Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Good news is the positivity rate was lower today (~11.5% as opposed to 13.5% the past couple days). But 210k cases is a record and hospitalization keep climbing and now the 7-day average deaths and cases have rebounded from the Thanksgiving lull.

Wow. NY is about 3-4 weeks away from a new larger surge. Let’s hope they can contain or stop what seems like the inevitable. Not a single day where it’s been lower. Runaway freight train status.
Have you noticed how many people just in this thread (where you would assume people are following along and care about what’s happening) are saying they don’t want the vaccine because they aren’t sure it’s safe? All health EXPERTS I’ve seen and heard say that if the vaccines are approved under EUA they will take it, but the public still isn’t sure. There is obviously a major disconnect and the hope is that if the public sees that someone they trust is willing to get vaccinated then they might too. This pandemic won’t be over for anyone until it’s over for everyone, so if not enough people take the vaccines then we can’t get past it any time soon.
Then it wont be over anytime soon unfortunately. People like myself are wary need more real world evidence it's safe while there are a lot of people who flat out will never take it. If they wont wear a mask do you think they'll take a vaccine?
Yep this thread and NT in general is a microcosm if society.
political and media mistrust is at an all time high And this isn’t just Antivaxxers And flat earthers. There are Plenty of people like myself that follow science and have been taking every pre-caution possible with this pandemic but are in no rush to get vaccinated.
Politicians getting it on live tv won’t be enough to persuade people. It’s the fact that this is a FIRST. First time a vaccine has been rolled out this fast and first time from my understanding that a vaccine will work directly with our cells/dna.
Another Legit concern is that We don’t fully understand this virus yet so how can we fully understand it’s cure? There’s still no definite answers as to why Covid causes some of the symptoms it does. Will the vaccine protect against organ failure and type 2 diabetes like some serious cases have developed?
That’s just how our society runs. It’s like when a new product comes out. You Have the people that line up to be first to get it and you have the others that wait to see if there are any bugs, hear reviews from others, etc.

I think we've moved past "Mask Up" to "Stay the **** Home."

I wish we would stop selling masks as the main solution. They're the least we can do.

What’s sad is, 5% for New York barely places them top 38 in cases per capita. . It’s great to be proactive but many regions are 20-25% positive per capita. If NY and the Bay Area can’t contain it again at less than 5%, this is nearly true Wild fire spread.
Ny has tried to be proactive for two weeks now with hospitalizations climbing each day.

Other than select big parties and surges, I feel many citizens in These states are listening to mandates. If it wants to surge, it will run. Many governors blame the folks at large. I pray for CA and NY. The inevitable is clear. They’re 2-4 weeks out from being the new surge sites and there’s nothing we can do about it.

It’s looking like Buffalo and Syracuse area are surging the most presently. Is it politically based (no mask trumpers) or maybe weather related with super cold inside conditions present?
Sucks all around
Another Legit concern is that We don’t fully understand this virus yet so how can we fully understand it’s cure?
By definition, vaccines are not cures. They are preventative and are taken before contracting the disease. You basically get infected with a weakened microbe to teach the body how to fight it, which is why many who have taken the vaccine during the trials reported symptoms for a few hours to a couple of days.

This is why people shouldn't wait to catch da rona because at that time, a vaccine won't do **** for them. They'll need a serum.
Ehhh I’m really split on getting the vaccine. Supposedly in less than 2 weeks, I’ll have access to it since I’m a healthcare worker here in NY....but a lot of my coworkers are skeptical and are opting not to take it.
By definition, vaccines are not cures. They are preventative and are taken before contracting the disease. You basically get infected with a weakened microbe to teach the body how to fight it, which is why many who have taken the vaccine during the trials reported symptoms for a few hours to a couple of days.

This is why people shouldn't wait to catch da rona because at that time, a vaccine won't do **** for them. They'll need a serum.
None of the vaccines will be injecting any form of the actual coronavirus in you

Astrozeneca Oxford vaccine is a chimpanzee virus that they altered to express the coronavirus spikes

Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will be injecting Mrna that will teach the body to produce coronavirus spikes (and no other part of the virus)

The point is to teach the body to recognize the coronavirus spikes as foreign and mount a defense that specifically targets the spikes
By definition, vaccines are not cures. They are preventative and are taken before contracting the disease. You basically get infected with a weakened microbe to teach the body how to fight it, which is why many who have taken the vaccine during the trials reported symptoms for a few hours to a couple of days.

This is why people shouldn't wait to catch da rona because at that time, a vaccine won't do **** for them. They'll need a serum.
None of the vaccines will be injecting any form of the actual coronavirus in you

Astrozeneca Oxford vaccine is a chimpanzee virus that they altered to express the coronavirus spikes

Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will be injecting Mrna that will teach the body to produce coronavirus spikes (and no other part of the virus)

The point is to teach the body to recognize the coronavirus spikes as foreign and mount a defense that specifically targets the spikes

Thanks this is what I meant by “the cure”. Poor choice of words on my part.
I can understand how back in April when shutdowns first happened it was an emergency effort due to unforeseen events and no one was prepared for it. Sadly people lost their livelihood as a result because there was no economic plan in place.
But governments have had all summer and fall to Prepare and get their plans and budgets in place for when this second wave was going to hit. They should have had the kinks worked out and had a living wage ready for everyone that was going to be economically devasted by another **** down. There is no excuse for 7 months to have passed by and them still be on Plan A going into this a second time around the exact same way
Not a cure, just teaching the body how to defend against the virus basically. So someone who is vaccinated can still get sick with covid 19.

The idea is once you contract it, that the body will fight it off fast cuz it's prepared.

My question is, let's say a vaccinated person gets covid 19...and their body fights it off fast like it's supposed to...how much of the virus will they shed? Presumably they're less infectious to the ppl around them? I don't think anyone has the answer to this yet.
has anybody heard / read if the Vaccine will be free?

and what's going to happen when majority of the population says they don't want to take it?

were as Americans do we go?
Someone compared the vaccines to any shoe or electronic release. There will be the early adopters, and the rest will fall in line as hype builds, lol
Ehhh I’m really split on getting the vaccine. Supposedly in less than 2 weeks, I’ll have access to it since I’m a healthcare worker here in NY....but a lot of my coworkers are skeptical and are opting not to take it.
Do you know why they're skeptical of it? Is it the speed of which the vaccine came out? Is there something in the research or results that they don't like?
They really expedited the release of the vaccines. Most ppl are just skeptical about how fast they put it together. That's all
Not dissing anyone, but just as technology has been improving quickly in the last couple of decades (e.g. we have computers in our pockets, I was using dial up as a kid :lol:) , science/medicine has also been improving at a rapid rate e.g. genetic editing, chicken pox vaccine (I had to put that stupid pink ointment when I got chickenpox) , polio vaccines, people dying at older age etc..

How is not having a COVID vaccine that is safe and effective not possible given the time frame and resources allocated to it? I would like to think science advancement is used for the greater good of society. But I may be bias :lol:
Most of them say the speed and the unknown long term side effects.
I get that. My mom has the same concern but how long should this have taken? 2 years? I mean with the advancement of tech and the amount of money and resources that is going into this, I was hoping for a turnaround time of a year or so but what do I know about vaccines and research efforts.
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