HBO's Silicon Valley - First Episode Up on YouTube

I was surprised to hear that Gilfoyle has a g/f. Have they ever introduced her?

Even though BH is broke, I feel like the blog they bought will turn into some huge come up.
It's the AT&T chick. She showed up for a few eps last season.

Didn't think they were still together though (unless they did break up and Gilfoyle is with somebody new I've forgot).
Jared came through with the quick birdie and Richard's spill over spaces, including the Vim over Emacs crack. :lol: :smokin
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In all seriousness, isn't pressing tab once much better than pressing the space bar 8 times? I wouldn't spazz about it, but it just seems dumb to do the latter :lol:
I was surprised to hear that Gilfoyle has a g/f. Have they ever introduced her?

Even though BH is broke, I feel like the blog they bought will turn into some huge come up.
Bighead can't lose. Either the blog he owns is gonna make him money,, or somebody in his incubator is gonna hit it big
Elrich: Jared, NICE, using that ****. 

       Richard is Crazy, but those types do exist. 

Ol girl said her boyfriend turned into her husband in two sentence. Poor Dinesh

Couldn't big head shut down the blog, which in turn would fire the blogger, then he would pay her some hush money, and also make some change. Not sure how legal that is though. 

Doesn't seem like gavin would be able to come after her at that point. Would solve big heads NDA issue, and just null and void the initial reason all this happened. Which was To save Richard from not getting the CEO position. Rub ya hands and call it a day. 

How do they do it with Jared, they never cease to amazing how creepy the thought up Jared upbringing was. Along with the unresolved sleeping Russian incident. Unless it was just some throw away writing with no point to it. 
Elrich: Jared, NICE, using that ****. 

       Richard is Crazy, but those types do exist. 

Ol girl said her boyfriend turned into her husband in two sentence. Poor Dinesh

Couldn't big head shut down the blog, which in turn would fire the blogger, then he would pay her some hush money, and also make some change. Not sure how legal that is though. 

Doesn't seem like gavin would be able to come after her at that point. Would solve big heads NDA issue, and just null and void the initial reason all this happened. Which was To save Richard from not getting the CEO position. Rub ya hands and call it a day. 

How do they do it with Jared, they never cease to amazing how creepy the thought up Jared upbringing was. Along with the unresolved sleeping Russian incident. Unless it was just some throw away writing with no point to it. 
Them buying the blog was the hush money.
I know that, now they own the blog. Hush money is something you give to people directly. They did a hush business ownership transaction. 
If anything, buying the blog makes it look even more suspicious that Big Head was the source.

And why would you buy the blog, shut it down, THEN give more money to that broad? :lol: makes no damn sense
Well, if they sell the business they get some of their money back, the blog has its foundation built and has followers so someone will pay good money for it.

because they're broke, its a means to get money.. 

Anyways, forget about it. It was a wild idea i came up with on a whim. 

They're screwed so i wonder whats going to happen. Maybe big heads luck finally ran out. 
"Or're the dog face? Which do you think it is? I'm on the fence"
This episode was comedic GOLD.

"Russ was right, this guy *****."

"Nice, Jared. Use that ****."

Then Dinesh & Gilfoyle realizing Dinesh is the dogface.

Djsndnwjsjsdjsjsjsjsjwjejej I was in TEARS :lol:
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Show is legit hilarious

Bachman kills me..he swears he is the ****

Dinesh/Gilfoyle always have the funniest convos

Jared says the weirdest ****

Richard has no managerial skills whatsoever

Bighead always drinking a big gulp

Show was casted perfectly
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