Gunman kills self after 2 NYPD cops fatally shot ‘execution style’ as ‘revenge’ for Garner

He's not wrong tho, NYPD seems pretty untouchable right now. A cop killed a guy w/ no repercussions why would disrespect prompt any.
Exactly my point, NYPD at its core acts like some sort of gang, they are forgetting its a JOB, where they have a BOSS and collect a paycheck just like any of us....if the Dept crushed the idea of this "brotherhood" and treated it as the job it is, NYPD can then focus on not acting like a military body.
Until the majority of the public gets over this idea that cops are heroes by default nothing will change.
Until the majority of the public gets over this idea that cops are heroes by default nothing will change.

good point. Probably wont change though.. because a good majority of them really just be chilling.

Take into account that the majority and dominant society tends to have very favorable encounters w/ the fuzz... It's probably never going to change.

Many minorities dont look at cops like the guys coming to get your cat out of the tree, occasionally giving you a speeding ticket, helping old ladies cross the street, etc.

But the majority do... and that's typically what matters in the grand scheme of trying to get things to change...
95% of NT (even the ones from NY) have never seen NYPD in action, so they have a blurred vision of what actually happens on a day to day basis.
Put me on game, famb...

I'm interested... I've heard a ton of horror stories...

You seem pretty unbiased, so I think you can give me a good depiction.
good point. Probably wont change though.. because a good majority of them really just be chilling.

Take into account that the majority and dominant society tends to have very favorable encounters w/ the fuzz... It's probably never going to change.

Many minorities dont look at cops like the guys coming to get your cat out of the tree, occasionally giving you a speeding ticket, helping old ladies cross the street, etc.

But the majority do... and that's typically what matters in the grand scheme of trying to get things to change...
Because everyone walks crooked these days.  Cops are supposed to be good guys, and I think most are.  Keep it cool and you won't have prolems Jueles.
The police are no more heroes than the average person you meet on the street

It's a job, the brainwashing makes people think otherwise
These dudes that turned their back on DiBlasio because he voiced how he's had to raise his half black son in order to protect him from being targeted by the police for his skin color, something that is so blatantly clear in today's society based on statistical data collected, are straight up immature these fools are under the impression that no matter what they are RIGHT! And is ok as long as is civilians saying it, because civilians don't know ***** but when your HEAD SUPERIOR, the mother***** Mayor of NYC points out the obvious and exposes his police force, it's an outcry, this is the reason why the good cops get swept up with the few bad ones, because even though they put on the badge and face the world with a kind heart to uphold the law and protect the public, they CANNOT go against their "brother" even if that "brother" stands for everything they swore to fight now there is this General stigma hanging over every police officer that that are ****holes...because one dummy took it upon himself to unleash anger and frustration and choke to death a civilian.
You can't isolate those cops and fire them.

The mentality is a dept wide thing and they were probably directed by their union leader.

No way they can get fired or on any kind of trouble for that.

Do you guys even real life?

DO YOU? :lol:

They intentionally disrespected their BOSS, tried to embarrass him...what other job are you allowed to do that in without a termination?

He's not wrong tho, NYPD seems pretty untouchable right now. A cop killed a guy w/ no repercussions why would disrespect prompt any. addition, who was called first by the police officer who shot the man in the pink houses? His union rep.

Trust me, I agree with a lot of you who said it was a bad look for the police to turn their backs on De Blasio. However, can you imagine the backlash or trickle-down effect for any police officer who dares go against the shield? You know good and well there are a lot of guys on the force who don't agree with the decisions (or lack thereof) levied against guys like Darren Wilson or Palenteo. However, their silence speaks volumes due to the ridiculously tough spot they would put themselves in if they spoke up, protested, etc.
It's funny cause we see stories like this on facebook and usually just dismiss them. But how many times do we hear about black kids and men being brutalized and killed for much less than what this white guy did? Precisely why these protests are going on. For those still sticking to the "they should have resisted arrest" argument.

View media item 1316468"Kelly, 20, of Niagara Falls, refused to leave Encore at 492 Pearl St. about 3:15 a.m. and punched a bouncer in the face, Buffalo police said. Kelly’s companion, Brandon Hickey, 21, of Clarence, had been thrown out of the bar earlier and tried to re-enter, police said.

Kelly continued to fight with two bouncers and stated “I’m going to go to my car and get my AK-47 and spray this place,” according to a report.

Kelly was forcibly removed from the vehicle, officers said. Police said Kelly kicked and tried to swing at officers as they removed him from the vehicle. They said he resisted getting into a patrol vehicle and struggled with staff at central booking."
It's funny cause we see stories like this on facebook and usually just dismiss them. But how many times do we hear about black kids and men being brutalized and killed for much less than what this white guy did? Precisely why these protests are going on. For those still sticking to the "they should have resisted arrest" argument.

View media item 1316468"Kelly, 20, of Niagara Falls, refused to leave Encore at 492 Pearl St. about 3:15 a.m. and punched a bouncer in the face, Buffalo police said. Kelly’s companion, Brandon Hickey, 21, of Clarence, had been thrown out of the bar earlier and tried to re-enter, police said.

Kelly continued to fight with two bouncers and stated “I’m going to go to my car and get my AK-47 and spray this place,” according to a report.

Kelly was forcibly removed from the vehicle, officers said. Police said Kelly kicked and tried to swing at officers as they removed him from the vehicle. They said he resisted getting into a patrol vehicle and struggled with staff at central booking."

He's also the nephew of Jim Kelly. These guys (and girls) reap the benefits of having wealthy bloodlines, being famous, etc. It's not the first, nor last time when someone with money/fame gets away with this double-standard in comparison to a regular joe.

I see where you're going, but Chad Kelly isn't a good example.
Sit in they whip, and write tickets? That blurred vision?

