Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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So it seems we are just going all in on a survival of the fittest. Which by the way, is a strategy that has not worked for any country in the world.
Went to the ER with a 100.8 temp, my temp been jumping from 98-101. They tested me for strep throat and covid.
Strep throat came out negative
Hoping covid comes out negative too. 1-5days

I feel fine tho just my temp has been going up and down, no other symptoms.
I wouldn’t have gone into the ER if it’s just a tad high like that

Too high risk of exposure
Everyone pushing for schools to open up, don’t have children in these schools. Smh. Their kids have private tutors or some other rich form of being educated.

This is extremely infuriating. Parents are literally being asked to sacrifice their children. As if schools in impoverished neighborhoods weren’t already suffering from lack of resources and overcrowding.
Everyone pushing for schools to open up, don’t have children in these schools. Smh. Their kids have private tutors or some other rich form of being educated.

This is extremely infuriating. Parents are literally being asked to sacrifice their children. As if schools in impoverished neighborhoods weren’t already suffering from lack of resources and overcrowding.


A very appetizing opportunity, you say?

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Kids aren’t cattle. Smh

only way I see around this is an educational overhaul to incorporate virtual learning and some sort of tax or pay for a stay at home parent. I’ve had my kid home since March between teaching him and working from home... it’s truly a challenge.
Kids aren’t cattle. Smh

only way I see around this is an educational overhaul to incorporate virtual learning and some sort of tax or pay for a stay at home parent. I’ve had my kid home since March between teaching him and working from home... it’s truly a challenge.

There's a quote that goes the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots. The country is going to need some patriotic brave true Americans to step up to the plate to get our economy going to help our dear leader get reelected.
Dr. Oz, Dr. Drew, Dr. Phil all of these TV docs are straight clowns and get no respect in the medical community.
During one of my first weeks of nursing school one of the club organizers was talking about arranging a trip for our class to go see Dr. Oz live. Mind you this was coming fresh off of the demands for him to be removed from Columbia's med school and his pathetic appeal to "freedom of speech" to justify his quackery.

I brought this up when it was proposed and people were NOT happy with me. Faculty and students alike . :lol:
Everyone pushing for schools to open up, don’t have children in these schools. Smh. Their kids have private tutors or some other rich form of being educated.

This is extremely infuriating. Parents are literally being asked to sacrifice their children. As if schools in impoverished neighborhoods weren’t already suffering from lack of resources and overcrowding.
Who’s everyone? I only hear that bs from the Orange man and his cronies
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