Grey market discussion thread (Let's keep the discussion mature) Rules on pg 1 please read before yo

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my concords passed through customs hopefully they are here friday also interesting with the db3's
GM sellers saying no to money. :rofl:

I've been on here for years yet I just joined :rofl:

They want u to buy in bulk so that they can dump their inventory.

It's nothing wrong with asking for detailed pics when getting non warrantied, under the table products.
DB III's will be out in Mid-End of August
How do u know that?
If that's the case then obviously they r not leftover pairs right?
Or did they steal the materials back when they had them and r now just able to make them?
Can anyone explain why my GM Royals are made with a completely different material?

As you all know, I am a firm believer of the GM phenomenon, but my experience with Rstor's Royals made me question my belief that these so called "unauthorized" pairs are made from the same factory as the authorized ones.

I have spoke to two other people as well, and their pairs were similar to what I received.

My agent even told me that they don't look as good as the pics on the website.

I would understand if the problem was a simple misalignment or bad stitching job.

This is just my opinion on that, but there hasn't been a restock on Royals.  That means Nike didn't produce that many pairs overall like other Jordans .  That would mean there isn't as much leftover material for the workers to make unauthorized pairs with, which is why I'd guess you're seeing decent quality fakes but not actual GM Royals.  Of course, that wouldn't stop Tao Bao sellers from calling them authentic even if they know they're not.  It's buyer beware on there.

Sounds like a good hypothesis. The leather on those looks just like the leather on the Chicago 1's... A lower quality, shinier leather. Wouldn't be surprised if they're using left over materials from those.
Just a thought.

Gentlemen, this is China where they produce all types of shoes and clothing. They have infinite materials on hand to make whatever they want. They don't have to use leftover materials from other J's. Once thy receive the specs, they'll produce using whatever material they have until the Market ends.

Also, I believe if they are required to break original molds, they are first copying the molds before destruction which is why we are seeing the consistent flaws in the Royals like rear widows peaks, off toe boxes, etc. these issues are too consistent to not think they are using a different mold. On true authentic J's, the flaws are vast but you'll hardly find two shoes with the Same Exact flaw!

This is a highly refined factory variant whereas back in the day, these factories were just trying to copy shoes without any access to the authentic molds.
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Thank you. I've been NTing for over a decade, I don't have to explain myself to anyone. But that join date tactic is what people like to use when they get told. I've seen it for years. Defense mechanisms and all that.

Anyway, like I was saying. You being "that guy" and annoying Kinstor is not a good look. If I was him, I'd be pissed too. Hell, I've been pissed off by people doing that to me when I've tried to move my old stuff on eBay etc.

The prices are the prices and you know the risk you're taking in buying from these sources. Find out what you need to know from reviews/NTers, or wait until the box shows up at your doorstep.

Wouldn't be surprised if the GM sellers instituted a minimum order policy because of dudes like you. I'm not going to go back-and-forth with you though, there has been enough arguing throughout this thread. Just try to think about your actions before you act.

This is the most ******ed thing I've seen in awhile. I drop $500 and I can't get some pics? C'mon son :smh:

And its a good thing I talked to him, HE HAS BLUE TINT SPACE JAMS THAT I OPTED OUT OF. He said he has clear and blue tint, but clear was sold out in my size.

I get better prices because of my friends I have referred to him. I should spend MORE of my money, blindly, because YOU told me so? A decade lurker? :rofl:
This is the most ******ed thing I've seen in awhile. I drop $500 and I can't get some pics? C'mon son

And its a good thing I talked to him, HE HAS BLUE TINT SPACE JAMS THAT I OPTED OUT OF. He said he has clear and blue tint, but clear was sold out in my size.

