Have you ever died in a dream?

Never died..but I've been shot up in my dreams before...I wouldn't feel it in the dream, but then I would wake up with sharp pains all over my body.

As a matter of fact I died in a dream last week, and it has been on my mind nonstop. I was in church by the altar with a bunch of old people, and we were just standing around getting ready to die. I remember that I was upset because I wasn't ready to die, not to mention it was just me and elderly people. Then one of the old men was telling me that when we die, we have to choose whether we want to go to heaven, or  dream that we're still alive. Meanwhile while all of this is happening, the crucifix that was hanging above the altar was dripping blood all over the walls. While I was staring at the walls, some of  the blood dripped on my arm. Then it was time. One by one everyone started closing their eyes and dying. I remember that I closed my eyes, and then I started to regret it so I tried to open them. But when I opened them, I couldn't really see anything but like this golden creation of adam type of painting. So I realized that I'd waited to long, so I closed my eyes and died. I recall it was a very peaceful feeling. So then I can't remember what happened immediateley afterwards, but I remember that I was then dreaming that I was in bed like I had just woken up. Then I can't remember anything else.

I'm guessing that means I chose to dream instead of going to heaven.

I keep wondering what heaven must have been...

But the real kicker to the dream is that I'm not religious by a longshot, I might even consider myself to be an atheist.

Weird huh?
Ive had dreams of falling and i kick out of no where in real life and wake up. Dying though? Not yet. Nothing vivid at the moment.
Never died, but on a few occasions in my dream i'm just sitting on the ledge of a downtown la skyscraper, like 70, 80 stories, just sitting there. And I didn't move because I was scared of falling, so I sit there petrified…

Trippy business
Originally Posted by maddog345

Yea. The dreams would always consist of me falling of a cliff or high building. And just as I was about to hit the ground, I would wake up.
Yeah, it was really weird. I was having a shootout with George Clooney. Apparently he broke into my house and I somehow ended up with a handgun. We start shooting at each other while taking cover behind corners. Somehow Brad Pitt pops out of nowhere behind me and puts one in my head, and I wake up. It was kinda cool though.
yeah i die in them sometimes. 

my worst dream i've ever had was that this girl i really cared about got kidnapped.  it felt real as hell and i woke up stressed the hell out till i realized it wasn't real.
ive died a few times in dreams before, i usually just wake right up when that happens..me and my ole lady used to experiment with dreams and goin deeper and deeper into them. one time we got too deep and she was wildin and decided to jump off a building and kill herself. hasnt woke up since smh
All the time, but I'm immortal..Ill never die
Just last week i had a dream that sum !%$#% @!! %%!%*+ was trying to run up in my domain, trying to take my life. So i strapped up with the AK. %%!%*+ came up my steps and i started chopping at em. Next thing I know, a @+$%% creep up beside me with a beretta and blow my brains out like that lil @+$%% did to Omar in the Wire. +@!! was crazy. Then it switched to third person and the camera zoomed out of my lifeless body, lying next to a picture of my wife (in the dream). And those bastards put 2 more slugs in my back to make sure i was down. Next scene, I'm in the afterlife as a Hip Hop artist, and I'm onstage performing my hit single.
I've never died but have been dead. I was a ghost; saw my family in a Burger King and tried to communicate with them, but no one could hear, see, or feel me.
Pretty bad feeling.
I usually do come close to dying though.
- I died a couple of times.
- Once, I was lucid dreaming and I somehow started dreaming about someone trying to murder me. I kept running, until I hit a dead end. I was stabbed to death. Woke up to a sleep paralysis. FML.
- Also, had a dream about my funeral, watching my friends and family cry during my viewing. I even stood in front of my casket, watched as they bury me and saw my tombstone.
- most of the time, i'll get woken up by twitch on leg before dying.
Yes but I instantly become a ghost and am depressed trying to figure out a way to come back to life for the rest of the dream
Yeah it's happened to me a few times, it's pretty strange.
i had a dream that i was in a plane crash. i was asleep in my dream and my best friend's chick woke me up to say "look outside" and i said "why is the ground shiny?" and we hit the water. i grabbed her & my boy, kicked open the exit, treaded water and got rescued.

that feeling of dread as soon as the plane hit was intense. i felt like death was imminent. sickest feeling ever.

years ago i had dreams where i was a park bench, then one where i was foofing an older lady on a park bench and Judge Dredd caught us. he was not amused.
I think i died a couple times in dreams though i can't remember but jeez it makes me go 0_o when i wake up.

i did dream i broke my leg and had to hop on one foot across the world, what a dumb dream
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