Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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looks like better containment guidance can be made
This would of course be good news but it's unclear where the WHO is getting the data to make this claim.

The viral load appears to be similar between symptomatic and asymptomatic infected patients. But whether the asymptomatic patients transmit the virus as much is unknown, unless the WHO is now saying they have figured it out.

Perhaps this could explain why the virus spreads more rapidly in winter than in summer. In winter everybody is sick and has a cough, so it's harder to sort out who is infected. But in summer most people's respiratory tracts are clear so it's more obvious when someone comes down with Covid-19. Just a theory for now though...
This would of course be good news but it's unclear where the WHO is getting the data to make this claim.

The viral load appears to be similar between symptomatic and asymptomatic infected patients. But whether the asymptomatic patients transmit the virus as much is unknown, unless the WHO is now saying they have figured it out.

Perhaps this could explain why the virus spreads more rapidly in winter than in summer. In winter everybody is sick and has a cough, so it's harder to sort out who is infected. But in summer most people's respiratory tracts are clear so it's more obvious when someone comes down with Covid-19. Just a theory for now though...

I... What?? I know a **** ton of people who were exposed by asymptomatic people, and were asymptomatic themselves. I don't buy the "very rare" ****.
what do you have to lose


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¨scar tissue on the luuuuungs???¨

I mean, join the revolution if the spirit moves you...but just going to the club to hang out is long dumb stupid.
I... What?? I know a **** ton of people who were exposed by asymptomatic people, and were asymptomatic themselves. I don't buy the "very rare" ****.
I agree... I was trying to be diplomatic but WHO seems to be making another claim that will turn out to be false (because it seems that it is already known to be false).

Unless the WHO is separating asymptomatic and presymptomatic spreaders? But even that doesn't make sense because it's not a very useful distinction in terms of prevention. How do you know you're presymptomatic until you're symptomatic and it's already too late?

Or they're trying to separate very, very mild disease from truly asymptomatic cases? Which again is not a very useful distinction. I mean, if very mild symptoms are a random headache, a sneeze, or feeling tired, then 99% of us will have at least 1 day every couple weeks where we have those symptoms. Asking all those people to self-isolate for 2 weeks every time they have a headache or feel tired is dumb af.

Also, given the following study (which indicated that viral shedding peaks before symptom onset), the WHO better have some good ******* data to show otherwise:

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I agree... I was trying to be diplomatic but WHO seems to be making another claim that will turn out to be false (because it seems that it is already known to be false).

Unless the WHO is separating asymptomatic and presymptomatic spreaders? But even that doesn't make sense because it's not a very useful distinction in terms of prevention. How do you know you're presymptomatic until you're symptomatic and it's already too late?

Or they're trying to separate very, very mild disease from truly asymptomatic cases? Which again is not a very useful distinction. I mean, if very mild symptoms are a random headache, a sneeze, or feeling tired, then 99% of us will have at least 1 day every couple weeks where we have those symptoms. Asking all those people to self-isolate for 2 weeks every time they have a headache or feel tired is dumb af.

Also, given the following study (which indicated that viral shedding peaks before symptom onset), the WHO better have some good ****ing data to show otherwise:

WHO "advice" has been trash and continues to be trash, but hey... at least they're consistent!
You know how many times I've convinced myself that I'm coming down with COVID?! Just this past weekend my allergies were bothering me, but I was 50/50 on whether I should be isolating or not. Doubled up on my allergy meds and feeling normal again... until the next time...
This twitter thread gives a pretty clear explanation. The speculation is that the WHO is talking about asymptomatic and not presymptomatic people.

Two interesting tidbits. One, the only real benefit here would be that, once presymptomatic people develop symptoms, they are easier to identify and then do contact tracing. Two, it's potentially worse because this means that rather than an asymptomatic person spreading virus over 2 weeks, it's really presymptomatic people spreading virus over 3-5 days, which is harder to control (gives a smaller time window in which to test and trace and isolate contacts).

This twitter thread gives a pretty clear explanation. The speculation is that the WHO is talking about asymptomatic and not presymptomatic people.

Two interesting tidbits. One, the only real benefit here would be that, once presymptomatic people develop symptoms, they are easier to identify and then do contact tracing. Two, it's potentially worse because this means that rather than an asymptomatic person spreading virus over 2 weeks, it's really presymptomatic people spreading virus over 3-5 days, which is harder to control (gives a smaller time window in which to test and trace and isolate contacts).

You just literally cannot have widespread disease happen that quickly and get to so many people with a **** ton of asymptomatic people. It just doesn't add up.
I still think, people are thinking too short term about the spread and the speed of the build up and I can't shake that feeling of watching amused tourists walking on the sand floor, where the ocean has receded, before a tsunami hits.
I think NYC gives us a ceiling for the worst that it can get. And our testing capabilities are much, much broader than they were in March, so we'll at least see the tsunami coming before we get decimated.

