Healthcare vol. WTF

I’d like to retire around age 45 but I have no idea what to do about healthcare.

The system is designed to really only be possible if you are employed and get healthcare through your employer.

We would probably live abroad and I can even get healthcare abroad as we spend time abroad. so i’m not concerned about normal visits. i just want healthcare for the emergency unplannable scenario when I’m in the US. Really don’t know what to do…feels like you gotta basically just work forever.
Hospitals and PCP offices will overbill knowing that insurance will not pay for everything. Always ask for an itemized receipt. If they're shady, watch that total amount number magically go down.

If your parents are older/immigrants, be especially vigilant.
This. Always get an itemized receipt. Hospitals will try to charge you $50 for a band aid
The system is designed to really only be possible if you are employed and get healthcare through your employer.

One (un)intended effect of our system is that way too many people work in positions that make them (and everyone around them) miserable because they can't find the same level of health coverage somewhere they can move to.

True freedom in the US will be attained the moment health benefits are decoupled from work.
For example, what hospitals in Belgium charge you for a stay in the hospital is controlled by law. Insurance then covers the numbers you see on this image. Our "health unions" (public healthcare) cover about 70% I believe but you can supplement with private insurance to get 100% coverage rate. This goes for every hospital stay, regardless of whether you're in the geriatric ward or the ICU. So it is infact possible to stay in the ICU for 2 months with 100% insurance coverage, part public and part private.

And this is the cost per day if you have no insurance whatsoever.
Acute afdeling = ER, ICU, ...
Brandwondencentrum = Burn wounds center
Palliatieve zorg = Palliative care
Revalidatie en Geriatrie = Recovery and Geriatric ward

One (un)intended effect of our system is that way too many people work in positions that make them (and everyone around them) miserable because they can't find the same level of health coverage somewhere they can move to.

True freedom in the US will be attained the moment health benefits are decoupled from work.
They do this the other way too. If they know insurance will pay for it they’ll charge as much as they can for any and everything. **** is a joke
Smh glad to see I’m not the only one who thinks wtf when it comes to all this. Like I said I am beyond thankful for the coverage I have because I know not everyone is in the same position. But ****** that some people on top of being sick have to stress about the damn bill.
I heard you could just pay .25 on a bill for the rest of your life - and they can’t come after you. :lol:
I heard that that’s pretty much true because if they put you in collections they can’t put it on your credit report because it would be a HIPAA violation.
Yep, just go to the er for everything. They can’t turn you away.

og Broke boi info in here. :pimp:
It’d still go to collections at some point. You’d be better off in the long run just not ever paying it. Take the hit on your credit and let it fall off after 7 years.

Pro tip: with collections never pay anything if you don’t intend to pay it off. Every time you pay ANYTHING it resets the clock on how long it’ll take to fall off your credit report. That’s why collections folks always try to get you to pay something, even if it isn’t close to what your payment is.

Anybody have any experience with Aetna vs. Anthem blue cross blue shield? Switched jobs recently and have to pick between the two. Really wish I could’ve stayed with United, my last employees plan was good to me.
I had Anthem Blue Cross and it was alright. Had their coverage when kid #1 was born.

IMO, I wish I still had Kaiser out of convenience. But didn't like the cost.
Healthcare been a scam. People will go to lengths ****ting on how other countries do their healthcare but casually ignore that the people in those places NEVER have to file for bankruptcy for their bills.
One of the few benefits to being a teacher is the healthcare benefits. Just about the only thing keeping me in the classroom, between that and learning how stocks & options work to suppliment my income.
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Anybody have any experience with Aetna vs. Anthem blue cross blue shield? Switched jobs recently and have to pick between the two. Really wish I could’ve stayed with United, my last employees plan was good to me.
Honestly make sure you look at the plan summary carefully for each. Think about what your actual need is. Look at deductibles if that applies or co pays. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about the plans i may be able to help out since it’s something I deal with in my current job.
Healthcare been a scam. People will go to lengths ****ting on how other countries do their healthcare but casually ignore that the people in those places NEVER have to file for bankruptcy for their bills.
I think only one group in this country talk crap about other countries' healthcare.
I had PT last year. Insurance covered most, but I still looked at the itemization when the paperwork came in just out of curiosity.

The PT clinic was charging like $100 for 3 minutes of stupid little resistance band warmup exercises. $200 for about 4 minutes of light massage. $200 for 5 mins of electric stim.

Insane. Makes sense why insurance companies are thieves. Some of these doctors are wildin too.

yah I meant to comment on this as well. I tore my rotator cuff few years ago and of course they recommend PT before u have surgery luckily we had already hit deductible the so it was cheap(er) and the surgery was mostly covered other than like 800 and the anesthesia (had surgery in like November) Ended up going to PT in the new year and the cost had me :sick: but I guess since I had surgery.

I went to PT this for a foot injury didn’t require surgery and all I was doing was getting ASTEM massage, dry needle, and some random exercises. It was damn near 300+ a visit :smh:
The thing that rips me off more than ever is the “new patient visit” bill that gets tacked on, regardless of how many times I’ve been to that facility. And it ranges from $100-$600 in my experience.

Had knee surgery at the same hospital that I went to for a different knee surgery. New patient visit in addition to the other enormous fees. Same surgeon. Same doctor. Different anesthesiologist. $600 fee.

The follow up visit to see how my surgery progress was goin? New patient fee. $200. Because my normal doctor was off that day. Even though that’s the day HE scheduled my appointment for.

Free annual routine checkup. New patient fee. $200.With my primary care physician. Because “your primary care doctor will be retiring next month and his replacement will be doing your paperwork.”

Such a scam. It’s no wonder why people don’t like seeing doctors or going to the hospital. And why half the country has a degree in medicine from Facebook/Google university. And half the country is injecting themselves with horse dewormer and bleach. Burn it all down.
this whole country is getting ready to burn down. :lol:

even my 15 year old daughter is already talking about going to college in Europe to save money and escape the madness. I'm like **** I might just go with and make a family move out of the deal. wife can get Italian citizenship and works for an Italian company. **** it. :lol:
this whole country is getting ready to burn down. :lol:

even my 15 year old daughter is already talking about going to college in Europe to save money and escape the madness. I'm like **** I might just go with and make a family move out of the deal. wife can get Italian citizenship and works for an Italian company. **** it. :lol:
Shieeeet I love Italy would def live there
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