Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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damn, never thought about it that way.

most passports in the world are just decorative, a lot of countries will tell you to kick rocks off rip.

you can basically take your Syrian passport and shove it in your exhaust port. hell, your Mexican passport.

all because you were born in a place. wow.
Let’s be Real here and have a reasonable discussion.
What Countries in the world, even right now, is preventing your visit, let alone immigration to?

Since you are so over burdened and outraged by the blue passport, I hope you find peace of mind in different setting soon. Sincerely wish you and girlfriend the best.

Have had couple extended Family members and Friends over the decades do the same. Each situation is unique and Personal.

ignoring your faux concern, yes, we are planning to move out of the US as soon as it’s feasible. As cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 mentioned, the countries we would like to go to have sealed borders at the moment, and I was referring to countries possibly following Italy’s lead in starting to prevent Americans from stepping foot there. So you’re right, at the moment there aren’t many restrictions, but at the rate things are going here, I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more going forward.
okay lemme take my joke helmet all the way off, let´s have an actual discussion on this.

it is fair to recognize the inherent privilege an American passport provides at this precise moment in time.

we Yanks can walk off a plane and into damn near any set of borders on Earth for the sole reason that we were fortunate enough to be born in the United States of America and had about 200 bucks at some point.

that sentence does not apply to most of the world, and I am fortunate to be able to type it.

still, with developments such as Australia and New Zealand working to seal EVERYBODY out for the foreseeable future and the USA having 1/3 of the world´s cases, you can kinda put the puzzle pieces together and see that Americans might be having a difficult time skipping freely around the world in the near future.

idk if I would go so far as to go stateless in the absence of a better option tho.

ignoring your faux concern, yes, we are planning to move out of the US as soon as it’s feasible. As cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 mentioned, the countries we would like to go to have sealed borders at the moment, and I was referring to countries possibly following Italy’s lead in starting to prevent Americans from stepping foot there. So you’re right, at the moment there aren’t many restrictions, but at the rate things are going here, I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more going forward.

Wasn’t a faux concern. Don’t be so cynical that you discounted what I said about couple extended Family members and Friends that have immigrated from the US. I wasn’t kidding in saying individual choices are unique and Personal.
Do what you have to do.

Nothing is static and unchanging. Things will move on. Just need to plan. Not like Humanity have not endured other manmade or natural disasters before.
damn, never thought about it that way.

most passports in the world are just decorative, a lot of countries will tell you to kick rocks off rip.

you can basically take your Syrian passport and shove it in your exhaust port. hell, your Mexican passport.

all because you were born in a place. wow.
Right now she has a work permit, but when she first came here on a tourist visa, she had to do a multi round interview at the US Embassy, write a short essay about her intentions for visiting here, and get a recommendation letter from someone living here that explained that she was visiting friends and not running away to stay here as an undocumented immigrant. Many people don’t even bother trying to visit here because of this painful process. Imagine if we had to do that?

edit: forgot that her brother (Japanese atheist) was detained and questioned for 2 hours upon arrival because he traveled here multiple times in 6 months. Would this have happened if he didn’t have a passport from a majority Muslim country? Doubt it
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why any american would want to travel out the country or any non american would want to come to the states is beyond me

i don't want anyone to take offence to this but where all better off staying where we're at

arguing about it on here helps no one

world travel is what got us here in the first place and now 5 going into 6 months of this virus it's only getting worse around the world expect for a number of countries that should stop people from traveling to their countries if they want to keep their citizens safe

world travel even domestic travel needs to end RIGHT NOW
why any american would want to travel out the country or any non american would want to come to the states is beyond me

i don't want anyone to take offence to this but where all better off staying where we're all at

arguing about it on here helps no one

world travel is what got us here in the first place and now 5 going into 6 months of this virus is only getting worse around the world expect for a number of countries
world travel even domestic travel needs to end RIGHT NOW

I almost agree with you here, but that seems like a hill people would die on.

Right now she has a work permit, but when she first came here on a tourist visa, she had to do a multi round interview at the US Embassy, write a short essay about her intentions for visiting here, and get a recommendation letter from someone living here that explained that she was visiting friends and not running away to stay here as an undocumented immigrant. Many people don’t even bother trying to visit here because of this painful process. Imagine if we had to do that?

I can definitely imagine a mandatory 14 day quarantine for Americans being kind of a de facto ban.

takes some of the fun out of a 2 week trip to Europe.

...unless, of course, you can afford a longer stay.
why any american would want to travel out the country or any non american would want to come to the states is beyond me

i don't want anyone to take offence to this but where all better off staying where we're at

arguing about it on here helps no one

world travel is what got us here in the first place and now 5 going into 6 months of this virus it's only getting worse around the world expect for a number of countries that should stop people from traveling to their countries if they want to keep their citizens safe

world travel even domestic travel needs to end RIGHT NOW

This **** not going to last forever.

