Have you ever laid a hand on your woman? ....................Why not?


I mean, in theory there are cases where it'd necessitate this. But I've never been in any situation even close to those.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

You got the balls to swing on a man, you got the balls to get beat like a man
Yeah, that's true in theory...but if you or anyone else thinks that would EVER EVER EVER logically work in your favor... come on now?

it did work in my favor.......she called the police and there were 3 other people in our apartment that said she kept hitting me before i even touchedher.........she was gonna get locked up on my say so, but i dropped it (it hurt like hell because of her rings)
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by Dylishis

You got the balls to swing on a man, you got the balls to get beat like a man
Yeah, that's true in theory...but if you or anyone else thinks that would EVER EVER EVER logically work in your favor... come on now?

The logic isn't the issue. The logic is practical. But as I said in my OP:
That's why it's not just enough to change the law (which is dumb and biased). I propose a new folkway of American culture in general. we need to raise these girls differently. They need to expectto be held accountable for their mouths in the same way we do, with physical punishment. They've been untouchable for far too long and it just isn't natural. All of nature is martial, low key -- from the wolf pack to the lion's pride. So I feel you should be allowed to muff her for getting unreaonably out of pocket.

You're only
because you KNOW the current laws and customs are in your favor. If they were rightfully neutral, as in nature, you'd be worried instead of giggling because then YOU would have to be your own last line of defense.

but that's not the case so she can giggle and put her finger all in your face if she wanted to...

Yeah, aight... keep telling her that. You'd be the one mouse. If I ever caught a domestic case, you'd be theplaintiff. I already know
. You got that mouth piece on you that I love/hate in my women.
no i really don't...i'll give you the silent treatment in a heartbeat and you won't even know why...i don't do arguements and i definatelywouldn't let it get to that level...someone is gonna have to leave and it won't be me...
I can't even lie, the silent treatment gets to me. IF I'm actually willing to argue, I hate when a girl isn't. But even worse than that is"Nah.......it's cool" when you know DAMN well it ain't and you're gonna hear about that +++! later. Real talk though, women arewaaaaaaaaay too sexy when they're mad. Man...... That gets me into trouble. It's hard to focus on what you're saying when I'm scheming up onsome hostile sex. That's the best sex imaginable...
nothing...i'm fine...even after i'm over it i'll keep it going just to make you feel like !$$%...especially if you tried to get loud with mefirst...
Originally Posted by CB94

I can't even lie, the silent treatment gets to me. IF I'm actually willing to argue, I hate when a girl isn't. But even worse than that is "Nah.......it's cool" when you know DAMN well it ain't and you're gonna hear about that +++! later. Real talk though, women are waaaaaaaaay too sexy when they're mad. Man...... That gets me into trouble. It's hard to focus on what you're saying when I'm scheming up on some hostile sex. That's the best sex imaginable...

Real talk.

Ive never beat up my girl , but I pushed her and shook the %$## out of her when she got outta hand. But make up sex is
, thats how you really get your frustrations out
Originally Posted by CB94

You're only
because you KNOW the current laws and customs are in your favor. If they were rightfully neutral, as in nature, you'd be worried instead of giggling because then YOU would have to be your own last line of defense.
What? I don't hit men and I don't expect men to hit me. What on Earth should I be worried about?

does two hands around the neck count?

If so then yes, i lost it. 1st and last time though.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

nothing...i'm fine...even after i'm over it i'll keep it going just to make you feel like !$$%...especially if you tried to get loud with me first...

I KNEW IT! That ++%+ don't work though. We don't start feeling bad, ever. We just get agitated. So all it does is escalate stuff. Besides,it's just annoying. Ain't nothing more "Uggggh
" thanrenigging on forgiveness. That's a sign of immaturity. If you say you're cool, be cool.
What? I don't hit men and I don't expect men to hit me. What on Earth should I be worried about?
That's not what you implied here:
Originally Posted by Dylishis

You got the balls to swing on a man, you got the balls to get beat like a man
Yeah, that's true in theory...but if you or anyone else thinks that would EVER EVER EVER logicallywork in your favor... come on now?

You led me to assume that you do swing on men and lean against the fact that you can get away with itbased on double standards. But if you don't start stuff, by all means you shouldn't be worried about anything. The shoe doesn't fit you.
I exploded once when this girl was bothering the hell outta me.

Straight rag dolled her. She was sopposed to land on the grass but somehow ended up with her dome on the concrete.
Got a concussion. I was young
Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

nothing...i'm fine...even after i'm over it i'll keep it going just to make you feel like !$$%...especially if you tried to get loud with me first...

I KNEW IT! That ++%+ don't work though. We don't start feeling bad, ever. We just get agitated. So all it does is escalate stuff. Besides, it's just annoying. Ain't nothing more "Uggggh
" than renigging on forgiveness. That's a sign of immaturity. If you say you're cool, be cool.
What? I don't hit men and I don't expect men to hit me. What on Earth should I be worried about?
That's not what you implied here:
Originally Posted by Dylishis

You got the balls to swing on a man, you got the balls to get beat like a man
Yeah, that's true in theory...but if you or anyone else thinks that would EVER EVER EVER logicallywork in your favor... come on now?

You led me to assume that you do swing on men and lean against the fact that you can get away with it based on double standards. But if you don't start stuff, by all means you shouldn't be worried about anything. The shoe doesn't fit you.

