Guy gets beatup by a 67 year old man

Anyone think "Reverse-racism" is a racist term because it implies white's are the original racists.
this is tooo funny. what had me dying were the people in the background.

old lady - "Not uh stop it...OOOOHHHH LORD! Oh lord... have mercy, Jesus Christ! oh my God!
dude - "hey, beat that ninjas ***
and the girls reaction when she sees dude getting worked on
Holy crap, vid has less than 8000 views earlier, now its damn near 200,000
This was comedy...Gramps laid hands on the one talkin smack!!! Gramps aint no one to play with.
I respect this man. Just how we had bus monitors for school back in the day we need people like this to stay on the public buses and keep order; smack around those disrespectful hooligans.
the other due was 50
"i see tough guys like u and slap the %%@# out of them" quote of the yr lol

at the kid still holding onto the pole and getting worked on at the same time
video 2 be looking like some sort of weird tv show type angles.. barely any traffic.. whole bus full of people just watching on in a deserted street.. thats so surreal
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