Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Cough on me, bro, and I can tell you in 7-10 days if you have corona.

(Sounds like it's just allergies but it's good to get tested, especially now that testing are plentiful.)

tbh knowing it’s a lib hoax has me feeling it’s going to be positive no matter what.

it’s all a deep state tactic to get us relying on the government.

Welp Texas is back like everything is normal. Just in time for spring break :sick:

We just. need to be strict another month or two, like literally just a few weeks, and we should be largely in the clear in spring. But sounds like some states really want a final late winter surge.
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Welp Texas is back like everything is normal. Just in time for spring break :sick:

Why is this idiot doing this when its getting better. Just give it like 2-3 more months and we should be much better and numbers drop drastically. I like Texas/Houston but man Abbott is a straight fool for how he handles pandemic/storm
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Goof *** lil boy

**** living in this state sometimes..........absolutely ****ing hell

At least Houston's got some intelligent Democrats "trying". Hidalgo and Turner been doing the best they can, amid global pandemic and historic freeze all in under a year. Just been hampered by Texas law and fleeing Republicans (looking at you Fled Cruz) mostly.
texas really showing they *** this year smfh
we just started really getting this under control at the hospital

On top of that many are still displaced from the storm, staying with others etc. Shouldn't that be of concern? I mean the more the people in one spot the higher chances of spreading... Love the Texas slander most of it is on point, but leave Houston out of it LOL. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a state within a state.
just received this from my son's school...

"This afternoon, Governor Abbott issued Executive Order GA-34 rescinding the statewide mask mandate and opening Texas businesses to 100% capacity effective next Wednesday, March 10, 2021. Klein ISD is currently reviewing the Executive Order and seeking guidance from the Texas Education Agency (TEA). As we have done so successfully all school year, Klein ISD will continue to follow current TEA health and safety guidance. All safety protocols will remain in effect until further clarification is obtained. Klein ISD thanks our school community for your continued patience and understanding."

just leaving the schools out to dry...
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