Has anyone here ever successfully quit smoking cigarettes?

I've tried quitting, failed miserably. After college I will definitely try again. It's hard when I walk around campus and all I see are smokers, but I definitely need to quit because I'm trying to get new health coverage and I have to pay a higher premium because I'm a smoker.
its horrible after the first time you manage to stop smoking for more than 6+ months, then eventually giving in; cigarettes literally taste like %!+ now, and they leave me with that thick nicotine haze that lingers in my head. but, hell, ##+! it sometimes i just need one 
My Nana went cold turkey after smoking for a good fifty something years. The catalyst?

She had to get her leg amputated at the knee because it had #+@@*+ her veins and blood couldn't get all the way around.
I quit cold turkey on New Years Eve of 06'...

Haven't looked back since.

After the first 3 days I was good money, but that withdrawal was a B...

You have to want to do it too...

I was a 1 1/2 pack a day Newport smoker...

On weekend it would be 2-3 packs a day...

When I was drinking I could go through and entire pack in 2 hours, but eveyone would bum off of me so I was wasting more than that...

I was spending about $400-$500 a month, and that's being generous because I'm sure it was more, on them and then I just thought of all I could have done with that

But it wasn't the money I just wanted to quit regardless...
I was a smoker for 4 years. Was right at a pack a day, and I just got fed up with it. And quit cold turkey. I did a lot of the steps everyone is suggesting, and have had great success. I just stopped buying them completely. For the first couple of days, I would bum them from others, but then you become an annoyance to those around you, so out of pride I quit asking. I also switched up my routine. I was a very habitual smoker, the same places, at the same times everyday. I started taking different paths for places I would walk. When I was in the car I'd call whoever would answer the phone so that I was busy doing someting while driving. I just really turned it into a competive mind game of myself versus cigarettes, and refused to let them win.

It's tough, but its incredibly rewarding when you finally quit. Clothes and surroundings smell better, food tastes insanely better, and the extra cash in your pockets is always nice.

I actually have had 2 cigarettes since I quit 4 years ago. Like others have mentioned both were when I was drunk. One led me to throwing up the only time I have in I couldn't tell you how long, and the other led to probably my worst hangover ever, so I have no desire at all now to ever pick them up again. Good luck though man.
I've smoked many cigs in my life, being drunk or when being social or whatever. But I've never really had a craving for it. Does anyone else have this ability? To not be addicted to cigs?
I quit smoking this summer after smoking for about 2 years. I only used to smoke like 5 cigs a day and could go days without smoking but still felt like I had to quit. For the last 3 weeks I was on a eurotrip and smoked over a pack a day.

I can't lie though. I still smoke when I'm drinking and lately I've been using drinking A beer as an excuse but that's over now that I've realized it. Need to quit the drunk smoking too but that's the hardest part for me since I've almost never drank without smoking
Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

I've smoked many cigs in my life, being drunk or when being social or whatever. But I've never really had a craving for it. Does anyone else have this ability? To not be addicted to cigs?
Yep. If cigs are around, I'll bum one to spike the MJ's effect. But I can't even really buy a pack, because they will go stale/get lost/get crushed/etc. 

To the OP: More than 440,000 people quit smoking cigarettes each year in the United States... because they are dead. I'm not trying to sound righteous (I've already admitted that I smoke cigs on occassion), just give you some food for thought. Good luck quitting.  

I smoked on and off for about 8 months. I dont think it's possible for me to get addited to cigarettes.

It's weird.

I can smoke a whole pack and be fine without another one forever.
if i smoke only 1 or 2 a day but i enjoy it. is that still considered being addicted?

I don't think you are addicted, but it's a very slippery slope. I started out about 2 and a half years ago by smoking maybe one or two a day. I remember I would only smoke at night (donno why). Then it gradually became 1 or 2 at night, then one after meals. Then it was one after every class. Before I knew it I was at 10-15 a day. I haven't smoked a cig since Thanksgiving break. I've tried to cut down and I always ended up increasing numbers again. For me the best route was cold turkey...but I think you need the motivational factor, something really strong to help you stop for good. For me it was my girl friend, who absolutely dreads cigarettes. I felt all simpish at first, but after a few weeks I began to realize it was best for me and my body. Fitness goals never deterred me from smoking because I found myself still able to perform well. In fact...I was about to run a lot more as a smoker than today as a non-smoker...but I think I was pushing myself extra hard to rationalize that smoking isn't harming my health.

All in all I'm glad I quit. It's only been like 3 months, but ask any regular smoker and that's a loooong time. The hardest temptation to fight is when you drinkin though
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

I smoked on and off for about 8 months. I dont think it's possible for me to get addited to cigarettes.

It's weird.

I can smoke a whole pack and be fine without another one forever.

I used to think like that too and I too could go days or weeks without smoking a single cig. The problem in my opinion is that smoking slowly gets associated to everything and you end up smoking all day.

I really don't know if I was ever seriously addicted.Maybe a little bit in the end.
the best advice i could give is dont hang out where theres gonna be alcohol and tons of other smokers. pick up a routine , as in my case i started running. opening up your lungs > scrappy noise in your throat when sleeping

i knew i could quit when i bought a pack of newports, regretted it, and threw it away. will power, get some.
Move to NYC. Arent packs like $10+ there? Id never buy another pack if i had to pay that much.

I always try to quit but i can never do it. I have been smoking heavily for almost 8 years now. I mean nowadays i can go without smoking on the weekends because i am home with my daughter but during the week when im at work i always have the urge.
"People will quit smoking when cigarettes are __ a pack." That's true.. no matter what the price is.. people are not going to stop. I suggest you to just do it cold turkey. None of that "cutting down to 3 a day bs" cuz eventually you won't keep track anymore and it's back to square one. literally. I've been smoking for roughly 12 years and one day I said "F - it!" Cold turkey. It's mind over matter man.. and til this day I still don't think about it.
Originally Posted by eleet1

Move to NYC. Arent packs like $10+ there? Id never buy another pack if i had to pay that much.

I always try to quit but i can never do it. I have been smoking heavily for almost 8 years now. I mean nowadays i can go without smoking on the weekends because i am home with my daughter but during the week when im at work i always have the urge.

i am already living in nyc....
i dont want to quit entirely atm even tho I really want to
maybe reduce my intake...
question is my how much less harm can i inflict going from 10-pack a day to 5?
It's half as bad for you? If you do get it down to five though, it'll be easier to quit. It sounds like common sense but like I said earlier, the difference between 5 & 6 cigarettes a day is tremendous when it comes to trying to quit.
I would love to be able quit.... i have been smoking for 14 years now, the only thing that really makes me want to stop is the amount of money i have spent on it......2 packs per day at 8.64 = 3153.60 per year I really feel bad for you cats who have to pay like 8 to 10 bucks a pack......Worst habit ever, i regret ever starting
i have, i started smoking 3months into my deployment. I was smoking half a pack a day. i came back state side n one day i decided that it wasnt for me, i stopped cold turkey its been 3months since ive had one.
what helped me quit was chewing sun flower seeds, or having a tooth pick in your mouth. its all mentally mah man. NO #%$$
i managed to control my smoking habits today going from 10- a pack a day to 5
and i tell u what, its already driving me crazy....wish me luck
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