Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Really frustrated. Went back to work today and they’re not requiring people wear masks in the offices. They only have to wear them in the hallway. I’m sitting here within feet of people in an enclosed office with no mask and people are sneezing and ****. I really don’t know what to do because none of the big bosses are wearing them so there’s no one to even complain to. HR set the rules so I can’t even go to them.
I just talked to my doctor about my situation and he said for me to stay home until I find out if my coworker tests positive/negative. I told my manager and he said he can’t force an employee to get tested but he will talk to him. My coworker and manager both seem to be taking this situation lightly.

Edit: coworker should’ve been tested as soon as he found out that he’s been exposed and my manager is just acting like ok whatever.
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More people are in the building today. I shall continue to stay in my office lol.
I just talked to my doctor about my situation and he said for me to stay home until I find out if my coworker tests positive/negative. I told my manager and he said he can’t force an employee to get tested but he will talk to him. My coworker and manager both seem to be taking this situation lightly.

Edit: coworker should’ve been tested as soon as he found out that he’s been exposed and my manager is just acting like ok whatever.

Oh wow. We found out an employee's WIFE was exposed and under a 14 day quarantine from her job, so we had that employee stay home (paid, of course) and quarantine 14 days as well. Direct exposure would be a no brainer, IMHO. In fact, there's federal and state sick pay for COVID exposure that likely covers your employee for 14 days so he doesn't miss any money either: https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/Comparison-COVID-19-Paid-Leave.html
Column 3 should even cover you without direct exposure. You shouldn't even have to inform HR because they ought to already know this stuff. PM if you have any questions and I can help you if you have questions navigating the process.
Really frustrated. Went back to work today and they’re not requiring people wear masks in the offices. They only have to wear them in the hallway. I’m sitting here within feet of people in an enclosed office with no mask and people are sneezing and ****. I really don’t know what to do because none of the big bosses are wearing them so there’s no one to even complain to. HR set the rules so I can’t even go to them.
are you wearing a mask? keep washing your hands and sanitizing
There was another study...I'll try to find it again...posted in this Thrd...it stated that desks in the corners were slightly more prone to infection due to air flow from A/C.

But overall, direct contact or close contact was the main culprit.
Really frustrated. Went back to work today and they’re not requiring people wear masks in the offices. They only have to wear them in the hallway. I’m sitting here within feet of people in an enclosed office with no mask and people are sneezing and ****. I really don’t know what to do because none of the big bosses are wearing them so there’s no one to even complain to. HR set the rules so I can’t even go to them.

What state are you in? I think it’s important that you raise your concerns with HR and (at minimum) the manager who you report to directly. The benefits of widespread mask wearing indoors are scientifically proven and easily understood. The type of company that would dismiss such concerns is not a place I would want to work RN. We are all wearing masks in my office and eating at our desks rather than congregating in the break room. We do share some contact surfaces, such as copier, fax machine, microwave, refrigerator, but trying to disinfect as much as possible and keep exposure to a minimum. There are some good videos and images that explain the benefits of wearing masks indoors in basic non-scientific terms that you can share with HR and management if they play dumb.
Oh wow. We found out an employee's WIFE was exposed and under a 14 day quarantine from her job, so we had that employee stay home (paid, of course) and quarantine 14 days as well. Direct exposure would be a no brainer, IMHO. In fact, there's federal and state sick pay for COVID exposure that likely covers your employee for 14 days so he doesn't miss any money either: https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/Comparison-COVID-19-Paid-Leave.html
Column 3 should even cover you without direct exposure. You shouldn't even have to inform HR because they ought to already know this stuff. PM if you have any questions and I can help you if you have questions navigating the process.
Thanks for the info. I checked it out and I do qualify for it. I’ll wait a couple days and see what the word is from my job I guess.

Now my job we’re a union shop so I guess maybe that’s why they can’t enforce to get tested idk but you would think that it would be the number one priority to do ******* ASAP. Yeah what makes me mad is that it seems like at my job there are no major protocols about how to handle it. You would think that at a grocery store they would have something in place considering it’s a ******* grocery store and how we’re in contact with the public. Idk though I guess **** me and my logic /paranoia :lol:
I'm just wondering how bad covid numbers are going to be weeks from now.

I see a spike happening, but it won't be as bad as those "re-opening club gatherings" where almost nobody was wearing a masks.

In the pics and video footage of folk at these protests/demonstrations, there was A LARGE MAJORITY OF FOLK COMPLETELY MASKED UP.........so if we see a spike, a majority of the folk in that spike will be from the small minority of protestors (and/or looters) that weren't masked up at all.
I see a spike happening, but it won't be as bad as those "re-opening club gatherings" where almost nobody was wearing a masks.

In the pics and video footage of folk at these protests/demonstrations, there was A LARGE MAJORITY OF FOLK COMPLETELY MASKED UP.........so if we see a spike, a majority of the folk in that spike will be from the small minority of protestors (and/or looters) that weren't masked up at all.
But I've also seen lots of people stop wearing masks these past couple days. Saw some older guy having a heated exchange with an officer, neither of them wearing masks, less than a couple feet apart, and that seemed typical.
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