Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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What would be your preference? Assuming there is still a decent amount of community transmission by the Fall, I’m hoping we have the option of classroom OR online education, rather than a combination of the two, and definitely not full time in the classroom being the only option. They closed the schools when we had 2 positive cases in the county and now we have over 1,000 active cases, so I don’t understand how it could possibly be safer NOW than it was THEN, though they’re lifting stay at home orders.
honestly, online education is the way to go. My kids don't do well with it but we'll be better prepared if thats the decision. My oldest is going to be a freshmen in high school in Aug so i prefer him to have at school education. He needs it. I'm terrible with helping out with school work.
yep, the options schools are throwing out makes ZERO sense, logistically. Not to mention school are not even funded properly, its going to be impossible.
this. she works with younger kids and parents are scrambling to figure out day care, WFH options, etc. some families are pulling their kids out and doing home schooling for the upcoming year and avoiding the high tuition costs

New estimate by CDC reduces COVID-19 death rate to just 0.26% (IFR) from WHO’s 3.4% (CFR)

Dr. Fauci says a second wave of COVID-19 is 'not inevitable' in the fall

I’ve been saying maybe we need another civil war. Life would be so much better if we didn’t have to hear or see those stupid clowns. They never make sense. They don’t want to wear masks because a democrat is telling them to. Is it so important to rebel against the opposite political party that they disregard their health and the health of everyone around them?

One side.

Other side.

Happens on both sides.
Mask wearing or not wearing shouldn’t even be a hysterical issue.
Either you do or don’t.
Said before many times: I have been and still do wear protective mask. Businesses should be allowed to set rules either way. Personally feel add in temp checks at entrance.
Not an Ideological issue. My Politics lean Right. Hysterical Idiots on all sides.
New estimate by CDC reduces COVID-19 death rate to just 0.26% (IFR) from WHO’s 3.4% (CFR)

Dr. Fauci says a second wave of COVID-19 is 'not inevitable' in the fall


Money > People ..."cause they breed envy"
Trillions at stake to quickly restart the economy...Majority of officials on any political side will tow that line...
CDC & WHO are not to be trusted as they are puppets to Trump & Xi.

And the quote is "Money over B*tches cause they breed envy" Pac....just a joke

Are you saying Dr. Fauci's change of tune is motivated by his own monetary gain?
Are you saying Dr. Fauci's change of tune is motivated by his own monetary gain?
Fauci is with National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Objectively speaking, Fauci is not infallible either.
Check the tape. Never has been, Neither has everyone else. Nobody gets a pass.

Is he with the CDC or WHO?

I posted two separate things. The first with two links. The second, concerning Fauci,
with one link. Feel free to obfuscate...but if the reality of this is much closer to 0.0026
than the early estimates - a lot of your posts in here would be rendered obsolete...
and I would think you would be very happy with that.
New estimate by CDC reduces COVID-19 death rate to just 0.26% (IFR) from WHO’s 3.4% (CFR)

Dr. Fauci says a second wave of COVID-19 is 'not inevitable' in the fall

The CDC estimate of IFR is confusing because a) it doesn't match all the data that is out there, b) nobody knows how they came up with the estimate. The best estimates I've seen with good data is 0.5-1.5% for CFR or 0.4-0.7% for IFR. With a young, healthy population and plenty of health care, I'm sure we could find cases where it is 0.26% (Singapore is purportedly even lower). Another way to get there is if the outbreak occurs primarily among college students and young adults.

As for the Fauci quote, he may be correct. Many people are mentally prepared for a year of social distancing. We are much more careful and aware than we were in March. Assuming we don't have large gatherings in the fall and we minimize travel, work from home, etc., then the fall may not be a disaster.
I can see a rare few are responding in this thread influenced by what political party you lean towards. Yo all the officials ****** up.
Trump cause trump, but the Dems were also downplaying this just as much in jan and feb. they cant go back and accuse trump of downplaying this early on.
The fact is this partisanship over peoples ******* health and lack of leadership that can unite both parties is what got us in this mess.

I have absolute confidence any other person in the WH would’ve brought both parties together or at least made people feel safer and more stable.
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