Has anyone here ever successfully quit smoking cigarettes?

Nov 25, 2005
I really need to quit smoking, its tearing my family apart and my health as well.
has anyone here ever quit smoking and succeeded? any tips?
my dad did. all he did was eat his favorite candy and chew is favorite gum anytime he felt tempted to smoke.
Not me, but my mom was able to do it, and I think it's been 5 years maybe longer for her. I nagged her my entire life to get her to quit. she just went cold 1 day, no patches or anything and was able to do it. She still gets urges but hasn't lite one since.

Truthfully besides the health factor best thing is not having that stench around you anymore. I can't take it anymore absolutely hate that stench.
I quit cold turkey after smoking for 3 years. I don't have an addictive personality so it was pretty easy for me. Out of sight, out of mind.

Also, not paying $10.10 every couple of days ain't so bad

The buddy-system is a big time help. Quit with someone who used to smoke with you on a regular basis.
Exercise, if you don't already. Great way to encourage yourself to build up your body and to avoid harmful vectors.

Like someone mentioned above, focus your cravings on something like candy, or water, something that you can intake easily. The idea is to make it easier for yourself, not harder.

If all else fails, try the nicotine patches. I never used them, but they might work.
Try to just limit your cigs for a while.

Get under half a pack a day and we'll talk.
Another thing you could try is something my friend did. She would only take a certain # of cigs with her, she wouldn't carry a full pack.
Originally Posted by King Beef

Try to just limit your cigs for a while.

Get under half a pack a day and we'll talk.
This is also a big thing from a book I read. People who smoke 5 or less a day have a WAY higher chance of being able to quit with ease rather than someone who smokes 6 or more. It seems like common sense but the relative indifference from 5 & 6 is huge.
yeah.. try to smoke less on a daily basis. id say to smoke -1 every 2 weeks. so.. this week smoke 9. in 2 weeks 8 etc.. if not.. try to replace it with some bud
I did.

I smoked for about 4-5 years, working my way up from a few a day to almost a pack a day.

I quit cold turkey about 3 years ago. Since then, I had maybe 6 cigarettes, usually when I am drunk and celebrating something (or conversely, really pissed/upset).

If you really wanna quit, evaluate where you do the majority of your smoking (at school/work/home) and why. Try to avoid those situations in those places (hard if you smoke at home, obviously).

Just stop buying them. Hard to do something you don't have.

It's rather easy of you have willpower, IMO.
Yes I did..so far. I have not smoked a cig since 7/23/09. Chantix helped me. I tried cold turkey, patches, gum, etc and nothing worked, but Chantix sure did. The only thing I had was not wanting to eat sometimes..I didnt have the dreams or none of that, but hey I quit and have felt great..good luck!
i did. i started by slowly cutting down. the first 2 weeks are the hardest. after a month or so it gets pretty easy. now i can just casually smoke, like whenever i drink or whenever i
i did.. i started smoking when i was 14. and quit 2 yrs ago (19), i haven't smoked one since that night.. but mine was because i got so sick, i couldn't breathe at all.
does that count?
I quit after 6 years, it took me a few tries but I've finally got it now.

Slowly cut down how much you smoke until you're down to 1 or 2 a day. After about 3/4 weeks I was able to go without them all day.
I just stopped one day and thought about the cost at 5 dollars every 2 days thats 182 times 5 for one year thats 910 dollars. I could pay off one of my credit cards with that money, which are probably the reasons (bills)  why I smoke. Its all mental and the way you look at it.
smoked for 12 years, heavily.

i'm on 11 days of not smoking.

you have to really want to quit. mind over matter.
it sucks regardless, and is hard as hell, but you have to keep reminding yourself why you're quitting.

I LOVE smoking, but I didn't want to leave my wife here alone earlier than necessary.
The best thing you can do for your loved ones is be healthy for them, and be around.
Haven't smoked since 12/31/09. Just quit cold turkey. The first week was rough but now I don't even think about it.
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