That said, a lot of people have written off this virus despite that fact that it is increasing in 21 states over these past 2 weeks (and as much as doubling in some). So the testing isn't acting as a deterrent but just giving us the HD upgraded view of the tsunami.

Brazil 'driving in the dark' on COVID-19 as data scandal deepens
RIO DE JANEIRO/SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Brazil drew further criticism for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic on Monday after it published contradictory figures on fatalities and infections, deepening a scandal over the country’s COVID-19 data.
Everything is pointing towards a second wave, right?
I would argue the first wave never ended.
Both. It’s still out there and so many people in nyc are not wearing mask or social distancing. We are not out the woods yet.

I knew canceling or removing interest of student debt of essential workers was a pipe dream.

They should get that. Still going to work while you got people living lavish on unemployment. That would be great.
Be honest, anybody in here dined in at a restaurant yet? I was already not a big fan of taking my picky kids to restaurants, so this actually gives me a great excuse to stay away for the forseeable future. We got curbside take out this weekend (only the second time since March) and it was amusing watching some people walk in and out of the restaurant wearing masks (it was probably 50/50 with/without masks). Personally, I think if you're concerned/aware enough to wear a mask in the first place, you should realize that you're putting yourself at considerably higher risk by going in and eating (without a mask on, obviously) with a bunch of strangers around who may be infected.
Went to Bungalow bar in Rockaway for take out food and drinks and the hostess said you can eat in the back patio after we paid. Big deck with tables set 6ft plus apart and way less capacity than normal. We ate outside. :rolleyes

When everyone went to get refills, no one was allowed to go inside without masks.

Washed hands, ate, washed hands again, and then left.
I feel like we did something bad but idk.
Went to Bungalow bar in Rockaway for take out food and drinks and the hostess said you can eat in the back patio after we paid. Big deck with tables set 6ft plus apart and way less capacity than normal. We ate outside. :rolleyes

When everyone went to get refills, no one was allowed to go inside without masks.

Washed hands, ate, washed hands again, and then left.
I feel like we did something bad but idk.

Outdoors with good spacing would be the only way I'd consider it, but I'd still be too nervous to enjoy myself. Even getting takeout I can't help but wonder about the cooks and people boxing/bagging the food.
This twitter thread gives a pretty clear explanation. The speculation is that the WHO is talking about asymptomatic and not presymptomatic people.

Two interesting tidbits. One, the only real benefit here would be that, once presymptomatic people develop symptoms, they are easier to identify and then do contact tracing. Two, it's potentially worse because this means that rather than an asymptomatic person spreading virus over 2 weeks, it's really presymptomatic people spreading virus over 3-5 days, which is harder to control (gives a smaller time window in which to test and trace and isolate contacts).

not to beat the asymptomatic horse but here is another useful twitter thread on today's WHO statement on asymptomatic spread:

I'm saying it's not that simple. It's not feasible to do that when those cities rely on the county for public health oversight.

our cities are finally speaking up. They should have done this from the get go.


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i never trusted anyone in life only my mother and adult son plus a hand full of others

strange people i have met in different times in my live in various settings i have different amounts of trust from how i met them and where i met them and the dealings i had with them
even then i would say oh i trust you and never did trust anyone 100%

but now with this disease in our immediate future and no end of it in sight there is no way i can trust anyone anymore
people don't know if there sick well or in between until they fall ill

everything is all out of bounds you can't trust your local government and you definitely can't trust the federal government and i never did who thinks this is all a hoax and we need to get back to work and spend money
because you can't get an definitive answer

how do you know by going to a near empty restaurant if your not going to get sick not even by other patrons but by the restaurant staff ?

how do you know by going to a retail store or a mall that you will get sick by other customers or the employees ?

how do you know your not going to get sick when you pass neighbors if you live in a building or when going to work by employees
you don't know where they been and they don't know where you been

i could give you another hundred examples
is it worth it to risk your life for a beer at a bar or a family dinner at a restaurant ?
i personally don't think so

don't even get me to talk about going to a movie theater or concert or the beach during the summer

this disease has killed all of our lives as we know it
it seems to me now you need to live life in a paranoid state

if someone would have told me this on june 8th 2019 i would say their nuts but on june 8th 2020 i think if someone told me the same thing i would say that person is keeping the eyes open and trying to protect themselves as best they can
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our cities are finally speaking up. They should have done this from the get go.

Like I said from the jump, I understand the frustration and the desire. It doesn't change the reality of the situation for the region as a whole.

It's all moot, we're likely days away from almost all businesses reopening, except for the live entertainment industry.

But in the case of a second wave, or if the county sees a surge in cases, I wouldn't be in favor of a sub-regional approach at the county level.
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