Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Even if it's hacked and posted online, Im not gonna get "after-market" vaccine from some craiglist or "under-ground" pharmacy.

when all you have to do is register for it for FREE! :ohwell:
My pops tested positive yesterday. The rest of us tested positive today.

I'm a little nervous since I'm not a small guy weight wise but the most I've felt was some scratchiness in my chest like I had allergies or a slight cold. I'm not too sure how long I've had it but I'm pretty sure my Pops caught it about two weeks ago and then brought it home.

i hope you and your family are ok and feel better
My hospital just announced they're opening visitation back up starting tomorrow.

Lord give me the strength in getting re-acclimated to this. I've had a solid year+ of not having to deal with belligerent and hostile family members and I don't think I'll be able to exercise the professionalism and restraint I once had.

i hope you and your family are ok and feel better
Appreciate that. My dad has only had flu like symptoms. My younger siblings have a cough at best. My mother has the chills but thats it. Realistically speaking we've had to have had it for some time so hopefully this is the worst of it.
Haven't gotten tested but I'm sure I have it.
Today was the only time I got very concerned bc I started feeling lightheaded, then I realized that I haven't eaten much since Tuesday. Got some soup and electrolyte fluid in my system and now I'm feeling like I was yesterday: mild body aches, decreased smell/taste.
People that lost smell/taste, was it completely gone or just weaker than normal?
Mine is weaker than normal. I'm hoping it's just a sinus infection or something like that.
Completely gone for like 3 weeks and it took almost 2 months from first losing both to come back. Cola sodas have a weird aftertaste to me now that wasn’t there before covid.

Losing both senses and being fatigued all the time were the main symptoms I dealt with during the time I had it.
Checking for appointments every few hours is making me agitated. I should just check again in June because i’m starting to not care.
Coworker was telling me about the hell of a time he and his wife were having securing appointments for themselves and their family.

I feel very lucky due to the fact that when I first attempted to set up an appointment, the second wen search I did helped me set up the appointment for me and the wife. Just had to go to my county's website page. In comparison to my coworker who was talking about checking the walgreens site every hour starting at 6 a.m. on weekends searching for appointments. Crazy stuff man.
Lots of good news and a little bit of bad news for the day.

1) Pfizer vaccine effective against South Africa variant. We already know it's good against the UK variant. Open question is still the Brazil variant. But we've definitely overreacted to the variants (but see #5).

2) USA is now up to 100 million people with at least one dose of the vaccine. That's a lot of people. Still, 230 million are completely unvaccinated and the virus can spread amongst them easily. That hasn't changed.

3) First published data on the vaccine in people who previously were infected with covid-19. They get lots of antibodies to the first dose of the mRNA vaccine but also more side effects. Those who felt more sick with the first dose likely had prior covid.

4) Rapid home antigen tests are now finally approved. It's about $10 for one test. Still too pricey for daily use, but it's close. This would be great for a weekend visit to your grandparents' house, but if everybody is already vaccinated then you don't really need the tests anyway.

5) The surge continues in Michigan.





3) First published data on the vaccine in people who previously were infected with covid-19. They get lots of antibodies to the first dose of the mRNA vaccine but also more side effects. Those who felt more sick with the first dose likely had prior covid.

this is for moderna only? or both pfizer and moderna?
Both him and my mother had their first shot last week. My Uncle got his first shot too but he also tested positive. Pretty sure him and my dad got it during an impromptu b-day get together at my uncle's.

I haven't gotten vaccinated yet. I'm just gonna drink water and tea and pop vitamins as suggested to me by the doctor for the next two weeks. I should be good.
Lots of good news and a little bit of bad news for the day.

1) Pfizer vaccine effective against South Africa variant. We already know it's good against the UK variant. Open question is still the Brazil variant. But we've definitely overreacted to the variants (but see #5).

2) USA is now up to 100 million people with at least one dose of the vaccine. That's a lot of people. Still, 230 million are completely unvaccinated and the virus can spread amongst them easily. That hasn't changed.

3) First published data on the vaccine in people who previously were infected with covid-19. They get lots of antibodies to the first dose of the mRNA vaccine but also more side effects. Those who felt more sick with the first dose likely had prior covid.

4) Rapid home antigen tests are now finally approved. It's about $10 for one test. Still too pricey for daily use, but it's close. This would be great for a weekend visit to your grandparents' house, but if everybody is already vaccinated then you don't really need the tests anyway.

5) The surge continues in Michigan.






Wishing you and the fam a speedy recovery. Can it be that they previuosly had covid and theis first shot just activated a big immune response like the data shown here by whywesteppin whywesteppin says?

What else is known about people who get a first or second dose and then go on to contract Covid?
one more interesting bit of news.... a lot of people presumed that suicides would spike because of covid-19 and lockdowns.

this data is tricky but it looks like, if anything, suicides actually went down. add one more item to the long ******* annoying list of things that covidiots have been wrong about (masks, fatality rate, how fast it would spread, efficacy of vaccines, ivermectin, hcq, etc etc etc). this is tangential, but remember that period in history where covidiots kept ranting about how masks deprived them of oxygen?


Wishing you and the fam a speedy recovery. Can it be that they previuosly had covid and theis first shot just activated a big immune response like the data shown here by whywesteppin whywesteppin says?

What else is known about people who get a first or second dose and then go on to contract Covid?
That could be possible. But I think he said they tested positive for the virus, which wouldn't happen from just the vaccine.

If it's been 2-3 weeks since your dose when you get exposed, your chance of getting covid is very low and your chance of becoming seriously ill is very very low.

But if you've been exposed in the first week or two, it seems like the benefit of the vaccine is still minimal Also, different people may respond faster or slower to the vaccine, so one person may be protected by day 10 while somebody else may need 20 days. It gets tricky to say exactly what the timeline is because the studies look at when you test positive for covid-19, but it's possible you were exposed a full week before then. (I spent some time looking up this data because I was trying to time a visit and wanted to know when's the earliest the vaccine would confer protection...)
Yea the two people I know who previously had covid felt sick as a dog after just taking the one dose of Moderna.
That's how my dad was. He just got his 2nd shot yesterday and felt like **** all night and today when I talked to him earlier. He felt horrible after 1st dose as well. He had covid last March. I just had covid in Feb. Still wanna get the shot, just trying to plan it out so I'm off work the day after just in case
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