Hey check out my new boat

Sep 21, 2002
LONDON, England (CNN) -- A spectacular superyacht has been designed by an internationally renowned urban planning architect in a very unusualshape.
The planned seventy-six meter long "Oculus," which is designed for 12 guests, looks like a large sea creature, with one end looking uncannily likethe jaw and eye socket of a shark or a killer whale.

A second design, the futuristic, 91-meter "Infinitas," is based on the figure-of-eight shape of an infinity loop.

The pair are the brainchild of Kevin Schopfer, a Boston, Massachusetts-based architect who felt the design of luxury yachts should move away from genericboat shapes to something more playful.

The two eye-catching designs, which include inside swimming pools and helipads, are still looking for someone to stump up the cash to pay for them. With astarting price of $95 million for Oculus and $140 million for Infinitas, they won't come cheap.

But Schopfer has teamed with naval architecture firm Sparkman & Stevens to build more of the vessels.

"There are several potential clients interested in both Oculus and Infinitas and discussions are ongoing," he told CNN. "And we are also working on several more yachts."

ridiculous photos here
(but ugly as @@+%)

would be even better if iced out in some ICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FRESH diamonds.
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