Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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@rooster they got your spam at the Walmart on touhy next to the Jollibee's. They're stocked up on tp also.

As much as I love spam, the only thing better are those corned beefs up top sliced, dipped in egg, and then fried. Served with garlic rice and you're in heaven. You're welcome!

As someone who has crisscrossed the country close to a dozen times and just been riding next to these people for hours on end, my mind wanders on desolate highways and I always get to thinking about truck drivers being the life force of our society.

Like someone else said in here way back, don't ever judge another man or women's job, whether it range from a grocery stocker, healthcare worker, gas station attendant, bank teller, etc. These are the folks that need to be remembered and acknowledged.

This was obvious from the start when they were wearing hazmat suits in china

also the cruise ships and the apartment in hk that spread it through the vents

but they been pushing that droplet bs so people don’t panic

and saying masks don’t do anything

WHO BEEN lying
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I am a delivery driver for Ferguson, we deliver facilities supplies so were considered essential. One driver (buddy of mine) Called out because he’s running a fever, I asked my boss will they make him Quarantine or get tested and he said no. He said he could just have a cold if he breaks a fever and feels better he can come in. Seems kinda foolish to me considering we deliver to senior living centers and stuff.
We had a guy with flu like symptoms when this first kicked off. They made him stay home for 2 weeks and the guy he used his tractor. So far a lot of our customers still open so we’re up n going but if everything shuts down we could be laying off people...l
Some old man just stared me down for wearing a bandana and gloves to the pet store. So I put my bandana down started fake coughing and walking towards him. Needless to say his judgement quickly receded....god, get me out of Florida 😂
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Might actually get some gloves for going out and about. Too many people touch things like credit card terminals, and not sure they clean those.
Thought about that, but decided against it for now. I thought, it'd just open up new risks and problems. Not sure though.
I’m glad I’m in a spaced out city like LA and not in downtown areas. Everyone in my neighborhood keeping safe distance. People at stores pace out well at the grocery. Everyone is polite.

Crowded cities like NY and SF, oh man f that
I’m glad I’m in a spaced out city like LA and not in downtown areas. Everyone in my neighborhood keeping safe distance. People at stores pace out well at the grocery. Everyone is polite.

Crowded cities like NY and SF, oh man f that
SF has done a really good job with social distancing.

Now the cities outside of SF? Yeah, that's another discussion.
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