Help a NTer out. I DESPISE my job

Feb 5, 2008
To make a long story short, I'm 22 and working a dead end job right now. Fast food and barely making more than minimum wage. I restore kicks locally and make a few extra bucks. I'm still living with my parents so I can afford to pay the little bills I have. My car note is :x tho.
If I would have went to school I would be finished right now. Considering going to a community college. Just need help right now tho.
Any places you guys can think of that pay pretty good for a guy in my shoes?
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Please don't take any offense, but you're fast-food worker and have no college experience and you're 22. What do you have to offer that makes you think you are owed more? This was from the NT motivation thread that someone copied off reddit and was a great wakeup call to me, perhaps it can help motivate you too. Now go out there and take control of your life.

"I could not agree more. There is this weird mentally, especially on
circlejerking places like Reddit, that somehow you deserve to have all
the things you want. That you deserve that awesome woman or man that
you only dare to stare at from a distance. That you deserve the great
body, healthy skin, perfect job, high pay, amazing holidays, the new
computer or your dream fulfilled.

Well, guess what: You don't. There is no one in the universe that
looks at you and says "well, you deserve to have all these things, I
am going to give them to you". You don't deserve anything. If you can
read this you probably already had many great things thrown at you for
which you didn't do a thing. A good education, loving parents, food,
shelter, a computer, maybe even a good spot in university or a good

If you want to be the person that you want to be - do something for
it. You don't know people? How could you if you waste your time on
Reddit or with porn? Go and get a hobby, join a club, do something
that you haven't done before.

You can't dance? Learn it. You can't tell jokes? Train it. You don't
like your job? Find a new one. You don't have the skills? Find out
what skills you want - and learn it.
You want to find an attractive
partner? Become an attractive partner first.

I am annoyed by Reddit, or, to say it more precise: By the attitude of
a large part of the youth today. By the beliefs that people here hold.
My favourite is the "Need work experience to find a job" thing that
comes up every now or then. Why do they look for people with work
experience? Because any employer knows that those who don't have work
experience are probably at fault themselves. They are the
self-entitled ones who believe that food should fly in their mouths,
and that their great inner values are enough to become great, no work
needed. Sure, there might be one or two who would deserve better luck
- but likely, when you are honest with yourself, you are probably not
one of them.

Or another: friendzone. Friendzone. The most ridiculous and sexist
concept I have ever heard of. Yes, it's now applied in both
directions, but traditionally it is that a woman "puts" a "nice" guy
in the friendzone. The poor fellow. She is so hot and he likes her so
much. And he does nice things for her. Why doesn't she love him for
the things he does? Why is she so cruel? Well, it's because he is an
idiot. He believes that you can buy attraction. Do you fall in love
with a girl just because she occasionally helps you out? Of course
not. You fall in love because of looks and character and her behaviour
and likely because of a well formed personality. She is an interesting
person, that's why you feel attracted to her, why you want to spend
time with her. And, sure, some women might more or less consciously
exploit that. But that doesn't change the matter:

If you believe that somebody else ought to love you because you do
something nice for them; if you believe that somebody else needs to
feel a certain way because of things you do - then you are an idiot.
If you are unhappily in the friendzone - you are an idiot, plain and
simple. Deal with it, accept that you have a good friend, and move on.
Or try and take the relationship to a new level. But don't whine how
cruel the girl is because she doesn't let you hump her even when you
fix her computer.

Do you deserve anything? HELL NO. Is there a "fair" universe - where
fair means biased in your favour - that gives you all the things you
want? HELL NO.

If you are on Reddit whining about your lack of friends or partner or
your horrible job - then consider for a moment whether you are part of
the problem, whether it is not your fault rather than the rest of the
world being rude to you.

You chose a bad partner? Your choice.

You think you deserve a better job? Go and get it.

