Help a NTer out. I DESPISE my job

Dive head first into school. Realize you don't have much of anything right now that would net you a higher salary. Start working on your lifetime instead of right now, especially when right now is a waste of your energy.
btw, i say keep the car & pay it off while you're still living with your parents, it doesn't make sense to pay rent & a car note if you can avoid it.
btw, i say keep the car & pay it off while you're still living with your parents, it doesn't make sense to pay rent & a car note if you can avoid it.

he can barely pays his bills, having a car payment and making minimum wage is foolish

also not 100% sure this isn't a troll thread
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He should realize that he's at an advantage, living at home with his parents, and recognizing he needs to change and grow. Also realize you're really not as far back as you feel, you're young and there are a ton of people that age in your situation or worse. The car note I don't get though, you ain't got no school, no real job, no real place to be, why'd you get a note?
22 is still mad young. If you started taking classes now and didn't take off for summers you could be done in no time. When I was in school half of the dudes in my degree program were 35-45 years old. Take advantage of in state tuition and take advantage of any clubs or internships related to whatever career you decide. I got good grades but slacked off when it came to anything outside of just my classes. It came back to bite me when I graduated and had nothing lined up. I'm finally just now starting a full time position on Monday with benefits in my field at 26 and I graduated 2 and a half years ago.
Everyone here is being very nice to you so I'll go the other way and bring some hard truth. So far you've been a bum. Fast food? Why did you even agree to that in the first place? Restoring shoes?? What are you 13?!?? STOP. You still live with your parents, good. Now, beg them to take care of your car payment so you can quit that job and either go to school, or as others have said, join some type of apprenticeship. As of now you've amounted to nothing, BUT NOW is the time you change all that.
if you dont plan on going to school thats fine... go to a temp agency and they can find you a decent job with decent pay also... you just have to look thats all... those temp jobs are always hiring sometimes they actually make you a permanent employee like they did with me
You're only 22 OP. You still have time to go to school and figure out what you want to do. You're never stuck fam. Stay up.
I wish I worked close to home where I can live with my parents :lol:

Would save SO much money. Even if I paid them "rent"
I wish I worked close to home where I can live with my parents

Would save SO much money. Even if I paid them "rent"
same here ..that's what millennials are doing anyway .. be like 35 living at the crib.
Get rid of the car note and get a used car. Honestly car notes are just so dumb to get into at a young age just cause the car will not be with you in the long run anyways.

My advise, work with a temp agency that can you some work that you can use on a resume. Most agencies I have worked with will plug you with some sort of a corporate job. It might not be anything great and temps are used for crap work but that will look better on your resume rather than the fast food thing. Plus some temp jobs if done right can lead to a permanent job. If you didn't go to school, it's time to build a work career rather than a school one. By the end of it, some jobs will look past you not having a degree (some) as long as you have an extensive work history under your belt.
same here ..that's what millennials are doing anyway .. be like 35 living at the crib.

If a person is 35 living at home, dude is hardly a millennial. Dude is a bum.

To give OP credit, I didn't start real living till almost at age 28. I was living at home the whole time but just broke out to live like a poor man to at least have freedom. Being 22 years old is really young still. I would say there is tons of life ahead of you still. Go to community college or if you can afford it, a trade school. Hell, work at Costco cause I think you get like $18 an hour with benefits and yearly increases. Just do something with some sort of credit behind it where it can benefit you for the next job.
I wish I worked close to home where I can live with my parents :lol:

Would save SO much money. Even if I paid them "rent"
same here ..that's what millennials are doing anyway .. be like 35 living at the crib.

That's what they do in Caribbean. Folk mostly move out when they getting married, or really caking.

I thought that was acceptable to Asians too. Johnny Tran was still living at home in Fast & Furious and he was cakin'. The disrespect of them raiding their house during dinner tho :smh:
Everyone here is being very nice to you so I'll go the other way and bring some hard truth. So far you've been a bum. Fast food? Why did you even agree to that in the first place? Restoring shoes?? What are you 13?!?? STOP. You still live with your parents, good. Now, beg them to take care of your car payment so you can quit that job and either go to school, or as others have said, join some type of apprenticeship. As of now you've amounted to nothing, BUT NOW is the time you change all that.

A little harsh man. There are many reasons as to why he may have believed that this was a decent environment for him. Or at least why he has made these decisions. So I wouldn't say that he is a bum. Just because someone else may have gotten off to a better start etc. and may have had some better examples doesn't really mean anything when it comes to OP. He has probably learned a lot from his life experiences and they will help him as he moves on.

