Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Agree to disagree, fellas. We can all agree that China knew about this and covered it up, but we can also agree that the US government (and likely many other foreign governments) had surveillance on it with plenty of advance warning and didn't properly prepare. However, it's important that we never forget where this came from because CCP will continue to deflect and try to change the narrative.
My issue with the harping on China thing is that people ignore that this is being used by Trp and the right to fuel bigotry against Asian American, Asian immigrants, and regular Chinese citizens. We as a society has shown we can't protect these communities, not enough attention has been brought to this issue, but dudes never take into consideration that they are helping throw fuel on a bigoted fire.
Agree to disagree, fellas. We can all agree that China knew about this and covered it up, but we can also agree that the US government (and likely many other foreign governments) had surveillance on it with plenty of advance warning and didn't properly prepare. However, it's important that we never forget where this came from because CCP will continue to deflect and try to change the narrative.

thank you Blake your someone on here who’s not sugarcoating the truth

What do you guys think the housing/renting market will be this time next year?

I was discussing with my wife that the market has a chance to continue to dive while this pandemic sticks around.
My issue with the harping on China thing is that people ignore that this is being used by Trp and the right to fuel bigotry against Asian American, Asian immigrants, and regular Chinese citizens. We as a society has shown we can't protect these communities, not enough attention has been brought to this issue, but dudes never take into consideration that they are helping throw fuel on a bigoted fire.

im not doing that at all I just want the CCP to be held responsible

I can’t stop people from hating on Asian Americans because they too stupid to figure out there not the people to blame

i have a love for Chinese culture as I have lived around it a good part of my life since I live near Chinatown in manhattan
i went to school and have good life long friends who are Chinese a lot of them feel the same way as I do “AS AMERICANS“ that China needs to be held responsible
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What do you guys think the housing/renting market will be this time next year?

I was discussing with my wife that the market has a chance to continue to dive while this pandemic sticks around.

Just wait until late 2021...buy up 2 (airbnb) homes for the price of 1 :lol: :pimp:

*Also, by then we might have Negative Fed Funds Rates..leading to lower mortgage rates
My issue with the harping on China thing is that people ignore that this is being used by Trp and the right to fuel bigotry against Asian American, Asian immigrants, and regular Chinese citizens. We as a society has shown we can't protect these communities, not enough attention has been brought to this issue, but dudes never take into consideration that they are helping throw fuel on a bigoted fire.

You are absolutely correct. It's disgusting that such ignorance and hatred exists. I have heard CA Gov Newsom speak on it, but it needs to be more of a discussion point.
I think we should cut off any type of trade with China kick everyone out of the US that has any part or dealings with the CCP

have China take responsibility of what has been done to US citizens that have passed from this and we know that’s not going to happen

im sure there are other things that could be done
All this can be a start if you can think of anything that could be done to China or anyone else please let me know

I also think no one has an answer “on what comes next” because is never happened before
So you want to enter into a trade war with one of our major trading partners, something in good times would force our country into recession. And you want to do with while the country is currently in a depression.

I mean they will retaliate and do the same thing to us as well. So that means price shocks on consumer goods and tons of jobs lost in America. What happens if China starts selling America debt in mass to hurt us more, then what? Also all the medical equipment when get from other there, there is a plan in place to transition it somewhere else quickly?

SoI am to think Trump and the GOP are willing and capable to spend the hundreds billions needed for this to not send the economy into a further tailspin, while they are penny pinching on Stimulus packages?

You complain about China causes harm, but your response does harm as well.

If we as a country want to move away from dealing with China so much, it needs to be done smartly and over a longer period of time. Clapping back at them with a trade war because we are mad will have disastrous results.
There really isn't much that can be done to the Chinese government, but every country that continues to give preferential trade deals to China for simple economic gain is complicit, IMO. I would like to see US companies move manufacturing elsewhere (ideally to USA, but that ain't happening en masse), but I don't want to see it be a government mandate. Perhaps higher tarriffs on goods made in China, additional taxes/fees on US companies doing business in China, $$$ to companies who move their manufacturing elsewhere (especially back home), etc.

very good points if we moved most Manufacturing sneakers for example Electronics phones Source the materials in the United States
That would hurt China more then anything else

if we as a Consumer society have to pay more to have things made in in the United States maybe we wouldn’t buy as much
So you want to enter into a trade war with one of our major trading partners, something in good times would force our country into recession. And you want to do with while the country is currently in a depression.

I mean they will retaliate and do the same thing to us as well. So that means price shocks on consumer goods and tons of jobs lost in America. What happens if China starts selling America debt in mass to hurt us more, then what? Also all the medical equipment when get from other there, there is a plan in place to transition it somewhere else quickly?

SoI am to think Trump and the GOP are willing and capable to spend the hundreds billions needed for this to not send the economy into a further tailspin, while they are penny pinching on Stimulus packages?

You complain about China causes harm, but your response does harm as well.

Gotcha doe.

where not in good times
and your worried about money and not the lives that have been effected
your no different then trump

im more worried about loosing lives not the economy
15 million people affected Around the world
you keep worrying about the Economy

gotcha doe
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where not in good times
and your worried about money and not the lives that have been effected
your no different then trump
gotcha doe
-I mean good times as when the economy is expanding, I didn't say we are in good times now, so ******* miss me with that. I was clearly talking about the economy because I mention the current economic state of the country.

Maybe you don't understand economics, but when a country is in a recession or depression, that not only cost the country money it cost them lives on the aggregate. When people lose jobs and economic prospects, more people fall into economic despair and that results in low life expectancies. A recession doesn't only cost money, it cost lives.

