Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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This is interesting. I did one of those 23andme kits a while back and found out I have 2 copies of that APOE4 variant Smh. If the Alzheimer’s doesn’t kill me the Corona will :smh:
curious, where did you find this in your report? I did one a few months ago and would like to see

I don't agree with Nate on this. Maybe the fringes will switch, and now the right wing loonies will complain of a spike of a pandemic they claim doesn't exist. But most of the left (save for the far left) will continue to treat data as data and science as science.

It is interesting to see the shift in attitudes that happened overnight, though. People are still wearing masks but it's now an afterthought. Whereas before people were fixated on whether people were wearing a mask.

My prediction is the numbers won't spike up, but instead they'll flatten for the next month, reversing the slow the decline we had been seeing.

I think we will see a change in restrictions, or at least in how they are enforced or how often people comply. Whereas before governments and companies operated in a vacuum and could make restrictions as strict as they wanted and expect full compliance, now there is pressure against it. Now public officials and companies have to accommodate both the pandemic response and the response to the protests.
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So I just found out my coworker came into work and was exposed to someone who is positive for Covid, he didn’t tell me until the 2nd time that I saw him. The first time he was within 6 ft but for only no more than 5 mins pretty sure a lot less and then the 2 nd time we were 6 ft away and in total I saw him for maybe 8 mins if that. We both had our masks on but I’m still shook. Idk wtf he is thinking. Why the hell would you come in? Idk what happened after I left. I’m trying to stay calm. I’m off tomorrow so I’ll just wait and see and then call my doctor early in the morning on Monday and see what they would recommend.

You should be ok. I had a friend who came into direct contact with someone that had the virus. Both were talking to each other and wearing masks. He was ok.
So if we can’t trust CDC or WHO, who do we turn to for guidance?
So I just found out my coworker came into work and was exposed to someone who is positive for Covid, he didn’t tell me until the 2nd time that I saw him. The first time he was within 6 ft but for only no more than 5 mins pretty sure a lot less and then the 2 nd time we were 6 ft away and in total I saw him for maybe 8 mins if that. We both had our masks on but I’m still shook. Idk wtf he is thinking. Why the hell would you come in? Idk what happened after I left. I’m trying to stay calm. I’m off tomorrow so I’ll just wait and see and then call my doctor early in the morning on Monday and see what they would recommend.

I have a coworker that swears she had it, never got tested but had every single symptom including loss of taste and smell.

Serviced an ATM with her on a Wednesday in very close quarters and on that Sunday she had full blown symptoms. Worked with her the rest of that week as well. This was 6ish weeks ago and she’s been back at work since as well and I’ve been ok, haven’t had any symptoms yet.

Doesn’t this depend on the type of mask used? 70% around my way seem to use the worthless cloth masks, with 25% using a Surgical style, and 5% using n95 construction style or legit gas masks. The lighter test is great. If you can blow out a candle or lit lighter, the masks efficacy is questionable.

I believe it. In New Mexico, cases in children are 4times higher than the national average. Luckily mortality rate is nearly zero. It’s almost a positive thing if they are taking up 15% of the case numbers because odds are there will be no deaths. But they will seed the crap out of this virus
Real talk, it’s been a few months now. Have we made any realistic progress towards the fight against coronavirus??
my thoughts...
still coming off the first wave. interesting to see what the numbers are like after reopening. what kind of spike will we have?
second wave in fall/winter
as for vaccine, still a long ways. we are still learning more about covid each day
Real talk, it’s been a few months now. Have we made any realistic progress towards the fight against coronavirus??
I've only been closely paying attention to new york

NY doing well numbers wise compared to when the curve peaked


It took a really long time to get numbers down. Numbers can go back up exponentially quicker.
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