Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Sending children to school early could be disastrous. Aside from the cases where they've developed serious issues, most children are asymptomatic carriers. That's going to do a number on new infections. I understand how important it is for some parents for their children to be in school - that's day care for them and a means for food. This is why a stronger social safety net is needed, and the lack of one has been exposed due to COVID. Politicans - ******* get something done for once
Sending children to school early could be disastrous. Aside from the cases where they've developed serious issues, most children are asymptomatic carriers. That's going to do a number on new infections. I understand how important it is for some parents for their children to be in school - that's day care for them and a means for food. This is why a stronger social safety net is needed, and the lack of one has been exposed due to COVID. Politicans - ****ing get something done for once

Sending kids back to school is just going to make it worse. Like you said, they are asymptomatic carriers. You bring them home, you spread it to siblings (if they have siblings), parents, who if they're going back to work or essential workers, take that **** with them, etc etc. It's almost like they want another outbreak.
Sending children to school early could be disastrous. Aside from the cases where they've developed serious issues, most children are asymptomatic carriers. That's going to do a number on new infections. I understand how important it is for some parents for their children to be in school - that's day care for them and a means for food. This is why a stronger social safety net is needed, and the lack of one has been exposed due to COVID. Politicans - ****ing get something done for once
this is probably my biggest concern. I don't want my kids to go to school without being 100% safe. The ideas our schools are throwing around don't really all make sense, except for school from home.
Damn, my grandmother’s license expires August 6th. She’s been bugging me about finding out when her local DMV office will open so she can go in and take her test. I was really hoping they’d extend through the end of the year...

She will be fine. Mine expired too and CA DMV (on hold for 58min) told me 7/31 is the soft deadline and will certainly be push out further since the backlog extended well into Fall.

I like videos like this but I think they don't take the end-product into account. Even if you say the virus would have to travel several feet and withstand wind and humidity and then get into your throat, well it's a small chance. Yeah - but if they do there's a completely significant chance you die. Is that worth it?

Like if I blindly run across a street right now, there isn't much traffic, due to covid. A car would have to not only be coming at a speed fast enough to kill me, it would have to not see me, not be able to swerve out of the way, not be stuck at a light, and it might have to be dark, or raining, there would have to not be a hospital nearby or an ambulance and if its during the day then there'd have to be no people around to call 911, etc. So why don't I just blindly step into traffic? Because the price you pay for it is likely dying.

If a runner comes by and I get the virus from them and I get it, not only do I now have a significant chance of dying, but any of my loved ones I come into contact with now do too. And for what?

Nice video but the penalty is a high toll for trying to be relaxed about getting COVID. People can make their own choices but I'll continue to mask up and stay far away from others when I have to be outside.
I hate generalizing but geez, reading twitter and seeing the news I can’t help but think republicans are absolute trash people. I dunno why they would politicize wearing a mask? What is the purpose? Do they enjoy being morons? They’re saying they’re tired of the government controlling them and telling them what to do. Yet they’re the same people always telling people to listen to the law and republican officials. Telling women what to do with their bodies, gays they can’t marry, minorities they can’t stand up to anything unfair.
I hate generalizing but geez, reading twitter and seeing the news I can’t help but think republicans are absolute trash people. I dunno why they would politicize wearing a mask? What is the purpose? Do they enjoy being morons? They’re saying they’re tired of the government controlling them and telling them what to do. Yet they’re the same people always telling people to listen to the law and republican officials. Telling women what to do with their bodies, gays they can’t marry, minorities they can’t stand up to anything unfair.
some times i think it would be better off if this country would split off to two different countries. i know it would never happen :lol: i got folks living in the uk asking me if people are really flipping out over wearing a mask in stores after seeing clips online :lol:

this is probably my biggest concern. I don't want my kids to go to school without being 100% safe. The ideas our schools are throwing around don't really all make sense, except for school from home.

sister works in a school and some of the ideas i just can't see it happening
split classrooms, outdoors, have two completely separate sessions (early and afternoon)
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some times i think it would be better off if this country would split off to two different countries :lol:
I’ve been saying maybe we need another civil war. Life would be so much better if we didn’t have to hear or see those stupid clowns. They never make sense. They don’t want to wear masks because a democrat is telling them to. Is it so important to rebel against the opposite political party that they disregard their health and the health of everyone around them?
I’ve been saying maybe we need another civil war. Life would be so much better if we didn’t have to hear or see those stupid clowns. They never make sense. They don’t want to wear masks because a democrat is telling them to. Is it so important to rebel against the opposite political party that they disregard their health and the health of everyone around them?

waiting on Cali to separate 💯
some times i think it would be better off if this country would split off to two different countries. i know it would never happen :lol: i got folks living in the uk asking me if people are really flipping out over wearing a mask in stores after seeing clips online :lol:

sister works in a school and some of the ideas i just can't see it happening
split classrooms, outdoors, have two completely separate sessions (early and afternoon)
yep, the options schools are throwing out makes ZERO sense, logistically. Not to mention school are not even funded properly, its going to be impossible.
yep, the options schools are throwing out makes ZERO sense, logistically. Not to mention school are not even funded properly, its going to be impossible.
What would be your preference? Assuming there is still a decent amount of community transmission by the Fall, I’m hoping we have the option of classroom OR online education, rather than a combination of the two, and definitely not full time in the classroom being the only option. They closed the schools when we had 2 positive cases in the county and now we have over 1,000 active cases, so I don’t understand how it could possibly be safer NOW than it was THEN, though they’re lifting stay at home orders.
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