Help us decide where to donate $15,000 in honor of NikeTalk's 15th anniversary!

Which organization would you most like to see receive our 15th anniversary contribution?

  • American Indian College Fund

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Children's Defense Fund

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Doctors Without Borders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Equal Justice Initiative

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Harlem Children's Zone

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Human Rights Campaign

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mercy Corps

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Operation Smile

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Room to Read

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • See Forever Foundation (Maya Angelou Schools)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
Since first implementing advertising on our site in 2006, NikeTalk has issued over $275,000 in donations to over twenty amazing nonprofit organizations.

Five years ago, our community celebrated its 10th anniversary by allowing our members to select one organization from all those we'd supported to date to receive a special $10,000 contribution.  

This year, in honor of our 15th anniversary, we're going to donate $15,000 - awarding $10,000 to the organization that receives the most votes and $5,000 to the runner up.  

Voting will be open through midnight (GMT) on 12/18 and you'll have your choice of all the nonprofits we've supported over the past five years:
[h1]  [/h1][h1]American Indian College Fund [/h1]
The American Indian College Fund helps support over 6,000 students annually and 30 tribal colleges.  Over 1,500 of the Fund's 2012-2013 scholarship recipients were first-generation college students.  The Fund also offers early childhood development programs, leadership training, faculty fellowships, cultural and language preservation courses, and more.  

In 2013, NikeTalk contributed $11,000 to the Fund to provide ten $1,000 scholarships with a preference for first-generation college students, and students pursuing careers in education:

To learn more about the Fund and support their work, please visit 
[h1]Children's Defense Fund [/h1]
Founded by heroic civil rights attorney Marian Wright Edelman, the Children's Defense Fund is a leading child advocacy organization committed to shaping public policy, ending child poverty, and improving the lives of young people.  Over the past forty years, the CDF has evolved and expanded its campaigns to take on the most urgent threats to children, such as their efforts to end the Cradle to Prison Pipeline and Protect Children, Not Guns.  Their efforts extend beyond conventional advocacy and their robust suite of programs includes their Freedom Schools Program, youth leadership and development training, and scholarship opportunities.  

In 2011, NikeTalk and donated the proceeds of our 10th Anniversary NikeTalk fitted cap to the Children's Defense Fund:

Visit the CDF's website to make a contribution and read their latest reports:
[h1]Doctors Without Borders[/h1]
Known internationally as Médecins Sans Frontières, Doctors Without Borders provides independent humanitarian aid and medical care to those who need it most.  In recognition of their efforts, the organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999.  

NikeTalk held a group fundraiser in 2011 to support MSF's response to the terrible famine afflicting East African nations like Somalia.  Together, we raised over $18,000 - including $5,000 worth of user donations.

Find out more about the MSF's current efforts around the world and support their work at:
[h1]Equal Justice Initiative[/h1]
Founded by Bryan Stevenson, a celebrated human rights attorney and professor of law at NYU, the Equal Justice Initiative opposes the mounting inequities in the United States legal system and provides representation for those who have been denied fair treatment.

The Equal Justice Initiative is currently ranked as the top rated Civil Rights Advocacy organization by Charity Navigator, a leading assessor of nonprofit organizations.  

Earlier this year, NikeTalk contributed $10,000 to the Equal Justice Initiative in support of their urgent work:

Take a moment to browse the EJI's official website for more information, and to find out how you can help:
[h1]Harlem Children's Zone[/h1]
Though best associated with its Promise Academy charter schools, Harlem Children's Zone offers a suite of programs and services to residents throughout its 100 block "Children's Zone" in Harlem.  HCZ applies an holistic approach to education that begins in early childhood, with "Baby College", and leads all the way through their college success office.  

92% of HCZ graduates qualify for college acceptance, and 90% of all funding goes directly to its programming, making Harlem Children's Zone an exceptionally efficient way to invest in education.

NikeTalk recently donated $4,830 to HCZ back in 2012, though the announcement was delayed a bit due to the chaotic nature of our community's platform migration that summer:

Check out the HCZ website for more information on their innovative approach and an opportunity to contribute:
[h1]Human Rights Campaign [/h1]
The Human Rights Campaign is one of the premier LGBTQ support and advocacy organizations in the United States.  Programs developed by the HRC include family, workplace, and campus projects, including an HBCU outreach program.  

Though perhaps best recognized for its efforts in fighting for marriage equality in the United States, the HRC also works tirelessly to oppose discrimination, hate crimes, and HIV/AIDS.  

In early 2012, NikeTalk contributed $3,956 to the HRC, not long after popular role models Kobe Bryant and Joakim Noah were seen using homophobic slurs during NBA games:

Stop by the HRC website, which currently features a holiday shopping guide to support workplace equality, to learn more and make a donation:
[h1]Mercy Corps[/h1]
Mercy Corps provides both immediate and long term emergency relief support through its extensive international response network.  Since 1979, Mercy Corps has helped over 170 million survivors recover from both natural and human-made disasters.