Yes yes, it's not easy. Oh, you sent 70 applications and still no one
took you? Did you ever consider that maybe you are not interesting
enough for them to take you? Maybe it's not your lack of experience,
mabye it's your horrible spelling, your lack of skills, your subtle
disrespect for them, or any other of a million things. Maybe you are
just unlucky, there are a few of those - but, if you are honest with
yourself, the chance that you are one of them is small.

Most people are socialised in this "get it all" society. Instant
gratification through TV and fast food and those fake achievements of
games that come in exactly that interval that keeps you hooked. Life
doesn't work like that. Clicking a button and doing fun things will
rarely make you successful. Hard work, that's where it's at. Of
course, even hard work doesn't guarantee anything. You need to invest
it wisely. You need to be willing to make sacrifices. You need to stay
strong. You want to lose those 200lb? Well, good for you that you
exercise 15 minutes a day. Bad for you that you say yes to all those
donuts and chips.

People fail because they expect instant rewards. You avoid that donut
and in return you wake up in the morning and your trousers fit. You
start reading a book on French and the next day you can talk fluently.
You can sit in front of your computer, doing your job with average
results while you spend time on reddit - and you still think you
deserve a raise? You wake up and don't bother to shower but still
expect people to enjoy your company? You spend your nights all at home
playing video games and still you expect to be able to have
interesting discussions with other people?

You, if you are that person, are an idiot. You don't deserve good
things, you work for them. The whole concept of "deserving" something,
punishment or reward, is based on an ancient logic that there is
somebody watching over us who can read your mind and rewards you for
merely being good and punishes you for merely being bad. Well, guess
what, you can get away with stealing when you do it right. And you can
suffer for doing good things, if you do it wrong.

Get that in your head: The world is not fair. The World Is Not Fair.
There is no fairness, no justice. And you should be happy about that,
because else probably you would be starving and not the Indian farmer
who works 14 hours a day to feed his family and still half his
children die from diarrhea and he himself with 30 from starvation.

The world is not fair. You can be one of the 1% or so lucky ones,
those who get things for merely being born in the right family, or
with the right looks or the incredible mental skills. But chances are
you are not.

But still: You can be the person you want to be. You CAN. If you work
for it. Your application keeps getting refused? Ask others why. Ask
them for candid feedback, not to be nice. You are alone? Go out and
meet people? You are fat? Lose weight. Oh, but your friends want to go
to McDonalds? Nice excuse for lack of wilpower. You don't know how to
cook? Learn it. You are bored? Go get a life. You hate your town?

I hear you, I really do. You say "it's not that easy" or maybe "you
just don't understand my situation" or "I'm trying my best.." blah

My answer is simple: You are an idiot. You don't understand, you
refuse to understand a simple fact: The world is not skewed in your
favour. You don't deserve anything. Life is not supposed to be easy,
it is not supposed to be any way. There are no checkpoints along the
way, or small boxes with rewards - life is not a video game. Life just
is. It is hard, it is sometimes unfair, it is sometimes difficult,
even painful. But if you don't like it the way there is only one
option. Only one, and unless you accept that you will fail over and
over again, you will be unhappy for all your life:

If you don't like the way things are - fight with all your power to
change it. You can't find happiness, you have to create it. You don't
deserve breaks. You don't deserve a pat on the back. You don't deserve
that snickers. You don't deserve those new shoes. You don't "deserve"

You need to choose where you want to be, and then you need to work
your way towards it. Someday you might succeed. Or maybe you don't.
But you know one thing: If you never try you will always fail, every
day, every hour, every second.

You need to work for the things you want. Of course you can't achieve
everything. Of course not everybody can be president. But for those
things that any person dreams of - a good partner, a nice place, a
good job and a healthy social life, and for most other dreams that
people might hold: You are not magically entitled to have it. You need
to work for it. There is no alternative. And if you believe there is,
if you believe you are entitled to something, to anything - then you
are, plain and simple, an idiot.

