Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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🥺🥺🥺 Covid, west Nile circulating around Texas, new swine flu, and now this?.? Not religious, but if there is a God noone is laughing at his sense of humor.

It’s nature’s attempt at eradicating us from the planet. We (humans) are a cancer to this planet with how we destroy ecosystems, pollute and wipeout species. Nature isn’t f’n around in 2020.
The fact that he got elected in the first place still puzzle me. My theory was that many people just hated Hilary that much, they willing to settle with him.
And come November, people will continue to have that same mentality towards Biden that they can 'settle' with Trump for 4 more years.


Don’t know if this was already posted but this is an important read
Wait the CDC and who didn't have this as a main recommendation? We truly have been hearing this since late March.

We learned so much from China's fake numbers. But everything else was real. Even Italy.

Sad times. History is repeating itself.
yeah but that Harvard degree is gonna be worth it all.

I was told freshmen were going to be the only ones on campus, followed by seniors next semester
We can fully expect those freshmen to be responsible. I'm sure they will self-report any symptoms, self-isolate on their own, and never bring anyone into their dorms.
My best friend and his wife was tested positive today - they’re showing major symptoms. They’re both in Atlanta.

Told them to chill with going out and having family BBQ’s. :smh:

High temp, body aches, congestion and fatigue. They been this way since Thursday.

Now I’m concerned about the kids.
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