NikeTalk members remember Mercy Corps as the host of our disaster relief fundraisers for both Super Typhoon Haiyan and the devastating 2011 earthquake off the coast of Honshu, Japan.  Combined, NikeTalk and its members contributed over $30,000 through these drives. 

Contributions are still being accepted through both of these campaign pages.  
[h1]Operation Smile [/h1]
Every three minutes, a child is born with a cleft lip or cleft palate.  Many children suffering from this condition experience difficulty eating, speaking, and hearing.  Some are even ostracized by their peers due to their appearance.  Fortunately, most cases are highly treatable and, for as little as $240, a surgical procedure can help these children lead healthier, happier lives.  

Operation Smile works with over 5,400 medical volunteers in over 80 countries.  Together, they've transformed the lives of countless children.  

Back in 2012, NikeTalk contributed $10,000 to Operation Smile, the runner up in our 10th anniversary vote:

To support their work directly and enjoy some inspiring before and after pictures, visit their official website:
[h1]Room to Read[/h1]
It's no secret that Room to Read is one of our favorite charities here at NikeTalk.  Since 2009, we've issued several contributions to assist them in their efforts to promote literacy and gender equality throughout Africa and Asia.  Thus far, they've successfully reached over 8.8 million children.  In addition to building over 16,000 libraries and 1,800 schools, the organization also provides scholarship and support services, reading and writing construction, and local language publishing. 

Notable projects we've undertaken together include the construction of a library in Nepal: and a pre-school in Sri Lanka:

Recently, we concluded a group fundraising effort in support of Room to Read in this year's Social Entrepreneurs Challenge:

Those who missed out will be pleased to learn that your contributions can still qualify for matching support through December 31st, thanks to the support of private donors.  Visit Room to Read's website to learn more:
[h1]See Forever Foundation (Maya Angelou Schools)[/h1]
The See Forever Foundation currently operates several unique schools, including a middle school, a high school, a school for young men who are currently incarcerated, and a school for young adults who previously dropped out of high school.  Their efforts to operate a world class school within the grounds of a correctional facility have drawn particular renown.

The organization is currently seeking support to assist in the state-of-the art, $23 million renovation of its facilities in NE Washington, D.C., which will educate over 750 students annually.

In 2012, NikeTalk contributed $9,203 to the See Forever Foundation, the last contribution made before our site's relaunch:

To learn more and support their work, visit

Though many of you likely feel strongly about your favorites, we respectfully request that you limit your lobbying to within our community.  It's our goal to determine how YOU, our members, would most like to see these funds distributed - it is not a cynical attempt to rope nonprofit supporters into performing social media marketing for us as a ploy to drive traffic to the site.

Thank you for your continued support of our community!  
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I recommend Toys for Tots being as its the holiday season. I have relatives who had wonderful Christmases thanks to toys for tots. 15 gs worth of toys for the kids will have a lot of smiling faces Christmas morning. I'm saying this because I can attest to it.
Just voted.

Is this a daily vote or 1 vote per member??
It's one per person.  While signed in, you won't get the option to vote again - but you will be able to track the poll results in real time.  

We're seeing a lot of variety among responses thus far, which is great.  This type of feedback helps us reaffirm the choices we've made thus far and helps us better gauge the interests of our fellow members. 
Voted. Would it be possible if all charities would split the runner up prize instead of just one?
It's a toss up between EJI and operation smile....

I think I'm going to vote for Operation Smile (the $10,000 should cover about 40 kids), and personally donate to EJI.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY #NT! 15 years strong [emoji]128170[/emoji] Voted for Equal Justice [emoji]128591[/emoji]
Which one would you choose Meth? And why?
I already chose all of them at least once.  The whole point of this is to give our community members the chance to make the decision this time. 

Generally speaking, we look at many factors:  timing, efficiency, reputation, the statement made by the contribution, the availability of any matching/challenge grants, urgency, and so on.  

I recommend that those interested take the time to better acquaint themselves with all of the options before arriving at a decision.  We want everyone to feel good about their selections - and to consider extending a contribution of their own.  

Not everyone can donate five or ten thousand dollars, but we can - and should - all go through the process of evaluating nonprofit organizations and contributing what we can to those whose work we support.  We hope that, for those who do not yet make regular charitable contributions, this opportunity can help walk them through the experience and help them form a positive and lifelong commitment to giving.  

Every single person here can make a difference. 
I feel some type of way about the LGBT community, unfortunately that way is that they do not have enough support. All the organization that anyone chooses is no doubt a good cause, It's just a matter of whats more appropriate by your life experiences.
It would have been great if you guys reached out to inner city schools that don't have funds to support different sports programs......​
For example my friend works in Cincinnati inner city public school in the hood, and he coached track and volleyball and they NEVER have enough money to buy basics like track uniforms or other upgrades that are required for their gym (Basketball goal padding, which surprisingly is very expensive and requited for all goals, etc.)​
I think those would fall in line more closely with the theme of Niketalk, but great work on the part of you guys and I voted.  If you guys are interested in working on projects like this in the future I know a lot of kids in the US hurting, and confined to the hood because that's all they know.  Sports has always been a positive outlet for me and I always try to help out as best I can when my friends bring these causes to my attention.​
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