested to see how Trump is gonna open up the economy if NY and CA are still on lockdown. Not to mention the other states that have order stay homes.
There was a post in the politics thread that made sense. He’ll probably use that opportunity to blame CA and NY for the economic collapse. Trump only cares about himself.
Whats yall lockdowns look like? Same as ours basically (NYC)?
“We want to see folks staying at home, only doing the things are essential,” Caldwell said.
Under the order, essential activities are broadly defined to include:
  • Those required for health and safety;
  • Those needed to get necessary services and supplies, including groceries;
  • Outdoor activities “as permitted by law”;
  • Work performed to provide essential products and services;
  • and caring for a family member or pet.
Open spaces are essential to health and well being. But all these state and city parks are closing.

in my city, we have rivers, Lakes, and trails closing. No longer can one hunt or fish for their dinner. Why are they closing off the one caveman nomadic trait that has lasted thousands of years?
Trump really out here doing his best Thanos impersonation. Could give damn if tons die for resource-related purposes. Well I'll be damned...
Very interested to see how Trump is gonna open up the economy if NY and CA are still on lockdown. Not to mention the other states that have order stay homes.
If states remain closed and economy gets worse he can blame them

if things get better he takes the credit

he can make it look like he won to his base

As long as Fox News is on the air....
I’m seeing premium for $2.99 In San Diego. That’s pre Katrina prices and I probably won’t fill up for a month so it doesn’t even matter.
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