Do you act and think as if you are entitled? Do you believe that you
deserve things to be better? Then, my friend, you are wrong. Then, my
friend, you need to learn that the world is not a good and gentle
place. The world is a neutral place. Some start lucky. Some start
unlucky. But I haven't seen a person yet who cannot improve his lot by
working hard on improving it."
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may be try AT the community college you mentioned or a local university...they might have admin positions that generally require a HS diploma and the ability to understand and follow office tasks
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That quote was making some good points, but damn there's no way in hell I would read all of that.

Op, you're young. Don't start making regrets. Just look to the future and create your five year goals. Work backward from the goals to determine what it is you need to do to accomplish them.

I'm no longer in the mindset of getting and keeping a job. I don't remember you mentioning kids and you live with parents. Now is your time to take chances. Start growing your shoe business more to keep the money coming in. Then go find something you can do on your own. I love real estate. There is a need for agents, investors, inspectors and other professionals throughout the industry everywhere on this planet. Take a look at it.

I know you wanna ride slick, but now may not be the time while you're figuring it out. I was young and wanted to drive what I wanted too. In hindsight, I can tell you it was a bad idea. You have to figure out yourself if you can shed that debt and just buy something in cash. I don't know what you drive, but I would bet that it's not worth working at the restaurant to pay for it.
My 2 cents.

You're still very young. You just became legal last year. You can catch up easily but got to be dedicated. You probably feel left behind because kids who went to a 4 year university right after high school are just now graduating at your age range.

Stop buying sneakers. Point blank. Stop going out so much. Save money when you can. Go to a local community college and get information on their offerings. Take all the classes you can there that can be transferred to a 4 year college.

You can teach yourself basic computer skills that would sharpen your resume a bit for at least an admin job. From my experience, that will pay more than fast food or at least allow you to cross function. Intern in things that interest you even if it doesn't pay.

Cut off deadweight friends. Make friends with motivated people.

I'm about 7 years older than you and have seen it all. I've had friends from high school who were like you and woke up. They sacrificed the party life so their 30s would be smooth sailing. Conversely there are some who are still stuck working at dead end jobs because they did nothing about it. It's your life. You can make whatever you want from it.
Yeah bruh, you have to get out and get yours.

Start with a simple thought of what you like to do and add layers to that to find a skill to study.
You're 22 bruh, nothing happens over night.

I'm 20, was at two food shops for 4 years and became managers at both. The first one was cool, second one was horrible and I quit.

Interviewed and got a job at a brokerage firm on Wall Street. Sometimes it's not about what you can do or your grades, it's about who you know.

Keep grinding. Go back to school and work your tail off. Make sure your always positive.

Believe in yourself because in the end that's all you have. Also have delusional confidence in yourself.

Good luck on your next ventures fam :pimp:
My 2 cents.

You're still very young. You just became legal last year. You can catch up easily but got to be dedicated. You probably feel left behind because kids who went to a 4 year university right after high school are just now graduating at your age range.

Stop buying sneakers. Point blank. Stop going out so much. Save money when you can. Go to a local community college and get information on their offerings. Take all the classes you can there that can be transferred to a 4 year college.

You can teach yourself basic computer skills that would sharpen your resume a bit for at least an admin job. From my experience, that will pay more than fast food or at least allow you to cross function. Intern in things that interest you even if it doesn't pay.

Cut off deadweight friends. Make friends with motivated people.

I'm about 7 years older than you and have seen it all. I've had friends from high school who were like you and woke up. They sacrificed the party life so their 30s would be smooth sailing. Conversely there are some who are still stuck working at dead end jobs because they did nothing about it. It's your life. You can make whatever you want from it.

Well said.

And OP fix your sig.. that ain't you life no more.. You don't want or need any more kicks. :tongue:
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If you could have been done school by now why didn't you go?

