Hey NT how did you get the news of Micheal Jackson's passing.

Woke up to Yahoo which announced the Farrah Fawcett death, was like damn thats crazy. Then like an hour later I saw the thread announcing he was rushed to thehospital and followed it on here, cnn, etc.
text message from a friend i thought it was a joke at first but then i got 4 messages from different people saying the same thing so i was like damn...... nomore moonwalk's on the stage!!
CNN. i watching the news then out of no where they said he was in the hospital then later said he died.
I heard it on the radio when I was driving to the bank and then my dude rawex hit me up on bbm about it
twitter told me he was rushed to hospital, turned it to CNN, like 5 Minutes later they started the MJ coverage, then twitter broke the news that he was dead,then CNN did too
While working in the office, my boss calls my cell phone from his car. He was listening to Hot 97 when Angie Martinez gave report on MJ going to the hospital.I went to TMZ and BONG!
on aim
The radio. I heard all these tribute songs and then heard a doctor from UCLA MED declare his time of death on the radio. I thought it was a drawn out prank atfirst until the doc came on.
i was at my boys burnin a blunt when my other boy called his mom to see if she was cookin anything.
before they hung up she told him MJ was dead.
we turned on the news and yep he was on there.
needless to say, we blew a fatty in his honor
at work:

my co-worker told me that she got a message from a friend that MJ was in the hospital...didnt think anything of it.

then i saw on yahoo that they found MJ unresponsive at home, but didnt say anything about death....i grew concerned, but still didnt think much more than that.

we listen to NPR at work and heard: "Breaking news...we have just confirmed that Michael Jackson, at the age of 50, has died."

%$$% hit me like a ton of bricks. this is one of those moments that'll be forever remembered like "where were you during 9/11"
I was with my friend's band and a fellow bandmember's truck broke down on the highway, then we were waiting for the towtruck to pick us up, and thatswhen I got the news.
My mom told me he died, so I looked it up online and it said he was in the hospital. Watched the news for confirmation. Facebook was going nuts though. Atleast 100 of my friends put that as their status.
I was at the movies about to watch transformers when someone got a text and screamed out " The King of Pop is Dead!". Everyone was confused and theguy just kept screaming "Michael is dead" "RIP Thriller", then someone else shouted "Mike aint dead!" but then we were allunfortunately confirmed when just about everyone in the theater received a text from someone they know saying "Mike is dead"..RIP MJ
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