khaled been showing off his GM red 6's all this time tho, with the wrong lace lock.
YUP!!!! Kids look up to celebrities and just assume that since they have money their shoes are legit. Not the case. 

Show me one sponsored JB athlete that has Infrared 6's already. EXACTLY. 

Tell me how it makes sense that DJ Khaled has early pairs, but not one single sponsored athlete that gets every JB shoe for free doesnt' have them yet. If they go caught rocking some early release/GM Jordans, they'd be in HUGE trouble for frauding their contract to wear LEGIT JB shoes.
Okay then what is the difference between GM and a replica i could get for like $120
Take for example Jordan 11's. 

Straight replica's for 120 will have fake carbon fiber, and the materials will be way different. The overall execution will look different, side by side, to even someone who has NEVER worn a pair of Jordans or cared to in their life.

GM Jordan 11's have tiny little differences that only knowledgeable heads can tell the differences between.

For example (and not all these flaws are on every 11, and some have different flaws entirely. But some things to look out for are):

-Super puffy collars. 11's should have nicely shaped, slim collars that go all the way down to the foot bed. There should be a nice clean area for the achilles to rest. GM's look way overstuffed when looking from above, and from behind.

-poorly shaped phylon midsoles. From the back, often times GMs will have rounded off midsoled as opposed to the nice pointed ones on retail pairs.

-Outsoles that differ in transparency, milkiness, and color. Concord lows almost always have soles that are way too milky and cloudy on GMs. Retail pairs have more transparency

-shape of the 23. Usually stretched a bit on GMs. 

I can go on and on. One thing that is non quantitative in reguards to GMs that people in denial always seem to argue against, is the overall sloppiness of GMs vs retail pairs.

I GET IT. JB quality sucks lately, and flaws are all over retail pairs. But GM flaws are often so bad you have to wonder why they would even send that shoe out for sale. Super bad stitching, glue marks, stains. Just overall really bad execution in comparison to the real thing.
What makes GM's garbage. All my other GM's have held up just as well as release day versions and look EXACT
They only look EXACT to you....because you don't know what to look for. Put your GMs up in the legit check forum and see what happens. WE KNOW what to look for. YOU dont
Ok so basically you're saying my pair is GM because of 3 week make time. That it? Everything else look good to you?
We need pics in this thread to support claims. Remember this is about educating each other.
These GM/FAKEs are really difficult to spot without actually comparison nowadays. Fakes would be priced at $75 in sponge Bob colors. Now it's actual release CW'S and higher prices.
Ok so basically you're saying my pair is GM because of 3 week make time. That it? Everything else look good to you?
That's not the only reason. Your pics are too bad to really analyze.

Post em up in the legit check forum with better pics. Most likely we'll ask for other pics too. One prob is I'm not nearly as expert on 6's as I am on other models. But others like @ryanjumpman420  and @retrohead182  will be able to tell better than I can. 

The other prob is we don't have retail pairs to compare them against yet. It's much easier to tell the differences after we are holding our own retail pairs in our hands, and staring at your pics. As of right now, we'd only be going off of what we know about current 6 releases in general. Things like shape, stitching, etc.

A good example would be cigar 6's. The GM's I'd never be able to tell prior to release date. But after release date, it was OBVIOUS that the fake GMS had print on the back that was way too light and hard to see compared to the retail pairs. Also, the background behind the jumpman on the ring lace lock is black on retail pairs vs kind of whitish clear on GMs. These are things I woiuld have never noticed prior to seeing the retail pairs.
And this is why you can't argue about GM's to dudes who buy them. They just don't know.

If you do by GM's and you don't care, do you.
And this is why you can't argue about GM's to dudes who buy them. They just don't know.

If you do by GM's and you don't care, do you.
It's still good for those that are neutral or undecided yet to see both sides of the argument. Those with good reading comprehension and decent critical thinking skills can tell who knows what they are talking about, and who doesn't. 

It's not about convincing the GM fanboys, its about exposing their ignorance for everyone else reading.

Think about all of the people that read the last GM thread without posting and continue to read our legit checks in the legit check section. 

