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CNBC: Reddit channel posts stories of anti-vaxxers dying of Covid, scaring fence-sitters into getting the shot

Reddit user Rockets9495 of Houston is a medical doctor who works in an emergency room. He uses r/HermanCainAward for anecdotes that he can share with nurses, technicians and patients who may be on the fence.

He said that scientific evidence hasn't been effective for him in trying to convince people about the safety of the vaccines.

"But this seemingly weaker evidence — word of mouth, anecdotal 'All these people are dying' — seems to hit people way harder," the doctor said

r/HCA doing the heavy lifting 🤣
A lot of those Reddit post read as if they were parodies. You have to really stop and remind yourself they aren't.

I just wonder what are the conclusions these people reach when their prayers don't work. Did God let them die because he's tired of being represented by morons?
He said that scientific evidence hasn't been effective for him in trying to convince people about the safety of the vaccines.

"But this seemingly weaker evidence — word of mouth, anecdotal 'All these people are dying' — seems to hit people way harder," the doctor said
Well that is sad. Also means they need to stop using "doing my own research"
Damn just spent 45 minutes going through that Reddit. Wild time we are living in. The posts at the end of each story looking for sympathy is crazy. I feel like I need to see the sequel to each story. I know some of them are still gonna be dumb no matter what has happened to them.
Damn can't say I find any joy in these folks succumbing to it (anymore) but reading through some of those they start off as such immense aholes I started yearning for the last slide.
Apparently a bunch of fat white dudes planned on voting Candace Owens for president after they successfully stopped Biden from inoculating them with Satan's serum. Some of them won't get that chance now. So sad 😭

No really, some of this is comedy gold. Especially the dudes calling themselves Spartans when it looks like they'd need an ambulance if they had to run more than 20 yards.
Racist FB posts -> crappy anti vax memes -> anti lib jokes/memes -> freedom/sheep jokes/memes -> not feeling too good -> covid pneumonia diagnosis -> hospitalized -> ventilator -> PrAyEr WaRRiOrS -> “heaven gained another angel” -> gofundme

like clockwork

You summed it up perfectly. I never thought I would be as indifferent as I am toward stupid ****** people dying. But these clowns deserve no sympathy. They’re loud, rude, dismissive, and disrespectful the entire time. But people are supposed to feel bad for them if/when they get sick and die. Na I think I’ll pass and reserve my sympathy for people who actually deserve it instead of these selfish clowns.

Really pisses me off when they have young children. You want to own the Libs that bad to where you’ll intentionally put not just your life, but your kids lives at risk just to be defiant for the sake of being defiant. No logical reasoning behind it. Just being contrarian without a cause. Now their kids lost a parent over something totally avoidable. Well maybe it’s addition by subtraction for the kids in not having a terrible role model around them anymore. But the stupidity is mind blowing.

she has been sedated for about 4 days. They've given her all types of medication including fentanyl and ketamine. My wife got a call at 2:45 this morning from a nurse. I guess they are needing next of kin consent for the next set of "treatments". My mother in laws boyfriend has been handling everything up to this point. I thought for sure they were going to ask her to pull the plug. My wife did go up there before they sedated her to make amends about a week ago. We both thought that was going to be the last of it until she passed. Now it seems like if it comes to the point of pulling the plug my wife is going to be the one to have to make that decision. Mind you before all this jumped off we haven't spoken to her for 3 years. Now all of a sudden my wife has to make a life or death decision for her mom...

My wife got the call last Sunday (10/10). She finally passed away. She didn't have any medical or life insurance so we are coming out of pocket for the funeral. Got some of her other kids coming down so that would be nice for my wife to see her brother and sister. We paid for a trip to Las Vegas way back in May for last weekend. Horrible timing but it was a great getaway for my wife. She seems to be in better spirits but we'll see how she does at the funeral this weekend.
Wait for all the people to say he was vaxxed but died vaccine don’t work comments we don’t trust it

My father in law has already said that that won’t help the vaccination rate of minorities - but the fact that he was immunocompromised and 84 is hugely more significant than the color of his skin.
Maybe some people are really unaware of how vulnerable the immunocompromised are, vaccinated or not that's why they're so reckless.

Unaware and unconcerned. I have a co-worker who is immunocompromised after a kidney transplant and I honestly don't even think he truly understands how vulnerable he is. I've tried talking him into getting a booster for a while now and he's just like, "yeah, whatever"
*sigh* Whoever skip school today for this stupid reason should all get unexcused absence, even for the school staffs.

My manager is back from his covid, but still working remote. It seems it took him out about a week. He is one of those break-though cases. He said it's like a very bad flu and caused him hard to breath. He believes if it wasn't because of the vaccine, it could get worse.
*sigh* Whoever skip school today for this stupid reason should all get unexcused absence, even for the school staffs.

My manager is back from his covid, but still working remote. It seems it took him out about a week. He is one of those break-though cases. He said it's like a very bad flu and caused him hard to breath. He believes if it wasn't because of the vaccine, it could get worse.

middle aged overweight karen moms (that's pretty much the profile of what I saw on TV) in the dozens picketing outside the LAUSD district office while their kids are at home playing minecraft. that'll show em!
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