You can't see the deaths because the happen in the long run, because aggregate of causes. Where as a pandemic deaths happen quickly by a much clearer cause.

Your trade war doesn't save any ******* lives, it will just hurt ton of regular people, all because you want to be "be tough on China", while having a false sense of moral superiority. Your *** is the one that sounds just like Trump.

You plan is asinine and short sighted, but all things considered you have said dumber **** on NT.
-I mean good times as when the economy is expanding, I didn't say we are in good times now, so ****ing miss me with that. I was clearly talking about the economy because I mention the current economic state of the country.

Maybe you don't understand economics, but when a country is in a recession or depression, that not only cost the country money it cost them lives on the aggregate. When people lose jobs and economic prospects, more people fall into economic despair and that results in low life expectancies. A recession doesn't only cost money, it cost lives.

You can't see the deaths because the happen in the long run, because aggregate of causes. Where as a pandemic deaths happen quickly by a much clearer cause.

Your trade war doesn't save any ****ing lives, it will just hurt ton of regular people, all because you want to be "be tough on China". Your *** is the one that sounds just like Trump.

You plan is asinine and short sighted but all things considered you have said dumber **** on NT.

I could care less what you think

I hope this never affects a family member of yours but if it does let’s see how you feel then
Your going to worry about the economy or are you going worry about lives
You were probably all for opening up early just like trump
maybe you’re a liberal Trump ?

you need money to live I understand that But I’m not willing to sacrifice people as much as you are because the economy isn’t doing well and people are gonna kill themselves because they don’t have any money coming in again without saying so we know who to thank

besides Are you breaking the rules cursing on Nike talk
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I could care less what you think
I hope this never affect a family member of yours but if it does let’s see how you feel then
Yourgot to worry about the economy are you Gotta worry about lives

One of my best friends when I was a kid died in Brooklyn from this. I am terrified every day for my grandmother who is 84 and has high blood pressure.

Even I still don't think we should pursued some short sighted stupid plan just to act tough. You can't even comprehend what you're suggesting, and because of that you think you can hide behind some "i care about lives" nonsense talking point. But like I said, this has been a nice break from your other buffoonery. If you want to save lives, we have to make sure this depression ends as soon as possible, the longer it goes on, the more lives that will be lost in the long run. A trade war will extend the depression.

Dude on one is gonna by this ******** you're peddling about me being like Trump. Trump is the one wanting a trade war with China, just like your ***.

You can report my cursing is your want if you have an issue. But just to let you know, with the censor in place, the rule that is enforced is that you can't alter curse words so they can get through the censor. But whine away, don't let me stop you.

We can end this here because I don't give a **** what a person like you thinks either.
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One of my best friends when I was a kid died in Brooklyn from this. I am terrified every day for my grandmother who is 84 and has high blood pressure.

Even I still don't think we should pursued some short sighted stupid plan just to act tough. You can't even comprehend what you're suggesting, and because of that you think you can hide behind some "i care about lives" nonsense talking point. But like I said, this has been a nice break from your other buffoonery.

We can end this here because I don't give a **** what a person like you thinks either.

well I hope this never affects your grandmother and I mean sincerely
don't put your grandmother health and well being before the Economy of this country if that was my grandmother I would rather the whole country go down the drain every millionaire to go broke
The Economy to go belly up before i would want my grandmother to pass from this

don’t be angry at me I’m on your side especially when it comes to older relatives and I’m sorry for your friend passing away I know how that feels as I said many times before I’ve had a friend pass away during 9/11

i wish your grandmother well and i mean that
i'm not going to argue with you anymore
you win
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Dont get the energy and notion on wanting to "punish" China at this point. That tough guy superiority mentality is a waste of energy. The virus has already spread. If we like it or not it would of happened. How about we focus that energy on getting our OWN people to follow protocols to help stop this virus which will in turn get our economy back on track to bouncing back. Not sure why "getting back" at the CCP is even a thought.

160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep talking about lets bring sneaker and tech manufacturer to the US, thinking you just pack up your manufacturing warehouse and ship that ***** back to the US :rofl: fam did you follow how long it took Apple just to move SOME of their manufacturing to the US? Lets not even get to wages.
Dont get the energy and notion on wanting to "punish" China at this point. That tough guy superiority mentality is a waste of energy. The virus has already spread. If we like it or not it would of happened. How about we focus that energy on getting our OWN people to follow protocols to help stop this virus which will in turn get our economy back on track to bouncing back. Not sure why "getting back" at the CCP is even a thought.

160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep talking about lets bring sneaker and tech manufacturer to the US, thinking you just pack up your manufacturing warehouse and ship that ***** back to the US :rofl: fam did you follow how long it took Apple just to move SOME of their manufacturing to the US? Lets not even get to wages.

bro i know it's not going to be easy to do all that and probably would never happen but where talking about billion dollar companies

if apple and nike wanted to bring manufacturing to the US im sure could be possible
its cheaper for them to stay in asia we all know that

your also right on taking care of our people here but i cant let something be and let it go the CCP has destroyed people and families world wide not counting there own people

i'm a very vindictive person i would want to see something or anything done to china
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bro i know it's not going to be easy to do all that and probably would never happen but where talking about billion dollar companies

if apple and nike wanted to bring manufacturing to the US im sure could be possible
its cheaper for them to stay in asia we all know that
It would not be possible. They would no longer be Nike and Apple.
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