Happy 10th, NikeTalk.

Happy 10 Years
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

I mean Meth summed it up perfectly. I can't fathom a day where I don't check this place atleast once... and trust me I've tried. Its just become engrained in my lifestyle. Thank You for all of the information and more importantly the memories.

Heres to another 10


Well said, Cake....

the saying goes, "time flies when you're having fun..." can't believe it's been close to 6 years I've been on this site. NT isamazing, and I'm happy to be a member of this community...
Originally Posted by pdouly33

Happy 10th to my favorite website.

Thanks to everyone who keeps this site going.

yup. thanks yall. "I can't fathom a day where I don't check this place atleast once... and trust me I've tried. Its just become engrained inmy lifestyle" so true.
Huge thanks goes out to all the Staff! Also to everyone who contributes something positive/worthwhile to the community.

happy birthday NT!
Happy 10th NT!!! Seems like only yesterday that I signed on for the first time trying to get info on the '01 Retro Black/Red XIs.

Throughout the years, I've met some cool people (both online and IRL), I've been scammed, and I've been banned. Most people may not know me onhere, and that's fine, because it's all about the bigger picture, and that's this amazing site made up of sneaker lovers both near and far beingbrought together for the love of the culture(it's not a game people...). Many thanks to meth, nelson, and the whole crew and members for making NT the endall, be all of sneaker related content (and a crazy General forum).

I can only imagine what's next...
Originally Posted by sonunox34

This is my favorite part of the OP:

If there's one moment I am proudest of in NikeTalk's history, it's not breaking the XV1 sketch to the public - our first major exclusive, way back when I was actually posting news and sample pictures. It's not Ekin702's "wallet breakers," though those were great times. It isn't NikeTalk's mention in Kicks 2, Details, the Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, or even the Philippine Daily Inquirer. It isn't the day we learned that a Jordan brand designer was posting on the site back in 2000, the day one of our own joined the industry as a designer or product line manager, or when I knew, for certain, that Michael Jordan had heard of us. No, the proudest moment for me came when our staff members were presented with a choice:

Keep the revenue we generate from ads as a personal stipend (they'd clearly earned it)
Pool that money together, all of the money we might otherwise receive as compensation, and donate it to charity.

Not one person - not ONE - spoke up in favor of keeping the money. Every single active member of the staff at that time was on board with the plan to begin donating our ad revenue to charity.
Sneaker fans have given an inordinate amount of attention in recent years to "defining moments." That act, to me, was our staff's defining moment.
I consider it an honor to find myself in their company.

Since that decision, we've donated over $100,000 to various charities - and that's only the beginning.

Same here

Happy 10th NT!
HBD NT. Been here since '05 and don't think I'll ever leave. I love the community, despite the minor hate and immaturity it might harbor but itsall for laughs.

Its all been said... and nothing could be said better.. but altho I am still looking for my name on the Former Mod list...lol... I have nothing but respect forALL the staff Admins, Mods and B/S folks.. cause we and they and us have alot of patience to deal with many of you....

But I have seen NT change for the better over the years and regard much of it as a family. You guys provide laughs when I am irritated by things at work orelsewhere. You provide a haven for everyone to come and just BE. From Music to Regional to Sports to Artist....

Anyone can join in a convo and actually have debates with pure strangers. Closer to me my DMV forum has become a cult of whats what. People think we are a hugeclique.. but we are a fam in the utter sense. I've had dudes to my home and played ball with them and invited others to my daughters birthday parties andforged friendships beyond shoes.

I am happy to have gotten to know many of you via the net and in person. I hope NT makes it another 10 years and my kids already enjoy it here as lurkers. Igive back as much as possible with information because when I was new on NT others gave me alot of insight and I started Fakepolice and met folks from JordanBrand from a Sneaker Symposium and the rest is History.

Thanks NT...
DAMN this makes me feel so old. from being a little middle schooler to graduating college this year, walletbreaker days to wallet already broke. so manymemories. HAPPY 10TH
Whoa! Meth, how do you even remember Greg's Nike World?

Congrats on 10.

Had the weirdest experience today. Decided on a whim to checkout NT for the first time in a while. Turns out it was the day, 10 years later, that I signed up.Seriously, congrats to everyone involved with NikeTalk. Amazing what happens with an idea and good people behind it.
Like Method Man said, this site is so much more than just sneakers. And it just so happens my first pair of Jordan's were the white/black/red V's aswell when I was in 1st grade.

I stumbled upon this site in 2002 when the XVIII's were coming out. I originally came to the site strictly for sneakers and fashion (if you want to callthrowback jerseys fashion). However, while I still have 80 pairs of sneakers, that is not the reason I stay here. I stay here to talk pro wrestling each weekeven though this isn't a wrestling site. I stay here to talk about the Yankees, Sixers, and Giants even though this isn't a sports site. I stay hereto talk about television, technology, current events, music, and so much more despite this site not necessarily being any of the topics I've mentioned. Myinterest in sneakers has faded over the years due to a mixture of growing up and Nike's inferior products as of late, but my interest in Niketalk has notfaded. I may not have the time I used to have during college to sit on the site for hours at a time, but I still check Niketalk every single day. Just asDirty said, I can't envision myself outgrowing this site regardless of how old I get (and I'm getting pretty old). Thanks for the past 10 years, andhere's to the next 10.
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