Have you ever laid a hand on your woman? ....................Why not?

Originally Posted by Put em up

Lrrr wrote:
i still cant believe this broad slapped me

did you let it slide?

Come on man
Nah I never hit a girl. And I would try my best not to get into a physical dispute with a female.

That being said, everybody has their breaking point. Is hitting a girl right? No. But sometimes females push you to the point where all self control is gone. Agood amount of females tend to instigate these incidents, knowing that they have the advantage once something like this goes down, and thats just as wrong. Youshouldn't try and provoke a man into making a mistake like that. Girls aren't always completely innocent in these situations. A good amount of times, afemale is the abusive one in the relatioship.
i smacked the #@+ outta this tall lanky b____ when i was like 15...she was mad because i bagged her girl up..so she was like "%%!*% i just came home fromdoin a bid" lol then she showed me some bum a__ jail tats..then tried to start slap boxin with me..lol at first i was like yo chill shorty but then shestarted whoopin my %** so I HAD TO PUT THE HAND OF GOD on that dirk nowitski lookin like b____..

as far as hitting any other female..nah never
Ima tell you this. I hit a woman before I aint gonna lie and I think she liked it. But you need to get rid of this chick, asap. You will pay if you hit her youmight not go to jail but you gonna pay. If she keep disrespecting she dont care anyways.
yo my female wouldnt get out the car cus i told her to get out i didnt wanna argue ill talk to you another day...she insist to stay so i grab her and try toshake her out the car and she didnt move blah blah blah we make up but now shes talking about that i punched her i was look me in the eye u know i didnt dothat blah blah blah u didnt know what you were doing im like yo i put it on god that i didnt hit you i just grabed her blah blah blah another nite shes alllike i wanna talk about that night im like again you gotta say that #%# you know she finallys agrees that i didnt hit her man i love women but damn they doknow how to #$#! with your head
I think my morals are all messed up.. cause I would NEVER slap or hit a nice regular female.. but for some reason I know if oneof those MANKIND BEEZY's (the ones that are all butch) tried sockin me, Id have no remorse of strait bodying IT on thepavement...I mean ive been slapped by ex GF's and all but I never hit em back or even thought of it..

SOMEONE PLEASE post the gif from DEAD PRESIDENTS where dude is strait chokin the *@# outta ol girl in the hallway afterhe tells her about 10 times "DONT TOUCH ME".. Theeeee best part hands down
I did once when I was helllla young in elementary school.

Didn't even know the
was wrong.

I barely even hit her, so she forgave me after I bought her some candy, but I still don't like thinkin' about it.
Originally Posted by A Thrilla

Ima tell you this. I hit a woman before I aint gonna lie and I think she liked it. But you need to get rid of this chick, asap. You will pay if you hit her you might not go to jail but you gonna pay. If she keep disrespecting she dont care anyways.
Que? I guess you're one of those people that assumes they know what a thread is about without actually reading it... that's the penalty ofjumping in late to an old thread.
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