As soon as experts indicate it's safe to do so I'm on the move again.

Got more airline credits than I know what to do with from canceled trips this year. :smh:
73 degrees is scorching to them? Man this virus makes me realize how miserable East Coasters and Northern Europeans must be if they get so excited and reckless over normal weather

I have co-workers in the UK, and yes, 73 is scorching to them. It's colder there than it is in San Francisco year round.
$NVAX :wink:

I have co-workers in the UK, and yes, 73 is scorching to them. It's colder there than it is in San Francisco year round.

Experienced the hottest 70 degree day in my life at the tailend of a 2 week stay in London.

You feel something similar here in the Bay in the spring.

That first 75 degree day of the year just hit different after 60-65 all winter. :lol:
edit: forgot that her brother (Japanese atheist) was detained and questioned for 2 hours upon arrival because he traveled here multiple times in 6 months. Would this have happened if he didn’t have a passport from a majority Muslim country? Doubt it

Now you’re talking about different issues. Pretty sure immigration and border control staff are grade A governmental bureaucratic stooges all over the place. Actually have an ethnic Sulawesi Indo friend that goes back and forth to Jakarta. Used to get flagged, stopped and interviewed every single time. Less so now after permanent residency process.

I’ve gotten held and questioned in Taiwan and Mainland because some dipstick doesn’t believe I can not write Chinese on their forms. Your gf’s brother probably getting stopped as much for country origin as being ethnic Japanese from SE Asia.

They don’t care. Small people trying to exert power.
I almost agree with you here, but that seems like a hill people would die on.

I can definitely imagine a mandatory 14 day quarantine for Americans being kind of a de facto ban.

takes some of the fun out of a 2 week trip to Europe.

...unless, of course, you can afford a longer stay.

See the news on Hawaii with the mandatory 14 day quarantine for even Americans. Still people travel there even now for whatever. And then get in trouble. How is that even worth the expense.
Can’t understand that hassle.

Interesting discussion in here. As someone who is going through the green card process and reading some of yall concerns about travelling as an American, I hope this opens everyone's eyes to what everyday is like for a lot of foreigners coming into the U.S.

Anti-immigration activists will have you believe that people just stroll in here and stay. I've given up promotions (immigration is very often tied to your employer) at work and travelling to see my family members (3 of whom died within 3 months in 2019 and I couldn't see any) for the sake of becoming an American. I get salty a lot of times reading people who blame everything on immigration, and blaming COVID on foreigners - like I hope I could keep receipts of these people and when things don't go well here, they shouldn't have the luxury to try move to another country.

I want the U.S. to be the greatest, obviously, since I've made this my home. But realize that throughout human history, no empire has been at the top forever. Look where Greece and Italy are now. There will be one day where the biggest and best opportunities are no longer in America, maybe not in our lifetime but it will come, and the same people who are bashing immigrants now better not have the audacity to attempt to go elsewhere.
The WHO are just puppets of these countries that fund them. I mean money talks, every single person would act the same way.
But as an Institute it completely defeats the point. I almost think it'll be more effectively if global private organizations created partnerships during these times
Let’s be Real here and have a reasonable discussion.
What Countries in the world, even right now, is preventing your visit, let alone immigration to?

Since you are so over burdened and outraged by the blue passport, I hope you find peace of mind in different setting soon. Sincerely wish you and girlfriend the best.

Have had couple extended Family members and Friends over the decades do the same. Each situation is unique and Personal.

Reminds me of all the fake outrage with people I knew saying they’d leave America if Trump won and not a single one moved a muscle...
The WHO are just puppets of these countries that fund them. I mean money talks, every single person would act the same way.
But as an Institute it completely defeats the point. I almost think it'll be more effectively if global private organizations created partnerships during these times

The sheer irony of the whole United Nations and related organizations scheme is that the idea of an equitable cooperation among nations gets dumped on in reality. Totalitarian, non democratic and insignificant countries get oversized influence and little consequences for their actions. And don’t even think about accountability. All a sick Joke.

-U.S. has been the largest contributor to WHO. In 2019, including assessed and voluntary contributions, the U.S. provided WHO an estimated $419 million. WHO reports that U.S. assessed and voluntary contributions together represented approximately 16% of WHO’s total revenue in the 2018-2019 biennium and approximately 20% of WHO’s programme budget in 2018-2019.

-2018 and 2019, US gave $893MM and China gave $86MM
In 2018–2019, according to information on the WHO website, the U.S. provided 14.67% of the WHO's total funding, whereas China provided just 0.21%.
Reminds me of all the fake outrage with people I knew saying they’d leave America if Trump won and not a single one moved a muscle...

Same thing happened when Obama won, twice :lol:

I figured Trump would be a giant joke but I didn't think he would've been this much of a jackass + disaster. Jackasster.

In hindsight if I had the means/ability to just up and move I would've tried for Canada, or stayed in the Philippines (an even worse off country).
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