At first they were prob like "i don't see the differences". But now, you'd have to be straight stupid to not see them. It's way more obvious to us now, even though the GMs are closer to the real thing than they've ever been. The flaws are too consistent to ignore.
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We need pics in this thread to support claims. Remember this is about educating each other.
These GM/FAKEs are really difficult to spot without actually comparison nowadays. Fakes would be priced at $75 in sponge Bob colors. Now it's actual release CW'S and higher prices.

Truthfully, even with a side by side comparison I can't tell which are which.

If I were still into sneakers I'd be all about the GM.
I did a lot of research on GM concord lows before purchasing my pair through eBay about 2 months ago, a month after release date. I couldn't rely on sole yellowing since the shoe is too recent to yellow, and I couldn't rely on puffy collars since they are lows.

Luckily he was close enough that I could see them in person and we did a meet up. So he couldn't show me one set of pics and ship a different shoe entirely. The whole video is good, but notice and pause the video at 3:44. You really think these are the same shoe? Cmon man....LOOK at that difference. After that, I noticed that almost EVERY SINGLE GM concord low had this milky fake sole. You can't even see the black patent leather thru the to cap like you can on retail pairs.

Truthfully, even with a side by side comparison I can't tell which are which.

If I were still into sneakers I'd be all about the GM.
Check out my above post with concord 11 lows real vs GM. Tell me if you pause it at 3:44 that even your grandma can't tell the difference.

The GM pair has an obvious milkiness to it that doesn't exist on retail pairs.
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Okay let's say I brought GM's that are not real. I made a payment through a paypal invoice, so how covered am I really?
I've bought lots of GM pairs and here's what I think.

I think that it's made in the same factory but for some reason, the materials used on some parts are different.

It's very minor, like the stitching on the inner sole, the OR came with white stitches, but the GM came with black stitches. Another thing is the paper and the red plastic film that came with the Jordan 11 "Bred", the hue of the red film is slightly different and the texture and the thickness of the texts on the paper are darker. 

The J5 Black Grapes are perfect though, except the stitching on the shoes itself wasn't stitched meticulously, and there was a slight different on the hue of the icy sole. 

One time, I even received a box that says "Prenium Crafted Performance Inspired by the Greatest Ever." It's supposed to be "Premium".

The J1 Black Royal that I received were blatant fakes.

The red on the Toro 4s were darker than the OR, but it's an ER so... 

The weird thing is that some of them came with stamps, and others look exactly the same as the OR. No difference at all. I get everything from the same source.
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Truthfully, even with a side by side comparison I can't tell which are which.

If I were still into sneakers I'd be all about the GM.
Check out my above post with concord 11 lows real vs GM. Tell me if you pause it at 3:44 that even your grandma can't tell the difference.

The GM pair has an obvious milkiness to it that doesn't exist on retail pairs.

I can tell the difference but I still don't know which one is real.
thank you, now i'm not the only one here buying gm's that indeed have matched correctly with the retail version
I've bought lots of GM pairs and here's what I think.

I think that it's made in the same factory but for some reason, the materials used on some parts are different.

It's very minor, like the stitching on the inner sole, the OR came with white stitches, but the GM came with black stitches. Another thing is the paper and the red plastic film that came with the Jordan 11 "Bred", the hue of the red film is slightly different and the texture and the thickness of the texts on the paper are darker. 

The J5 Black Grapes are perfect though, except the stitching on the shoes itself wasn't stitched meticulously, and there was a slight different on the hue of the icy sole. 

One time, I even received a box that says "Prenium Crafted Performance Inspired by the Greatest Ever." It's supposed to be "Premium".

The J1 Black Royal that I received were blatant fakes.

The weird thing is that some of them came with stamps, and others look exactly the same as the OR. No difference at all. I get everything from the same source.
The reason why this is happening is because; while you get everything from the same source, your source is getting them from different sources, hence the varied differences you are seeing.
I can tell the difference but I still don't know which one is real.
Are you serious? The milky pair is fake/GM, the transparent pair is real. ALL retail 11 lows have the more transparent soles. Got it now?

Yea, I get that. I know which ones are fake because of the video. What I'm saying is, if I decided to buy a pair of 11 lows today I'd buy either or.

When I bought my Concords in 2011 or whenever they came out, they had the milky soles. and I bought those from the Finishline I worked at.
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