He just needs to be thankful that he recognized his feelings at a young age. While he can still salvage plenty. Not the same can be said for most people :smh:
I wish I worked close to home where I can live with my parents :lol:

Would save SO much money. Even if I paid them "rent"
same here ..that's what millennials are doing anyway .. be like 35 living at the crib.

That's what they do in Caribbean. Folk mostly move out when they getting married, or really caking.

I thought that was acceptable to Asians too. Johnny Tran was still living at home in Fast & Furious and he was cakin'. The disrespect of them raiding their house during dinner tho :smh:

Bringing dishonor to the fam :smh:

Moms was looking at him like he forgot to put out the chicken |I
I think it is still okay with Asians though. I almost feel some Asian families like it cause they get taken care of and the parents get to still set rules on them. As long as they are working, there shouldn't be any real shame to it and if the kids saves money, then that reason is acceptable. I am like thinking down the line and I still know tons of people my age (34) that are still living at home. Granted this is the Bay Area and it's almost ideal to do that now.
I think it is still okay with Asians though. I almost feel some Asian families like it cause they get taken care of and the parents get to still set rules on them. As long as they are working, there shouldn't be any real shame to it and if the kids saves money, then that reason is acceptable. I am like thinking down the line and I still know tons of people my age (34) that are still living at home. Granted this is the Bay Area and it's almost ideal to do that now.
Word. My dad stays trying to get my little bro to move back home just so he can boss him around...
I thought that was acceptable to Asians too. Johnny Tran was still living at home in Fast & Furious and he was cakin'. The disrespect of them raiding their house during dinner tho

"TORETTO! Swat team came into my house. DISRESPECTED my family"
First thing get rid of the car, buy a cheap used reliable car with minimal to no payments. Anyone telling you to keep a high car payment working minimum wage is crazy.

Also begging your parents to pay YOUR car payment is childish and a terrible suggestion 
First thing get rid of the car, buy a cheap used reliable car with minimal to no payments. Anyone telling you to keep a high car payment working minimum wage is crazy.
Also begging your parents to pay YOUR car payment is childish and a terrible suggestion :x

Horrible how? What if they're willing to? This guy is working min wage just to pay for a car and phone I'm assuming. He's above nothing. Begging may be a strong word but call it what you want.
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Horrible how? What if they're willing to?
If they didn't buy it for you in the first place why would they be willing to?

This man is 22 not 16 he decided to go out and get a car note, its not his parents responsibility to pay the note now.

He is already living their for free the least you can do is pay your own bills 
 Can't afford it? Sell the car.

I was raised different that's not okay to me or my parents. I do have friends that are 25 and think just like you though.
If they didn't buy it for you in the first place why would they be willing to?
This man is 22 not 16 he decided to go out and get a car note, its not his parents responsibility to pay the note now.
He is already living their for free the least you can do is pay your own bills :smh:  Can't afford it? Sell the car.

I was raised different that's not okay to me or my parents. I do have friends that are 25 and think just like you though.

Man please, that's not for me either, but this is his situation and potential options. He wants a change, well, make a change. His age is meaningless to your equation because what he's doing at 22 people do at 16.

Yes "sell your car" is an option but that's easier said than done and come with variables. Amount it maybe worth, the kind of car he even has, the amount he's already put into it, the amount he owes, condition, mileage, all things that change the situation.

Lastly, I guess you know his living situation? Dudes parents might be loaded or something. None of this is known to any of us.
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Man please, that's not for me either, but this is his situation. He wants a change, well, make a change. His age is meaningless to your equation because what he's doing at 22 people do at 16.

Yes "sell your car" is an option but that's easier said than done and come with variables. Amount it maybe worth, the kind of car he even has, the amount he's already put into it, the amount he owes, condition, mileage, all things that change the situation.

Lastly, I guess you know his living situation? Dudes parents might be loaded or something. None of this is known to any of us.
I don't know his living situation I gave a suggestion based off of what he has said so far. I also don't know any 16 year olds that went out and bought cars btw. 

His parents situation doesn't change anything. My friends mom is a millionaire and she kicked him out of the house for not owning up to any responsibilities .

He expected her to pay ALL of his bills and not ever work a job. One day you have to grow up no matter how much your parents have.

IMO your suggestions are encouraging behavior that makes people never grow up and take responsibility. You first started out saying "What are you 13 ?" then proceeded to say "beg your parents to pay your car note" doesn't make sense to me. 
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