Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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With all due respect to anyone who feels differently, there isn't a chance in bloody hell people stay in their house when warmer weather hits. Whoever the hell is pushing whatever agenda has about 2-3 months tops.

The powers that be can pump all the nonsense they want, but people arent doing more than a year of this nonsense. I talked to a friend this morning who is waiting for their mother to die from COVID. I am not suggesting that this is fake or a conspiracy. I am simply saying that people are ok with taking more risks after experiencing lockdown for a year.

I cannot believe how ridiculous the coverage has been. The media has either ignored the data for the last few months or is simply ignorant. I understand they had an agenda leading up until November, but there is no reason to push these draconian stories any longer.
With all due respect to anyone who feels differently, there isn't a chance in bloody hell people stay in their house when warmer weather hits. Whoever the hell is pushing whatever agenda has about 2-3 months tops.

The powers that be can pump all the nonsense they want, but people arent doing more than a year of this nonsense. I talked to a friend this morning who is waiting for their mother to die from COVID. I am not suggesting that this is fake or a conspiracy. I am simply saying that people are ok with taking more risks after experiencing lockdown for a year.

I cannot believe how ridiculous the coverage has been. The media has either ignored the data for the last few months or is simply ignorant. I understand they had an agenda leading up until November, but there is no reason to push these draconian stories any longer.
yeah we should just stick to the facts and stop trying to sensationalize every bit of negative news. the news is overwhelmingly positive these past few weeks.

even without the benefit of the vaccine and prior infections, summer is not when we have the most spread. I've been saying that we need to use this optimism to push more people to get vaccinated these next couple months. there is no place for the negativity and skepticism at this point. of course this could change in the fall (unlikely) but we'll deal with it when we get there.
I do understand the messaging that we are just barely down to the level of prior peaks, so by no means are we out of the woods and things could turn quickly if reopening happens too fast and the general public ignores common sense mitigation strategies. Pushing a sensationalized doom and gloom message isn’t appropriate, but people do need to realize the threat is still very real. I’m afraid that if numbers continue to drop through spring, there will be too many people who think they don’t “need” a vaccine or bother getting their second dose.
Serious discussion only. How confident and safe do you feel about the vaccine? I'm no anti-vaxer (I'm vaccinated for everything. Polio, tetanus etc, all of them) so don't come at me with that.
But does it ever give you concern this one was rolled out in roughly one year's time and literally nobody will know what the long term repercussions may be, if any?
I'm concerned with the speed the vaccine was produced and rolled out. I work from home and will remain isolated until I'm mentally comfortable. Could be sooner or later but I'm in no rush.
I'm concerned with the speed the vaccine was produced and rolled out. I work from home and will remain isolated until I'm mentally comfortable. Could be sooner or later but I'm in no rush.
Something as simple as not having long-term fertility data. I would like for god to bless me with another child, but dont know if taking the vaccine will have any impact.

I am waiting this thing out as long as I am blessed to have the opportunity to.
Something as simple as not having long-term fertility data. I would like for god to bless me with another child, but dont know if taking the vaccine will have any impact.

I am waiting this thing out as long as I am blessed to have the opportunity to.
If that’s something you’re seriously concerned about, I suggest you look into the evidence that shows the vaccines have no effect on anything related to fertility for men or women. There’s fake Facebook “data” that says otherwise, but there is no scientific basis whatsoever. The actual virus can cause fertility issues though.
If that’s something you’re seriously concerned about, I suggest you look into the evidence that shows the vaccines have no effect on anything related to fertility for men or women. There’s fake Facebook “data” that says otherwise, but there is no scientific basis whatsoever. The actual virus can cause fertility issues though.
Respectfully, you have no idea what you are talking about. I am not quoting a post from Facebook or social media, but rather scientists at these companies whom I have talked to personally. While it is true that there PROBABLY is no impact on fertility, we simply do not know and have yet to produce a definitive study otherwise. There simply has not been enough study on the long-term impacts of these vaccines which is why my wife was told by her physician (and a second opinion) to not get the shot while breastfeeding.

