Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I meant to post this on Thursday but it’s been a crazy week.

I felt safe before vaccination.
I felt safer after.

After seeing this, I’m now just confused.....

If anything, I feel that the "outbreak" the Yankees are having is a win for vaccines because no one has gotten critically ill
I think it makes things look shady.
According to that article the J&J vaccine works at a 70% rate. I’m actually going to quote them so there is no chance I’m giving a translation of facts....

“The CDC had previously warned that no vaccine is 100 percent foolproof and that “a small percentage of people who are fully vaccinated will still get covid-19 if they are exposed to the virus that causes it.” Such people are deemed “breakthrough” cases, and the Yankees are now the first professional sports team to have an outbreak of them.........According to the Yankees, all of the infected team members had been inoculated with the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which was found to be 72 percent effective at preventing moderate to severe covid-19 and 74 percent effective at preventing asymptomatic infection. Other vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna, which require two doses, have been found to be more effective by the CDC at halting the disease.”
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Now, I’m no Math major but if it’s 72% effective, wouldn’t it be IMPOSSIBLE for 8 players on the same team who were vaccinated with J&J to catch it after being vaccinated? In simple laymen’s numbers Yankees have an active Roster of 25-40 players that are in the same close quarter range on a daily, include Managers, Coaches, Trainers, Doctors, Chefs and other team Employees and that number skyrockets BUT.....EIGHT contracting COVID shortly after a vaccine to prevent the spread, just isn’t computing for me. Thank you Gods that I remain COVID FREE.
it’s a win because no one is on a ventilator and those who had symptoms only had mild symptoms

it’s cool if you don’t want the vaccine or are skeptical of them, but to use a small sample size as evidence of vaccines not working is dishonest
In Myrtle Beach for a few days and the scene is complete opposite of jersey. Even stores with signs saying “masks required” aren’t enforcing it.

For the first time in over a year I’ve been inside a public building without a mask and it’s…strange and not strange at the same time. After a little bit, you just feel normal again. The few wearing masks look like the weird ones. Back home, you don’t wear a mask somewhere you stick out like a sore thumb. Did go bowling tonight and shared a lane with strangers. That was a little too close for comfort but I made do.

The country is reopening. There will always be a non-zero risk you catch covid. Trust your vaccine and move on with life. It’s happening. Might as well get used to it now is my POV.

I’m also fully vaccinated as are everyone in my immediate family/household and my girl’s family/household so know that I feel good.
it’s a win because no one is on a ventilator and those who had symptoms only had mild symptoms

it’s cool if you don’t want the vaccine or are skeptical of them, but to use a small sample size as evidence of vaccines not working is dishonest
I got the same vaccine.
Just wondering what your reasoning for calling it a win, was.
Fine answer.
Good reasoning for calling it a W.
I’m not using this small sample to say it doesn’t work, I’m saying this one instance of 8players on the same team getting the virus after vaccination to express how confused I now am IF, it’s 72% effective.
I would expect somebody from that or any team could contract it even after the vaccine but an outbreak like that, doesn’t compute.
I got the same vaccine.
Just wondering what your reasoning for calling it a win, was.
Fine answer.
Good reasoning for calling it a W.
I’m not using this small sample to say it doesn’t work, I’m saying this one instance of 8players on the same team getting the virus after vaccination to express how confused I now am IF, it’s 72% effective.
I would expect somebody from that or any team could contract it even after the vaccine but an outbreak like that, doesn’t compute.
The efficacy was determined under trial circumstances in the general population who were likely distancing and taking regular precautions. I would imagine players on a professional sports team are not distancing or wearing masks. They share indoor facilities where they hold meetings, travel in close contact, shower communally where the viral particles are aerosolized, etc. Opportunities for viral spread are certainly higher than normal under these circumstances, so a large outbreak is not entirely unexpected, IMO.
why did the Yankees take the less effective j&j?

maybe it proves, the other two are superior ?
There is no doubt in my mind that the mRNA vaccines are superior. The only “advantage” J&J has is that it’s a single dose, which I’ve been skeptical about from the start. Apparently it allows you to get the actual virus as your booster dose… sweet.

Also tested positive after J&J…
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I could see many organizations going this route so as to not seem like they are hogging or taking vaccines from other parties. You don’t hear of these outbreaks with the other vaccines. As a billion dollar organization, they went with the budget vaccine. I guess a part of me applauds that.
I could see many organizations going this route so as to not seem like they are hogging or taking vaccines from other parties. You don’t hear of these outbreaks with the other vaccines. As a billion dollar organization, they went with the budget vaccine. I guess a part of me applauds that.

most baseball teams went with the J&J as it’s easier to administer since it’s a single dose. Players aren’t required to follow Covid protocols once they are vaccinated. Single dose makes it easier for travel and practice without masks and such faster.
assuming this thing is closer to the end than the beginning, I feel like we can start to look back.

I will admit in front of y´all I am obsessed with this point in history, and I am finally able to articulate why.

ask anybody that knows me, I have been asking anyone who would listen for YEARS what humanity´s collective response would be to something like an alien invasion...go ahead and take 5 as you realize we are finding that out even as you read this sentence.

lucky us.

...answer is we are fully ******.

zero chance of coordinating on a Big Problem: megaquake, supervolcano, Internet outage, meteor = game over.

The Covid pandemic was a preventable disaster that need not have cost millions of lives if the world had reacted more quickly, according to an independent high-level panel, which castigates global leaders and calls for major changes to bring it to an end and ensure it cannot happen again.

The report of the panel, chaired by the former New Zealand prime minister Helen Clark and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, a former president of Liberia, found “weak links at every point in the chain”.
It said preparation was inconsistent and underfunded, the alert system too slow and too meek, while the World Health Organization was underpowered. It concluded the response had exacerbated inequalities. “Global political leadership was absent,” the report said.

Clark described February 2020 as “a month of lost opportunity to avert a pandemic, as so many countries chose to wait and see”.

“For some, it wasn’t until hospital ICU beds began to fill that more action was taken,” she said. “And by then it was too late to avert the pandemic impact. What followed then was a winner takes all scramble for PPE and therapeutics. Globally, health workers were tested to their limits and the rates of infection, illness and death soared and continue to soar.”

8 weeks, it would have taken. 8 weeks to beat this thing. e i g h t. couple months, tops.

guess I'm pretty content with my life all things considered but I legit feel like part of me died in this pandemic.
Y ah they definitely require all the documentation the first time you get a REAL ID. I had one previously so they might have had my stuff on file and not required it to get a new one. The only reason I needed to do it in person was for a new picture. And even in person they only gave me a printout. My new physical ID won’t be here for another week or so :stoneface:
the real id is a separate one from your drivers license?
Idk if this was just me but I didn’t have to show anything for either of my shots at CVS. I pre-filled out the information and when I got there to check in they just asked my name and pointed me to the vaccination area adjacent to the pharmacy. Is this normal?

Semi-related aide note but I went to renew/get a new license yesterday (without my old one on hand) and they just asked for my social but not my birth certificate, social security card or any of the proof of address documents. COVID got institutions real relaxed :lol:
Even if the pharmacy doesn’t have your billing info there’s special billing code to have the government pay for it.
I dont get it, its been said 1,000 times the vaccine doesnt prevent you from getting the virus, it prevents you from getting hit hard. Everytime I see an article like this I scratch my head.
I haven’t seen any specific data on J&J, but Pfizer (and likely Moderna due to similarity) provides protection from infection (asymptomatic or otherwise) approximately 90% based on multiple studies.
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