Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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In the event if there are more than one adult in a house, say two, I wonder if both get payment or if it’s just one payment per household
so looks like this is all under intense discussion currently, with many different proposals and ongoing negotiations.

I wonder if harmonica sales are up lol. Now's the time for ppl to start learning hobby's they always wanted to learn. If you were ever interested in learning to play the drums, you can buy sticks and a practice pad & learn to play rudiments. Or buy a cheap guitar and learn to play chords.
I wonder if harmonica sales are up lol. Now's the time for ppl to start learning hobby's they always wanted to learn. If you were ever interested in learning to play the drums, you can buy sticks and a practice pad & learn to play rudiments. Or buy a cheap guitar and learn to play chords.
if you live in an apartment, please DO NOT do this.
I wonder if harmonica sales are up lol. Now's the time for ppl to start learning hobby's they always wanted to learn. If you were ever interested in learning to play the drums, you can buy sticks and a practice pad & learn to play rudiments. Or buy a cheap guitar and learn to play chords.


A lot of amazing things in history have come from people being forced to sit down and cool out while said plague/etc hopefully passed through/on

Get to it, my brethren

people still want to order stuff online ?

i knew this was going to happen with shipping

"What’s more, research suggests that the virus can live on cardboard for 24 hours, so there’s a possibility that packages sick employees send may be contagious. "

guys give online shopping a rest
Had no idea there was a warehouse here in Queens. Those sneaky bastards.
I hate to say it because it sounds as if their lives aren't valuable but wallyhopp wallyhopp is right. We really can't stay boarded up for however long this takes or else we'll be past saving. I think after a 2 month period we gotta get back to functioning like normal, while practicing new standards (gloves, masks) or whatever you're able to do.
I wonder if harmonica sales are up lol. Now's the time for ppl to start learning hobby's they always wanted to learn. If you were ever interested in learning to play the drums, you can buy sticks and a practice pad & learn to play rudiments. Or buy a cheap guitar and learn to play chords.

That Facebook Kazoo group must be getting more members by the day:lol:
Last time I got a flu shot I got the flu and it was the worst experience of my life. Haven't gotten a shot since and haven't gotten the flu. That was over 10 years ago. You seem like a jackass and have no idea what you're talking about. And patient zero was in Seattle not new York. You can't even get your facts straight and yet you feel entitled to look down on someone else. Stupid.
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I hate to say it because it sounds as if their lives aren't valuable but wallyhopp wallyhopp is right. We really can't stay boarded up for however long this takes or else we'll be past saving. I think after a 2 month period we gotta get back to functioning like normal, while practicing new standards (gloves, masks) or whatever you're able to do.

Because a general thought of mine has always been once we slow down the spread as a nation... then what? I mean this virus isn't just going to fall off the face of the planet and if it is as contagious as is it being stated to be it will just as easily spread like wildfire all over again.

These shutdowns are merely city, county, state and federal officials buying themselves time until healthcare professionals get a beat on this virus by finding treatment solutions, adequate care facilities and possibly a vaccine. Because let's be honest with ourselves, this virus will never completely be eradicated, however, mitigating losses is definitely an attainable goal.
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