HBO Series 'The Deuce' from David Simon coming Fall 2017

Anyone else having a hard time picturing Larry Brown as this grinning pimp and just keeps seeing Pratlow in every scene
clock ticking on that one
She already having meetings with that agent. Came up with a way to be her agent and CC to still be her pimp.

Lori simply doesn't have that meaness boiling at the top to drop CC yet. Which is why she has made that halfway step to leaving them.

I guess in this part of her character arc the trip to LA was just to give her a taste of independence and a feel of just being a open star and no longer a prostitute.
Remember in S1 Lori said she needs pimping or she gets lazy. I wonder how much money the street pimps are still making right now in 1978, all the bondo on the back quarter panel of CC's car seems to be a sign that money isn't really coming in for him
This show is really starting to pickup, some great character development, & feminist shorty is gonna die by the end of this season
Nah man. I like the feminist girl I hope she stays.

Also does CC only have only one girl working for him?
Seems like CC only has the 2 girls.. unless he got more at the parlors or something

But we obviously see the porn star and then the girl who's at his house who's still out and about, that he called ugly
I still wonder what happened to Gentle Richie during this 5-6 year time jump, probably became a roadie for the Grateful Dead or something

I wonder how much they'll touch up on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in season 3 when they time jump to 1985 and which of the cast will catch it, early likely candidates seem to be Rodney and Paul

Abby still delusional about how her lifestyle's been funded these last 5-6 years
The idea of a ho mad a pimp ain't pimping :lol:
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At least Abby saying "I knew" and not trying to play dumb about Vincent being front man for the mob the 7 years they been together for now

Like Candy mentioning "Behind The Green Door" in 1972 as the first IR porn film by the Mitchell Bros from SF that was a box office hit starring Marilyn Chambers 1 of the biggest porn queens ever that became most famous

Larry paying Darlene to help him read lines, getting beaten and arrested by NYPD and all kinda sacrifices for this role, if it doesn't make him a star he's going to be mad on another level

Paul's new lounge/bar really looks like some gatsby level budget ****
Larry putting in all types of work. Son really discussing acting for a porn role, paying to run lines. I could watch a whole so of his antics, improv, making porn :lol: :lol:

Vincent get all that bull from Abigail is such nonsense. Just deciding to be a *****.

Same with Dorothy. Since she came back she's had a chip on her shoulder. Like she's managed to be annoying that you look past all the horrible **** she went through. She mad petty.

Bobby trying to father his son :lol:

Robbing a truck full of left foot shoes :lol:

The clean up the Deuce guy being gay too :lol: ******* in bath houses.

CC need to smarten up and start making movies himself.
kinda crazy how the NYPD beating Larry and cuffing him is what impressed Rudy enough to give Frankie the $20k investment

CC sees himself as only a Pimp and nothing else, like season 1 when he seen that OG that left pimping to be a kept man for a woman CC was disgusted with OG
kinda crazy how the NYPD beating Larry and cuffing him is what impressed Rudy enough to give Frankie the $20k investment

CC sees himself as only a Pimp and nothing else, like season 1 when he seen that OG that left pimping to be a kept man for a woman CC was disgusted with OG
For the finale of the show they need to show an old *** CC in 2021-2023 still as a pimp trying to be a pimp in modern day times square.

People tipping him like he in a costume as a sideshow street attraction :lol:
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Wonder if Rodney will be able to keep up his Heroin Habit now that the only girl left paying him is Bernice running Bobby's Parlor

Larry howling during the scenes still hilarious

Now that Rudy is an investor in Candy's movie, they'll probably go more into how the Families really started investing into these projects for as 1 of their major rackets, its said that "Deep Throat", the highest grossing movie in the segment of all time was funded by the Colombo Family, made for $22,500, with and additional $25,000 for the music and grossed around $100 mil in box office

Still surprised Big Mike and Black Frankie brought Frankie along for the truck job since he didn't do anything, at least Carlos is the wheelman even if he may not be sober
This cheating *****. Been ******* around on Vinny this whole time? With that limp **** ****? Sad.

Oh and Vincent knows about it? Just cool with w/e.

Porterhouse, well done near to black. If I see any pink it's going right back :rofl: :smh: :sick: CC's a monster

Damn Vince :lol: Unrealistic that he didn't get shot. Son was in front of the car all out in the open.
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:lol: at CC not knowing you're supposed to sample the wine before it''s poured for the table

Shay decided she'd rather be under Rodney's control than Irene's

Candy having trouble telling her son shes in porn

Vincent realizing he about to be in the middle of Mob wars
A lot going on in last nights show.
The black cop (forgot his name on the show) is corrupt as hell. That's at least his second time covering up a murder
Vincent was the target of the drive by and don't even know it smh. I think the shots were just to scare him and go to the mob guys and stay running everything like they want him to.
Bobby trying to run away and wife that hooker :lol:
Damn. C.C. bit off more than he did chew.

Could've been good with 15k and w/e he'd eventually get from the movie but son had to push it.

Bobby a piece of **** for killing him. Did it cuz he thought he could.
Dam Rodney living like a true fiend when we finally see his apartment

CC was feeling himself too much thinking he was in control or like he's got goons, they had the numbers, there was no way he was winning in that scenario anyways since Black Frankie would've bodied him if it came down to it

Rodney strung out, CC bodied, Larry Brown becoming woke on set, the street pimp is really coming to an end, Julito may really go try to body ashley now that CC is out the way and was the only 1 of the pimps speaking against offing her

This show really emphasizes how many married men were on the DL back then in the 70s
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