Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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*record scratch*

*freeze frame*

"Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation"
Still no official word on boosters, but inside scoop says the first groups to be officially approved for boosters will be elderly and immune compromised (especially solid organ transplants in whom vaccines have shown less immune response). It will initially just be a 3rd dose of the same OG vaccine. I've heard that boosters have already quietly been administered to some solid organ transplants who have shown limited to no immune response, but this has been specifically directed by their physicians AFAIK. I've been trying to persuade one of my co-workers who received a kidney transplant to discuss the possibility with his doctors. He seems to think I'm just being paranoid so far though.
As I was saying…

No better illustration of the moral bankruptcy of capitalism.

I suppose it's ok to tolerate third-world politician behavior when it wears a suit instead of a military uniform or colorful clothing.

They are so shockingly transparent. What this says about their supporters speaks volumes. I recall watching one of the big congressional testimonies a few years ago (back when I still had some hope for accountability) and being absolutely blown away by this congressman from Louisiana by the name of Clay Higgins. He could barely string a sentence together. Literally. The most charitable thing you could say about him was that he was very drunk. His background - former crooked cop. Recent immigrants taking ESL classes are better able to express themselves. Despite all of the gerrymandering and disenfranchisement, the fact that there are more than a handful of people that vote for this trash really does speak volumes.
2 things:
How are they realistically tracking the ongoing health status of all people who attended Lollapalooza?
Anyone who tests positive in the first few days of a new school year was most likely infected prior to starting school. However, they certainly exposed countless others on campus. Regular testing for all students and staff HAS TO be part of any successful school reopening plan.

including one who “was on the road to getting vaccinated” but wasn’t yet cleared by her doctor to get the shot. She “was really looking forward to getting it in the next couple weeks,” the union president said.



I hate Desantis as much as the next man, but...
The union's president, Anna Fusco, said at least three of the four were unvaccinated, per NBC Miami. All four were on summer break when they caught the virus and died just as the school year was about to begin, she added.
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