Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

After Nova, Beta Ray Bill would be the next character I'd like to see most in the MCU.
She would be great in the role. Her overacting in the Snow White film has me convinced.

An Enchantress story with the Executioner, and even having Loki in the mix would be great.

Someone had to compensate for Kristin Stewart :x :smh:
Yeah but she was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there with it. It got a little cartoonish

I like Kristen Stewart in some roles but that role was not for her. She was a good Joan Jett tho imo.
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Is kristen stewart still the highest paid actress? Those garbage twilight movies really elevated her paygrade.
Edge of tomorrow got studios shook now I see.

In what way?

By trailers for relatively unknown films showing enough to drag you in. Edge of tomorrow is the best summer flick thus far but is batting 3rd at best every weekend, partially due to folks having no idea what's going on from the trailer. Seeing a more fleshed out trailer for this is a good move.
Edge of tomorrow got studios shook now I see.

In what way?

By trailers for relatively unknown films showing enough to drag you in. Edge of tomorrow is the best summer flick thus far but is batting 3rd at best every weekend, partially due to folks having no idea what's going on from the trailer. Seeing a more fleshed out trailer for this is a good move.

The thing Guardians has going for it though is the names and the Marvel machine backing it. Let's face the facts...TC now, isn't the TC from then. And the trailer of EoT told you nothing about the movie. Hell, I was excited for it since I heard about it and even I had no idea what it was about before I saw it. GotG looks pretty straight forward.
Yeah, trailers can make or break some opening weekends for movies. I've been saying for months how GOTG needs a badass trailer to wow people. The first one they released that displayed more goofiness than showing how it'll be a cool space adventure was kind of meh. The recent trailers have been good.
I have heard good things about the movie. I just cant do whitewashed. Replace all the asian characters with whites because nothing could ever get solved and no enemy could ever be defeated if it weren't for whites? **** outta here with that **** hollywood.

Also edge of tomorrow might be suffering from all the "its a ripoff of groundhog day" stuff
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I have heard good things about the movie. I just cant do whitewashed. Replace all the asian characters with whites because nothing could ever get solved and no enemy could ever be defeated if it weren't for whites? **** outta here with that **** hollywood.

Also edge of tomorrow might be suffering from all the "its a ripoff of groundhog day" stuff

That's just unfortunate then that people are missing out on a great movie just because of that. Very silly, if you ask me.
Ripoff of groundhog day? yes very silly

Because I dont care to see hollywood glorify white people in foreign stories like this and Godzilla? No, not unfortunate or silly in any way.
Ripoff of groundhog day? yes very silly

Because I dont care to see hollywood glorify white people in foreign stories like this and Godzilla? No, not unfortunate or silly in any way.

Oh, that's another issue then and I can't help you out with that. Maybe wait for the japanese version of the film? :lol:
Right, they should have cast Asian blockbuster star... Uhh let me get back to you. But they could have sunk 100s of millions into an unknown Asian star, that would work right?
Oh, that's another issue then and I can't help you out with that. Maybe wait for the japanese version of the film? :lol:

the the Japanese version of a blockbuster is the blockbuster with subtitles. Which doesnt fix the problem that according to hollywood only white guys can take care of any antagonist. There is plenty of stories they could've redone without switching the origins since they hate minorities so much. Literally thousands of old school movies. So many I am having trouble picking out examples.

Not like I am asking anyone to rally behind me anyway. Just my opinion. They can keep them whitewashed movies. Besides middle eastern I can name a movie where any race has been whitewashed. Unless Eskimo and Native American are two different things. Then I only have an example for Natives
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Right, they should have cast Asian blockbuster star... Uhh let me get back to you. But they could have sunk 100s of millions into an unknown Asian star, that would work right?

Be easy. I would rather no movie exist, than this American trash. :smh: Just cuz you banked a small nation's GDP on it, doesn't mean it has to have movie stars. And that author is a traitor, giving the movie a co-sign. :smh: And for sure this means no one can ever make this into a movie again, ever. .... Nah, give me a cartoon or nothing at all.

Haven't been this heated since The Departed. :smh:

not srs
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Even tho you aint serious most of what you said is true. And I would rather have a cartoon than that trash. I'm glad it failed. I hope whitewashed movies continue to fail. **** outta here with that ****. Whites playing mexicans, blacks, and asians. The **** is that?
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And I would rather have a cartoon than that trash. I'm glad it failed.

And there you have it.

As always, I agree with you. Edge was no better than making Roots with all white people tbh. The story is downright iconic like on an Akira-level. I mean everyone's read it or heard about it. (I that IS why they kept the og title) And I'm sure the hero's ethnicity defined his character and his race was important to the story. And lbr...since it's based off a true story, I'm even more offended.

Boycott Hollywood. I hope they never make another original idea into a movie again.
And what does it being an original idea have to do with it?

You clowns would stand in line to see Orlando Bloom as Shaft and Ryan Gosling as Malcolm X. :lol:
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