Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Hey thanks. Well my fever went up to 100.7 and then back down over the course of the early evening. It went away completely at night and I slept well. No fever right now so working from home. Coughing up phlegm still. Nose stopped running. Waiting for test results which my wife suggested I get the test. She’s has been seeing potential COVID patients every week. She’s seen some people not have every symptom too.
Last I heard, loss of smell and taste without nasal congestion was a red flag for covid

But, even if you don't have this, doesn't mean you don't have it.

Good luck with the results
Something I hadn't even considered, but my dad (68 y/o) had to report for jury duty today. I assume the courts are doing what they can to minimize risk, but my understanding of how jury selection works isn't typically conducive to distancing and it's all indoors. Have any of you guys had to report recently?
Question about the Covid Antigen rapid tests, does the test only result in positive for those with existing symptoms? I've been doing some research and this appears to be the case but just asking here to see if someone has more information. As these tests become more readily available it seems people will get too comfortable taking these tests instead of the standard PCR and have a false sense of security if they are asymptomatic and test negative when they still could potentially have the virus. We all saw what happened with the white house event.
Just to follow up, this article came out today and does a great job explaining the different tests and what is being developed or needs to be developed:

The key line:

"But Chen doesn’t expect to see any in-home tests hit the market until 2021."


and some tweets on it:

"ND is reporting far more new cases per capita than any other state has over the course of the pandemic."


At its peak, 40 people per million were dying in New York. North Dakota is at 12 per million and it's still rising steeply.

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"ND is reporting far more new cases per capita than any other state has over the course of the pandemic."


At its peak, 40 people per million were dying in New York. North Dakota is at 12 per million and it's still rising steeply.

Looks like that positivity rate is creeping up. Been looking at the past couple charts you posted when testing was above 1 million and thought it could be attributed to more testing. Actually looked like we were in a better spot than we were over the summer.

At least deaths aren’t approaching prior levels.
Looks like that positivity rate is creeping up. Been looking at the past couple charts you posted when testing was above 1 million and thought it could be attributed to more testing. Actually looked like we were in a better spot than we were over the summer.

At least deaths aren’t approaching prior levels.
yeah the positivity rate is still relatively low compared to the summer surge and it seems the treatment and care has improved a lot, so deaths aren't surging up.

but this also means we're now ok with a slow steady 700 people dying everyday for the foreseeable future.
I’ll be honest last 2 months I have been letting up, hanging with friends more, bars. Restaurants, having people over etc. I live in Chicago, None of us have gotten sick yet but last 2 weeks of my life have been insane.

About 1.5 weeks ago my 63 year old uncle in Cleveland who has sleep apnea & drinks whiskey everydayhas covid. He didn’t get a fever and only symptom he had was cough but is ok now. Nobody else in the home tested positive either.

On October 10th my homie was found dead at 31 yrs old in his house in Akron in his sleep. We heard from him in chat earlier in the week, no mention of being sick. He is fairly healthy, fit guy, with no underlying conditions. Guess he told others on Friday his throat hurt and felt sick, guess past few months he also had a fungus on his foot which potentially went into his stomach & some muscle pain from in his back from lifting. Medical report will take 3 more weeks but does not look like Covid related. This past Saturday we had a celebration for his life so me and the wife flew back, it was good 75 plus of us, my whole crew which is 30 deep together (From all over) Def not safe but emotionally we had to celebrate.

On Sunday 20 of us got together and watched Football. One of the homies who stopped by, passed away in his sleep Monday morning. He was only 26 years old but He has sleep apnea, bit overweight, but Sunday when we saw him & he felt fine. Said earlier in week he was feeling acid reflux’s but felt great Sunday. Won’t know what caused his death for few more weeks

Both my homies death might not even be Covid related but def scary, you legit here 1 second, gone the next.

Me and my wife feel fine but will chill out now for a bit, & if go get tested in few days. Least test turn around time is only 24-48 hours now
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extremely long read about how the White House crapped and kneecapped the CDC by manipulating/deleting data, overruling common sense scientific protocol, installed a bunch of MAGA yes men to oversee communications/bully the actual doctors/scientists at the department, and completely destroyed the credibility of the Centers for Disease Control.

I understand why it has to be done but I’m not spending money to eat on a street. I’d rather just get take out and eat in the comfort of my own home and not having to smell urine or whatever outdoor odors as i eat. Heck, there are times I’ll just drive to park or the beach and eat out of the back of my SUV as i enjoy the views. My son loves it.
I have a bad feeling/theory that at least part of the reason for lower death rates over the past several months is due to higher vitamin D levels with increased summer sun exposure. I guess we’ll see that theory tested soon enough as vitamin D levels naturally drop in winter months. I hope I’m wrong.
Someone mentioned weather cooling down in ND, Sd, wi, and Montana the soonest. It’s not that it can’t thrive there. But I think it was mentioned here. In extreme weather situations (too hot or too cold) people tend to stay indoors more frequently

luckily mask wearing is 200 times easier to do in the cold or cool than when it was 95 degrees out.

Of these these cases, has anyone specifically pinpointed how they caught it? Like I wonder if they touched something and then their face or maybe it was all aerosols and sneezes or coughs. It all started in the nursing homes and that seemed to have stopped. Maybe we’re learning and handling the spread better so deaths aren’t as bad?

Some theories are that masks lower the viral load. So even if you got sick,it didn’t totally infect you. It’s why some are getting sick a second time. It’s like walking by someone who just coughed vs being 3 feet away and getting direct impact. Lots of secondary type of infections in here and not direct spreaders.
Someone mentioned weather cooling down in ND, Sd, wi, and Montana the soonest. It’s not that it can’t thrive there. But I think it was mentioned here. In extreme weather situations (too hot or too cold) people tend to stay indoors more frequently

luckily mask wearing is 200 times easier to do in the cold or cool than when it was 95 degrees out.

Of these these cases, has anyone specifically pinpointed how they caught it? Like I wonder if they touched something and then their face or maybe it was all aerosols and sneezes or coughs. It all started in the nursing homes and that seemed to have stopped. Maybe we’re learning and handling the spread better so deaths aren’t as bad?

Some theories are that masks lower the viral load. So even if you got sick,it didn’t totally infect you. It’s why some are getting sick a second time. It’s like walking by someone who just coughed vs being 3 feet away and getting direct impact. Lots of secondary type of infections in here and not direct spreaders.

it’s starting to get cooler here in SD. (Edit: i just realized you were talking about South Dakota and not San Diego. Lol. My bad)
Mornings have been overcast and foggy some mornings and then the sun will shine. I honestly stopped looking at daily numbers here in SD. I was told there was a spike a couple weeks back and I’m wondering if it’s because people were celebrating downtown cuz the Padres made it to the next round of the playoffs. Lmao. They were celebrating like they won a championship.

Got family and friends who are nurses and doctors and they said to just keep doing what I’m doing. Wash hands, social distance, mask, avoid large crowds, etc...and just be smart. I carry hand sanitizer everywhere to make sure my 6 yr old has clean hands.

At this point, my son has gotten used to the new normal. He always remembers to wear and bring his mask whenever we go somewhere, washes his hands and he’s gotten better not touching surfaces/objects when we are out and not touching his face. I feel bad sometimes having to remind him not to touch certain things but it’s necessary IMO. I have a 10 month old at home and im high risk so we are doing our part to stay safe and healthy. We still hang out family/friends but it’s limited and we set up play dates for my son but it’s with family/friends who we trust and practice the same safety and opinions as myself.
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