Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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What I don't understand is if we are seeing all these record number why is the death rate still going down?

If and when the time comes, y'all taking the vaccine? I haven't injected anything to my body since I was a lil kid
I had a dream last night that my chest squeezed up and I could breathe. Was legit struggling to get any kind of air in. I woke up with my heart racing, testing my breathing. Making sure I was good.

And I been wondering why I’ve had chest pains for the last two weeks. Damn anxiety man.

Not sure what kind of social distancing guidelines you can have at schools
I’m thinking every student is required to wear masks?
Schools will have to take every precaution necessary to prevent an outbreak

Already received plans from my university with how they’re going to proceed with reopening the campus in September. Pretty sure there’s an option for distance learning which I’m definitely taking advantage of. No way am I going back any time soon and I’m in NJ, but I don’t trust being in the same room with that many people for 1-2 hours. Students aren’t even required to wear masks in the classrooms.

I would like to see my friends in class again, we scheduled as many classes together as we could this semester, but **** that. We already had a handful of cases as the lockdown came into effect. Not risking it. Also, pretty sure they are required to be ready to move to distance learning.
If and when the time comes, y'all taking the vaccine? I haven't injected anything to my body since I was a lil kid

100%, me and my fam. Read that article I posted with Fauci's boss. They aren't skipping any steps and it will be just as safe as you'd expect of any other vaccine. If you're already anti-vax for whatever personal reason, I wouldn't expect you to change your mind on this, but for those of us who already get annual flu shots and all other recommended shots and boosters on time, this is a no brainer if we want any chance of getting back to normal any time soon.
Lawmakers will do what's best for the economy, not the people, so I'm sure if economic indicators are pointing toward further job loss and recession, benefits will be extended. Right now they're acting like mama bird nudging her babies out of the nest. According to the June jobs report, some are beginning to fly so I don't expect action any time soon.

Lawmakers who seem to understand the magnitude of this already did the right thing, hence the bill was passed in the house. It’s only Republican lawmakers that don’t care about the people who are going to be responsible if **** hits the fan. If that happens there is going to be blood.
I had a dream last night that my chest squeezed up and I could breathe. Was legit struggling to get any kind of air in. I woke up with my heart racing, testing my breathing. Making sure I was good.

Lately I've been having dreams that I went somewhere in public and forgot to bring a mask. Not really waking up in a panic, but that frustration is real.

I'm not a fan of your sense of humor! :sick:
The vaccine will help but it won't eliminate the virus for the same reason we're seeing so many more cases. The MAGA crowd is helping aid in the increase of cases by not wearing masks, going on with their lives by having parties and large gatherings, etc because they don't think they'll get sick because covid is a media hoax.

Then, those same people think the vaccine is a tool created by Bill Gates to inject microchips into our bodies so the government can can track us. So you have people who don't wear a mask bc they don't think covid is a serious threat and then you wanna solve that problem by offering them a vaccine they refuse to take.
Lately I've been having dreams that I went somewhere in public and forgot to bring a mask. Not really waking up in a panic, but that frustration is real.

I'm not a fan of your sense of humor! :sick:

It's because Moderna never had a treatment in remdesivir and their vaccine is no better than the other 9 potential candidates. Dr. Slaoui sits on their Board. Trump and his Admin uses Moderna to PUMP stock markets.

Trump’s Vaccine Chief Has Vast Ties to Drug Industry, Posing Possible Conflicts
Moncef Slaoui, a former pharmaceutical executive, is now overseeing the U.S. initiative to develop coronavirus treatments and vaccines. His financial interests and corporate roles have come under scrutiny.

The chief scientist brought on to lead the Trump administration’s vaccine efforts has spent the last several days trying to disentangle pieces of his stock portfolio and his intricate ties to big pharmaceutical interests, as critics point to the potential for significant conflicts of interest.

The scientist, Moncef Slaoui, is a venture capitalist and a former longtime executive at GlaxoSmithKline. Most recently, he sat on the board of Moderna, a Cambridge, Mass., biotechnology firm with a $30 billion valuation that is pursuing a coronavirus vaccine. He resigned when President Trump named him last Thursday to the new post as chief adviser for Operation Warp Speed, the federal drive for coronavirus vaccines and treatments.
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