When you watch your friend stopped in a suit and messenger bag be put up against the wall at Herald Sq. for no reason at all come holla at me. That's only one incidence, there are countless others that I've witnessed in my 30 years of life in NYC.
He's also the nephew of Jim Kelly. These guys (and girls) reap the benefits of having wealthy bloodlines, being famous, etc. It's not the first, nor last time when someone with money/fame gets away with this double-standard in comparison to a regular joe.

I see where you're going, but Chad Kelly isn't a good example.

But it also goes to show what cops perceive as a "threat". Unarmed black men get killed for resisting arrest. This guy said he was going to go to his car get a gun and shoot up the place. He was in the car when the cops came after him. But they got him out and into a patrol car while he was resisting the entire way. If cops are saying that they feel their lives are being threatened enough to justify the killings of all these black men, no amount of fame or wealth should have saved that guy from being lit up in his car after that kind of threat was made.
First and foremost, RIP to the 2 officers that were killed Saturday and much support to the families of those that were killed, be it the officers AND of Eric Garner, Michael Brown, and so on.

The police officers that turned their back on the mayor Saturday night while AT the hospital of the 2 officers killed should be reprimanded or suspended. No other way another it. Those officers represent the mentality of some officers that just ALWAYS feel that they are in the right and can do and have done no wrong. Each and every officer that turned their back on the mayor should be exposed, have their name and badge number plastered on a media site somewhere and be asked to step down. They should no longer be asked to serve the community as all they care about is serving themselves. Turn in your badge and gun and find another job.

I agree on all points. I would only add that, we see how one sided police militarization is. The police and sheriff departments want the legal immunity, the gear, the firepower and the prestige of a military unit but they refuse to accept the downsides of being in an actual military unit and one of those downsides is that real soldiers (from first world countries at least) are bound to accept and respect their civilian overseers.

By and large, the US Military is physically fit, it is not unionized, its soldiers show restraint in places that are far more hostile than any neighborhood in the US and above all, American Service personnel salute the President regardless of political disagreements. If the NYPD really is an army, as they so often like to claim, then Bill de Blasio is their Commander in Chief and soldiers salute their Commander in Chief or face discipline.
I agree, let ANY of us disrespect the CEO or presidents of the companies we work for and we will be out of a job that instant...those cops are the same cops that will probably go on with their job with an agenda to even things up by further abusing their power, if they feel powerful enough to disrespect their own MAYOR...I can only imagine how they feel in the street with the average joe, they should be terminated...forgot how to be professional.
Sit in they whip, and write tickets? That blurred vision?

When you watch your friend stopped in a suit and messenger bag be put up against the wall at Herald Sq. for no reason at all come holla at me. That's only one incidence, there are countless others that I've witnessed in my 30 years of life in NYC.

Don't understand your argument. We can't speak on the police unless we have personally experienced police brutality? I hope that's not what you mean
Is it really hard to believe that some people don't care about people that don't care about them?

I'm not saying, "Hey we should all love cops", people have had their run ins. I've had my share. I'm not a big fan, and things need to be overhauled sure.

However, generalizing a group based on uniform is just as bad as generalizing by race especially when it comes to executing someone.

This wasn't a "Dexter" type killing where the gunman methodically sought out a crooked cop. He killed the first two he saw.

It's disgusting how people don't see the human side of this.

Saying they deserved it based on their uniform is along the same lines as people overseas that believe American soldiers should die because of their uniform, or racist group saying people should die based on skin color, sexual orientation, religion,etc.

I don't think anyone deserves to be executed without due cause and due process...

Eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.
the cops turning their backs on deblasio was some childish crybaby stuff and making that hospital visit about them as opposed to the two cops who tragically died.

they should be forced to resign. showing up the mayor because he's speaking out on something that has been an ongoing issue, instead of him following protocol.  if that really rustles their jimmies then that police department is flawed beyond repair. 

that mayor is going to be in charge for at least 3 more years so the nypd better get used to dealing with him instead of throwing little tantrums the minute someone in a position of power speaks out on their bs.

the cops saying deblasio and the protesters have blood on their hands is foolish.   i'd say it's moreso, the nypd and law enforcement as a whole has blood on their hands for what happened saturday.    they have blood on their hands for the numerous police brutality cases over the years as well as what happened saturday, which was fueled by anti police anger from the actions of cops over the years and non accountability when said cops have committed those terrible acts.
I agree, let ANY of us disrespect the CEO or presidents of the companies we work for and we will be out of a job that instant...those cops are the same cops that will probably go on with their job with an agenda to even things up by further abusing their power, if they feel powerful enough to disrespect their own MAYOR...I can only imagine how they feel in the street with the average joe, they should be terminated...forgot how to be professional.


Respect steezy
I agree, let ANY of us disrespect the CEO or presidents of the companies we work for and we will be out of a job that instant...those cops are the same cops that will probably go on with their job with an agenda to even things up by further abusing their power, if they feel powerful enough to disrespect their own MAYOR...I can only imagine how they feel in the street with the average joe, they should be terminated...forgot how to be professional.


Respect steezy

You guys don't live in reality or don't know how real life works.

This is a different conversation altogether but unions can be a big problem in this country. When you're in a union you can't just get terminated because you turn your back on the mayor who technically isn't even your boss.

I get it, what the cops did by turning their backs on the mayor was wild childish. If you take the time to read through this thread you'll see I was the first person that brought this incident up. So I'm with you on how ****** up that was.

Like I said, these cops are all part of a union...a pretty strong union I might add. Ain't nobody getting terminated for that.

In closing, do you guys even real life?
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^Which is exactly why I asked if De Blasio even has any power over Pat Lynch.

There's a reason why Lynch can go at De Blasio's neck w/ no repercussions, IMO.
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