How, when I clearly said that I don't and would never?
But okay then! lol
Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

nothing...i'm fine...even after i'm over it i'll keep it going just to make you feel like !$$%...especially if you tried to get loud with me first...

I KNEW IT! That ++%+ don't work though. We don't start feeling bad, ever. We just get agitated. So all it does is escalate stuff. Besides, it's just annoying. Ain't nothing more "Uggggh
" than renigging on forgiveness. That's a sign of immaturity. If you say you're cool, be cool.

i'm not talking about saying i forgive you and still being mad...i'm talkin i know i'm over it but you don't...
But either way, if you guys stay with women that continuously cut down your manhood and are violent with you, that's something you should think more aboutinstead of trying to rationalize beating them back. Put the shoe on the other foot, how would a woman who is physically abused sound if she asked about how toget stronger so she could beat them too? It doesn't make sense at ALL to stay in a situation like that. People that genuinely love you don't set out tohurt you and make you feel bad.
Well you quoted and responded to a post DIRECTLY. That post was about girls that would step to a man in a threatening way. Still wanna play semantics?It's not like I pulled my assumption out of thin air.

But either way, if you guys stay with women that continuously cut down your manhood and are violent with you, that's something you should think more about instead of trying to rationalize beating them back. Put the shoe on the other foot, how would a woman who is physically abused sound if she asked about how to get stronger so she could beat them too? It doesn't make sense at ALL to stay in a situation like that. People that genuinely love you don't set out to hurt you and make you feel bad.

Uh...like EVERY heroine in every movie about domestic violence ever made...
No wonder you get in fights.

It's not about semantics, I don't see how what I said made that seem like I hit guys. Especially when I agreed with the general idea. I simply meantthat just because IN THEORY you should expect to get hit if you hit someone...that doesn't mean that logically and legally, that'll work out well foryou. If you're a dude, 6'2"...your 4'11" girlfriend slaps you in the face and you stomp her +%* to the ground, while you may have beenwell within your right to defend yourself, how do you think THAT whole thing would turn out?
That's all I was saying.

Some have said things 'did' work out for them, and that's fine...but more often than not, it seems like it's usually a better idea to removeyourself from the situation rather than trying to justify hitting them back. That's all.

... and SRSLY with the movies?
I'm not even gonna address that one, for obvious reasons.
I've never actually applied any of this stuff. Never had to. I'm just trying to cure the problems I've seen, ya feel me? But I alreadysaid the shoe didn't fit you so you're cool. And then you said"Ok then!". So why are we still discussing it? I mean, if you wanna be right...go ahead. It's clear to me that you're ignoring the basis of what I'm saying and instead choosing to nitpick at thedetails. I don't really care to argue about it seeing as I've already put it into writing that others seem to agree with. We can continue to talk aboutthis if, and only if, you're able to step outside of your socialization into this culture and clearly see the double standard for what itis. I'm sure it would seem the better of one option if men just walked away. That's the double standard.

EDIT: As for the movies, I was just saying it's not a far fetched idea for women to fight back. It's even embraced in the films we watch. That'sall.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

So when double standards don't work in a guys favor he gets upset but when we call them out that's just the way life is right? m'ch...*rolls eyes*

like i said...not necessarily you Jonesy Jr. but guys in general...
Originally Posted by CB94

I've never actually applied any of this stuff. Never had to. I'm just trying to cure the problems I've seen, ya feel me? But I already said the shoe didn't fit you so you're cool. And then you said"Ok then!". So why are we still discussing it? I mean, if you wanna be right... go ahead. It's clear to me that you're ignoring the basis of what I'm saying and instead choosing to nitpick at the details. I don't really care to argue about it seeing as I've already put it into writing that others seem to agree with. We can continue to talk about this if, and only if, you're able to step outside of your socialization into this culture and clearly see the double standard for what it is. I'm sure it would seem the better of one option if men just walked away. That's the double standard.

EDIT: As for the movies, I was just saying it's not a far fetched idea for women to fight back. It's even embraced in the films we watch. That's all.
I see you just like to fight.
Oh, plee-blee... men are hypocrites something terrible. It pissed me off the other day reading about these dudes that would disown their gay son, yet theseclowns love to see a lesbian walking around. I HATE hypocrisy....
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by CB94

I've never actually applied any of this stuff. Never had to. I'm just trying to cure the problems I've seen, ya feel me? But I already said the shoe didn't fit you so you're cool. And then you said"Ok then!". So why are we still discussing it? I mean, if you wanna be right... go ahead. It's clear to me that you're ignoring the basis of what I'm saying and instead choosing to nitpick at the details. I don't really care to argue about it seeing as I've already put it into writing that others seem to agree with. We can continue to talk about this if, and only if, you're able to step outside of your socialization into this culture and clearly see the double standard for what it is. I'm sure it would seem the better of one option if men just walked away. That's the double standard.

EDIT: As for the movies, I was just saying it's not a far fetched idea for women to fight back. It's even embraced in the films we watch. That's all.
I see you just like to fight.
[In my best fighting tone] SEE, that be the %#!! I'm talkin about!! You always....[/]

...and so on and so forth. You're hilarious girl. You're cool by me.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

So when double standards don't work in a guys favor he gets upset but when we call them out that's just the way life is right? m'ch...*rolls eyes*

When double standards dont work in a woman's favor the outcome is the same
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