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This might be a stupid question but how would we know who is Their Cabinet or court justice picks are if he’s not president yet.

do the candidates mention who they want in their cabinet or who they want in the supreme count while their on the Virtual candidate trail since its harder to get around this year ?
Sometimes they'll explicitly say who they would pick, but more realistically (and I would argue more reliably) you can get a pretty good idea from their past behavior and statements, and also by precedent set by their party or those with similar ideology.

Like we knew that Trump was courting the fringe right from the start. His campaign team was made up of white nationalists. His advisers were anti-vaxxers, xenophobes/racists/bigots, and religious nuts. And his campaign was full of sketchy connections to Russia and other illegal foreign interference. So, for those paying attention, it was no surprise that Trump has filled his 4 years with a dumpster of America's most deplorable political figures.

As for Biden, we can look at 1) who has endorsed him, 2) his long history in politics (the position he has taken and who he has supported), 3) his proposed running mates (such as his pledge to choose a female running mate), 4) what Obama did (as his VP, it's likely Biden will use similar judgment), 5) he's part of the Democratic party.

So with Biden I am 100% sure he is going to choose people who respect women's rights, who support minorities, and who listen to science.
Just don't forget where you left the launch codes Joe. Plz.
He’s so senile I wouldn’t put it past him to croak in office if he wins the presidency.
Racist Lyft passenger won't wear mask and driver wants to kick him out of the car. Male Karen alert. 1:17 is where it gets heated...

Didn’t they update the app where you have to confirm that you are a wearing a mask to get a ride?
i’d take any of his potential vp picks over the idiot currently heading the country.
I’ve always been anti the two party system. I consider both Dems and Republicans a setback to working class people.

I don’t think the US has changed one bit these last 4 years and I’d put money that Trump was gonna win a re-election.

But a country without a federal initiative to fight Covid is shameful.
Trump basically said I ain’t taking this one let the states deal with it.

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Racist Lyft passenger won't wear mask and driver wants to kick him out of the car. Male Karen alert. 1:17 is where it gets heated...

One of the main reasons I stopped driving when this virus broke out.

Didn’t they update the app where you have to confirm that you are a wearing a mask to get a ride?

Only drivers have to wear masks uber/lyft didn't want to miss any money so they said passengers aren't required to wear masks only encouraged. They expect the drivers to enforce it 🙄 just waiting for one of these nutjobs to physically assault or pull a weapon on a driver, wonder what uber/lyft will say then...
Only drivers have to wear masks uber/lyft didn't want to miss any money so they said passengers aren't required to wear masks only encouraged. They expect the drivers to enforce it 🙄 just waiting for one of these nutjobs to physically assault or pull a weapon on a driver, wonder what uber/lyft will say then...
Naw, I think passengers are required to wear a mask now..
I’ve always been anti the two party system. I consider both Dems and Republicans a setback to working class people.

I don’t think the US has changed one bit these last 4 years and I’d put money that Trump was gonna win a re-election.

But a country without a federal initiative to fight Covid is shameful.
Trump basically said I ain’t taking this one let the states deal with it.

Gary Johnson was my pick the last 2 elections. Yes he fumbled some interviews Alepo comes to mind, and may not have been the best candidate... but IMO was head and shoulders above Trump and Hillary, if the libertarian party wasn't so nuts this time around I'd be voting lib again.
Naw, I think passengers are required to wear a mask now..

This happened after I stopped driving I guess article is dated mid May, in order for driver to even log on we have to take a selfie with a mask on, dont believe passengers are required to do that. Unless new rules have been implemented.

Edit: Either way some bozo will eventually attack a driver over a peice of cloth that hurts noone. I've driven for uber almost 4 years and I had weekly verbal altercations about open containers, smoking in my car, and seatbelts. Just add masks to that list too SMH.
One of the main reasons I stopped driving when this virus broke out.

Only drivers have to wear masks uber/lyft didn't want to miss any money so they said passengers aren't required to wear masks only encouraged. They expect the drivers to enforce it 🙄 just waiting for one of these nutjobs to physically assault or pull a weapon on a driver, wonder what uber/lyft will say then...
Naw, I think passengers are required to wear a mask now..


I just updated both apps. It’s required now.
Lyft doesn’t even let you launch the app until you agree to the guidelines first.

That driver should just have refused thatpassenger. Unless that’s an old video before this policy started.
This happened after I stopped driving I guess article is dated mid May, in order for driver to even log on we have to take a selfie with a mask on, dont believe passengers are required to do that. Unless new rules have been implemented.
If you scroll down there was an update to the rules on June 10th. Don't know about the selfie, but it says Lyft passengers are now required to wear a mask to ride and have to confirm which is a contract that you agree to the terms...

Update: As of June 10, we now require that all riders and drivers stay home if they’re sick, wear face coverings when using Lyft, frequently sanitize hands and car surfaces, leave the front seat empty, and keep windows open when possible. To help everyone prepare to ride during COVID-19, we’ve created safety education for riders and drivers, available now.

I just updated both apps. It’s required now.
Lyft doesn’t even let you launch the app until you agree to the guidelines first.

That driver should just have refused thatpassenger. Unless that’s an old video before this policy started.

I've actually disabled the actuators in my
If you scroll down there was an update to the rules on June 10th. Don't know about the selfie, but it says Lyft passengers are now required to wear a mask to ride and have to confirm which is a contract that you agree to the terms...

Update: As of June 10, we now require that all riders and drivers stay home if they’re sick, wear face coverings when using Lyft, frequently sanitize hands and car surfaces, leave the front seat empty, and keep windows open when possible. To help everyone prepare to ride during COVID-19, we’ve created safety education for riders and drivers, available now.

Dont know about passengers and selfies, but drivers were required to or we couldnt even log on.
barrebaby barrebaby did you stop driving permanently or temporarily? Was it a health decision?
Started temporarily, but the longer I've been away, and the the worse this virus got I may not even go back to it. May just do shipt, or instacart once PUI runs out. I'm just taking it day by day right now. Plus my car is likely totalled until the insurance pays from a tanker truck hitting me on the 17th.

Wdit: health was a big factor not so much for me but I take care of my grandparents and disabled dad so I didn't even want to risk spreading it to them.
Started temporarily, but the longer I've been away, and the the worse this virus got I may not even go back to it. May just do shipt, or instacart once PUI runs out. I'm just taking it day by day right now. Plus my car is likely totalled until the insurance pays from a tanker truck hitting me on the 17th.

Wdit: health was a big factor not so much for me but I take care of my grandparents and disabled dad so I didn't even want to risk spreading it to them.
Good for you for doing what's right over financial needs. That's a tough decision but life's nothing without your health and loved ones. What happened with the tanker truck crash tho?
Good for you for doing what's right over financial needs. That's a tough decision but life's nothing without your health and loved ones. What happened with the tanker truck crash tho?
Bringing my dad money at 530 am on the 17th the driver clipped me trying to make his exit I guess, or just lost control. Flipped my Suburban 4 times ejected and killed my dog

all my belongings were scattered along the hwy cops couldnt recover my wallet phone or bi polar meds said it was too dangerous being that it was a major hwy. I've got sprained neck, bruised vertebrae fractured ribs, and concussion not to mention all the cuts and bruises I've got. Worst part is, is that it was a hit and run so, so far no way to even go after him and the company he works for... guess I'm just lucky to walk away, but damn I miss that dog.
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