Yes, COVID-19 is said to impact fertility in similar ways to other viruses in the form of typical immuno response. But for the same reason we are unsure of the safety of the vaccine re: fertility, we are unsure of the long-term impact to fertility of the virus. I know nurses who are pregnant who received the shot and I know some who refused it. The point is, the choice I am making based on the information I have is that I am better off remaining in a remote environment until a few of the studies are completed.
Has anyone gotten vaccinated at any of the pharmacy chains? I'm seeing a bunch of CVS, Duane Reade and Rite Aid stores "got them" around here.
Any downsides to getting vaccinated at these places?
Something as simple as not having long-term fertility data. I would like for god to bless me with another child, but dont know if taking the vaccine will have any impact.

I am waiting this thing out as long as I am blessed to have the opportunity to.
I feel you. Ii cant pinpoint any of my concerns other than the fast track path it took to distribution. Not concerned with a 5g chip :lol:
my boy and NT’er arbys2k arbys2k has been out of the hospital and is still recuperating at home. this **** ain’t no joke.

thanks man!

I had it bad (in ICU and almost put on a ventilator bad). It’s been hella tough. Since being discharged about two weeks ago and recovering at home, I’ve gone back to the ER twice due to low oxygen and the other time for high heart rate. It’s no joke!
thanks man!

I had it bad (in ICU and almost put on a ventilator bad). It’s been hella tough. Since being discharged about two weeks ago and recovering at home, I’ve gone back to the ER twice due to low oxygen and the other time for high heart rate. It’s no joke!
Glad you're doing better.

Outta curiosity...what kind of meds did they put you on during discharge? Any blood thinners?
thanks man!

I had it bad (in ICU and almost put on a ventilator bad). It’s been hella tough. Since being discharged about two weeks ago and recovering at home, I’ve gone back to the ER twice due to low oxygen and the other time for high heart rate. It’s no joke!
Wow I can't even imagine how scary that must be.
Welcome back. Wishing you a full, healthy recovery!
Did you have any previous conditions?
Has anyone gotten vaccinated at any of the pharmacy chains? I'm seeing a bunch of CVS, Duane Reade and Rite Aid stores "got them" around here.
Any downsides to getting vaccinated at these places?

I personally haven't, but I saw an elderly couple get vaccinated at the Rite Aid over in Beverly Hills. They got their vaccines in the room behind closed doors, and then were instructed to sit in the waiting area (while maintaining social distancing protocols) for 15 minutes to make sure they don't have any adverse reactions prior to leaving. So at least it seemed like they cared? I'm sure as long as the people in the pharmacy itself aren't ******* *******s, it should be fine.
Couple of my family have had theirs at a local pharmacy - it’s the same stuff and actually administering the vaccine is easy (they let me do it!) so I have no problem with that.

The most complex part of the whole thing is storage requirements - and that’s one of the things pharmacists are essential for.
feels good being positive after a year of negativity and concern. it's not a question of if but when, and when could be as early as April or May.

According to the document, a week after the second dose, the jab was 91.8% effective in preventing individuals from contracting the virus, 96.9% from developing symptoms such as fever and respiratory difficulties, and 95.6%, 96.4% and 94.5% against hospitalization, serious illness and death respectively.

In addition, two weeks after the second shot, the efficacy improved even further: 95.8% against contracting the virus, 98% against developing symptoms such as fever and respiratory difficulties,
and about 99% against hospitalization, serious illness and death – 98.9%, 99.2% and 98.9%.
Very good sign that couple of months ago we were testing almost 100k less and had much higher rates. I don't think this drop in cases has THAT much to do with the number of those vaccinated just yet either.

Should be less than 1% by June at this rate.
Very good sign that couple of months ago we were testing almost 100k less and had much higher rates. I don't think this drop in cases has THAT much to do with the number of those vaccinated just yet either.

Should be less than 1% by June at this rate.
Knowing that flu cases are so minimal this year, who are all these people testing negative? Seasonal allergy sufferers, hypochondriacs, etc? Always wondered about that...
Couple of my family have had theirs at a local pharmacy - it’s the same stuff and actually administering the vaccine is easy (they let me do it!) so I have no problem with that.

The most complex part of the whole thing is storage requirements - and that’s one of the things pharmacists are essential for.

They let you shoot yourself up???? lmao I hate needles in general I think I would have yeet the hell out if they told me to do it myself :lol:
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