What did you do with the last 4 years of your life? That's a vital period. Did you think not going to school and "figuring it out" would work? I understand schools not for everyone but you're 22 still working a minimum wage job. You couldn't better yourself in that 4 year period?

There's two types of people. Those who settle and those who strive for greatness. Which one are you OP?
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To make a long story short, I'm 22 and working a dead end job right now. Fast food and barely making more than minimum wage. I restore kicks locally and make a few extra bucks. I'm still living with my parents so I can afford to pay the little bills I have. My car note is :x tho.
If I would have went to school I would be finished right now. Considering going to a community college. Just need help right now tho.
Any places you guys can think of that pay pretty good for a guy in my shoes?

Get into a trade. Electricians make good money. Sucks you gotta do an apprenticeship for a few years.

You still young man. Dont waste your time at a fast food place thats going nowhere.
Can't knock apprenticeships. My friend is in one for electrical work. Pulls in good money to be 24.
Can't knock apprenticeships. My friend is in one for electrical work. Pulls in good money to be 24.

Exactly. My friend started one right outta high school for plumbing. And a few years later, before we all graduated college, he was making very nice money.

There's options OP. College isn't for everyone.
You got to get up, get out, and get somethin OP. You're young, you'll be aight. Some people don't come to where you're at mentally untill they're in their late 30's
To make a long story short, I'm 22 and working a dead end job right now. Fast food and barely making more than minimum wage. I restore kicks locally and make a few extra bucks. I'm still living with my parents so I can afford to pay the little bills I have. My car note is
If I would have went to school I would be finished right now. Considering going to a community college. Just need help right now tho.
Any places you guys can think of that pay pretty good for a guy in my shoes?
I went back to community college at 21. One of the best decisions of my life.
you could learn how to day trade but that takes a ton of hardwork and it isn't for everyone. i'd enroll in some kind of schooling, whether it's an it program or something. get a certification. get into radiology or become an x ray tech. bunch of different things you could do.
If you could have been done school by now why didn't you go?

What did you do with the last 4 years of your life? That's a vital period. Did you think not going to school and "figuring it out" would work? I understand schools not for everyone but you're 22 still working a minimum wage job. You couldn't better yourself in that 4 year period?

There's two types of people. Those who settle and those who strive for greatness. Which one are you OP?
I have two best friends from high school. I love them to death but they are like most of my high school classmates sadly. Both are 30 years old. Person A dropped out of junior college. Person B is still in junior college after 7 or 8 years.

Person A got a job at UPS out of high school in 2003. He's now finally a supervisor. Pay is subpar and hours are long. If they lay him off, he's going to have a hard time finding a management position elsewhere nowadays without a degree. He copped a new car right after high school so he had to work long hours to pay. Eventually dropped out of college because it would take too long.

Person B took a year off after high school to hang out. Started working at random dead end jobs. I have no idea how you can spend this long in a junior college but he's still there.

It's sad that when we would link up, it's only to talk about high school stuff. That shouldn't be the high point of your life. We're definitely falling out but I try to link up once a quarter or so in hope that they'll somehow do better in life.

It's all about the hunger. I definitely agree that college isn't needed to succeed but it helps a lot. The two most financially successful people I know (well into 8 figure salaries) never went to college. They're self taught and able to hold extremely mind provoking conversations though.
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If you could have been done school by now why didn't you go?

What did you do with the last 4 years of your life? That's a vital period. Did you think not going to school and "figuring it out" would work? I understand schools not for everyone but you're 22 still working a minimum wage job. You couldn't better yourself in that 4 year period?

There's two types of people. Those who settle and those who strive for greatness. Which one are you OP?
I have two best friends from high school. I love them to death but they are like most of my high school classmates sadly. Both are 30 years old. Person A dropped out of junior college. Person B is still in junior college after 7 or 8 years.

