Happy 10th, NikeTalk.

Happy 10th
Just to add onto what Timcity2000 said,

That's another thing I love about NT, and what will keep me coming back: NT is comprised of people like me.

Growing up, I had lots of friends that were interested in sports, but virtually none that were interested in Rap music and/or shoes.

I was alone, in a sense. No friends to talk to about two of my three biggest interests/hobbies. But here, I have lots.

For me, NT is a place where I feel like I fit in without trying... without having to squeeze myself in.

I'm able to be myself, express my views freely, and discuss things that are important to me on a daily basis. That's why I love NT.
I don't know the words to say to describe how I feel about this site.

I check it everyday. I feel odd when I go a day without it. It is more than a sneaker message board. The personalities in General and the Sports &Training keep me entertained for days.

They give me a forum to talk about things that I truly care about.

I'm the only guy that is into kicks in my crew, no one shares my passion. Sure, some buy kicks here and there, but not as much as I do.

While my sneaker buying habits have changed over the years, the urge to come on this site has only grown. It is my "go to" site.

From the laughs in silliness in the JB Forum, to the laughs in General, to the heated and passionate arguments in S&T.

Thank You Niketalk
Meth, Dirty for sniping dudes.
JRose5 for handing me my first ban
(water under the bridge)

Can't believe a site I stumbled upon when searching for the Retro Concord XI's would be such a huge part of my life.

I remember finding Niketalk in mid 2001. Back then, I was excited beyond belief to see early pictures of the upcoming Jordans. I felt privileged in a sense toknow something that most people didn't, like an exclusive club.

Over eight years later and I'm still a proud member of NT. I check in several times a day. Yes, sometimes the site can be frustrating, but I've met somany cool people it's all worth it.

My sincere thanks to all the mods and people behind the scenes that keep NT running. This is truly a fantastic place to be.

And to quote my rap from a few years back::

Regardless of your background, we must display the unity
And give props to the Ultimate Online - Sneaker Community

I just want to thank the friends I've made here but, more importantly, all of you who have contributed in some way to NT simply by coming on here in thespirit of cooperativity. It's that simple human nature that allows a place like this to become a real community in every sense of the word, a place that isalive, dynamic, and unique.

Since we're being sentimental, I want to give some special thanks:

Mods/admins, not just for the obvious reasons of keeping this place in order, but for being genuine.
Team Lost/4815162342, for making a TV show into an experience.
S&T, for all the Iverson/Nuggets/Redeem Team/etc. memories, and for being the first place I come to when anything happens in the sportsworld.
TGP, for being such high quality people and for espousing the virtues of good grammar.
NTxLPC... no words needed. You already know.
Every NTer, for giving me a place to go to when I needed to retain my sanity, when "real life" people either didn't understandor didn't have time or didn't care; for always being able to make me laugh; and for being there for each other, especially in the girl problem threads.

Happy 10th, NT!
Thank you NT for the info, lulz, and simply keeping me entertained at work/school.
Theres no other place like it.

Shortest meth post ever?
Happy 10th birthday!

While I may not have the same amount of time to browse here as I used to, I'm glad that I can still find entertainment and read threads from all differenttypes of people that found this place due to a common link.

Let's make the next 10 even better
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