Person A got a job at UPS out of high school in 2003. He's now finally a supervisor. Pay is subpar and hours are long. If they lay him off, he's going to have a hard time finding a management position elsewhere nowadays without a degree. He copped a new car right after high school so he had to work long hours to pay. Eventually dropped out of college because it would take too long.

Person B took a year off after high school to hang out. Started working at random dead end jobs. I have no idea how you can spend this long in a junior college but he's still there.

It's sad that when we would link up, it's only to talk about high school stuff. That shouldn't be the high point of your life. We're definitely falling out but I try to link up once a quarter or so in hope that they'll somehow do better in life.

It's all about the hunger. I definitely agree that college isn't needed to succeed but it helps a lot. The two most financially successful people I know (well into 8 figure salaries) never went to college. They're self taught and able to hold extremely mind provoking conversations though.

Haha, I took my first CC class in Spring 2001 and I didn't finish and get my associates degree until winter 2013 :lol: With that said, I got my bachelor's within a year after that and I'm now going for my Master's starting this Fall. So yeah, it's all about wanting it and being all about that action, boss. Life passes you by quick if you let it.
Get into a trade. Electricians make good money. Sucks you gotta do an apprenticeship for a few years.

You still young man. Dont waste your time at a fast food place thats going nowhere.


1. Get rid of that car note. Why do you have a car note? In your position you should not have a car note.

2. Everything everyone else has said and then some. College is NOT the only way to make a living. Carpenters, Electricians, HVAC Repair, Plumbers, Wielders, Mechanics, etc all make great money after apprenticeship/trade school, and you'll have the added bonus of not graduating 30K+ in debt.

3. Don't panic. You're 22. You still have time. If you were 30 and making this thread I'd be worried. You making this thread shows you know you're not living up to your potential.

If your 22 and you havent done anything with your life... join the marines, they'll set u on the right path

This should literally be the last thing on your mind before paying Deezy, LeBron or Dwayne Wade.
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-let me start out by saying nothing in life is given, if you want it, you have to grasp it by the balls & take it, make everyday your "bxtch."

-hit up a community college, pay out of pocket [some even have payment plans] get that associates degree, then go work for a company that has tuition reimbursement & get that bachelors [in something that you love, not something that pays well] on their dime, starbucks even offers it for part-time employees through asu now, get them to pay for your schooling as you move up within the company.

-always keep that side hustle &/or do whatever your passion is on the side, when you align with your passion, the universe will take care of you & the right doors will open.

i recently quit my job of 9 years after looking for a job for the last 7+ months, countless interviews, countless "sick" days taken off to go to the interviews, i was finally accepted by one of the best companies in the united states, they believe in treating their employees like kings & queens, give us free travel, give us amazing benefits, and believe in career advancement [lack of it was the main reason for me leaving my old job] i worked in local government, loved my coworkers, & got to a point where i was literally, mentally,& sometimes physically sick of going into work. there was no room for advancement & am a bit of a climber, i love to move around, learn new things, and crosstrain & see what fits me & what i align with best, the pay was amazing but very rarely will pay keep an employee of my type. the last 3 supervisors i trained how to do their job, but couldn't be a supervisor because i wasn't "uniformed staff." about 2 weeks ago i put in my notice & last friday was my last day there, while it was bittersweet because i grew up at that job, i understand the art of moving on, especially when it will benefit me in the long term. i left over 400 sick hours on the table, because we don't get paid for it unless we retire within my local government, but i get paid for the 300+ hours of vacation leave. i'm saying all of this to tell you never give up on your goals, but also realize that you have to make your own way, pay it forward so you can pay it forward, be blessed.

[ps] when the lady hired me for my new career, she told me "you can smile again" ..that meant the world to me because i explained to her that in my former line of work, your smiles can be used against you, even if you want to smile, you shouldn't, i was working in such a toxic, counterproductive, negative environment, i'm just happy to be able to breathe again, feels like i got another chance at life.
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why not sell the car? car payment in this situation makes little sense

how much is it?
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