I get better prices because of my friends I have referred to him. I should spend MORE of my money, blindly, because YOU told me so? A decade lurker?
500 dollars your bound to get hit with a customs fee 
Nope, they mark it as GIFT and $120 value for 3 pairs. I got 3 pairs from an agent before, no customs charge either.
Im a bit scared to order 2 pairs or more at once. I don't want to get hit with a customs fee. I plan ordering from the direct seller not agent 
Gentlemen, this is China where they produce all types of shoes and clothing. They have infinite materials on hand to make whatever they want. They don't have to use leftover materials from other J's. Once thy receive the specs, they'll produce using whatever material they have until the Market ends.

Also, I believe if they are required to break original molds, they are first copying the molds before destruction which is why we are seeing the consistent flaws in the Royals like rear widows peaks, off toe boxes, etc. these issues are too consistent to not think they are using a different mold. On true authentic J's, the flaws are vast but you'll hardly find two shoes with the Same Exact flaw!

This is a highly refined factory variant whereas back in the day, these factories were just trying to copy shoes without any access to the authentic molds.
Remember reading elsewhere that it's more sophisticated than molds now.  They use tech packs, which makes it easy to produce as many unauthorized kicks as desired.

The point isn't that they need to use leftover material to make unauthorized kicks, they obviously don't.  It's the fact that if there is leftover material, you can bet on them using it to make unauthorized kicks.

The Royals probably cost these factories too much money in production cost in comparison to other Jordans that would net them a higher profit margin.  Without the extra material just lying around, they probably don't think it's worth producing.
I like to think that as long as you don't order mad amounts of kicks at once you'll be fine.  I do think 3 may be pushing it. 

Obviously, the more kicks you order, the better 'deal' you're getting, since your western union/shipping fees will be about the same.
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Sounds like a good hypothesis. The leather on those looks just like the leather on the Chicago 1's... A lower quality, shinier leather. Wouldn't be surprised if they're using left over materials from those.

Just a thought.
This is surely a possibility as well.  This is something we will never be sure about.  We are talking about a country that has production of fake rice, eggs and soy sauce even.  
This is the most ******ed thing I've seen in awhile. I drop $500 and I can't get some pics? C'mon son :smh:

And its a good thing I talked to him, HE HAS BLUE TINT SPACE JAMS THAT I OPTED OUT OF. He said he has clear and blue tint, but clear was sold out in my size.

I get better prices because of my friends I have referred to him. I should spend MORE of my money, blindly, because YOU told me so? A decade lurker? :rofl:

I agree that is pretty ******ed. If dude wants to sell his pairs he should be prepared to send photos of any products as requested. JUST LIKE EBAY SELLERS OF LEGIT SHOES DO EVERYDAY. So it's acceptable for the retail market to ask for photos, but not the Grey Market? That makes no sense. If anything he should he required to send MORE photos since it's GM.

And who are you to go on some holy crusade "don't ruin it for the rest of us" because nobody else is over here cosigning your nonsense, you sound like a one man choir singing some BS. Your afraid of some GM Chinese reseller putting limits on you? Like you can't go find a hundred other sites on TB willing to sell you the exact same shoes for less. Even if Rstor or Kinstor decided to stop selling to the American market there are a million other shops that would fall right in behind them. The fact alone that your ignorant of that shows me that you don't even fully understand the Grey Market or know what your dealing with.

And lastly I don't believe you've been a NTer for a decade, You sound green as hell and it's pretty easy to sniff out a noob. Specially since your so into GM shoes, usually the 10+ year vets on NT don't buy/sell/believe in GM practices. Sounds like YouTube brought you into the game and you found NT recently sonny.

I know all this and haven't purchased one pair of GM shoes.
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I agree that is pretty ******ed. If dude wants to sell his pairs he should be prepared to send photos of any products as requested. JUST LIKE EBAY SELLERS OF LEGIT SHOES DO EVERYDAY. So it's acceptable for the retail market to ask for photos, but not the Grey Market? That makes no sense. If anything he should he required to send MORE photos since it's GM.

And who are you to go on some holy crusade "don't ruin it for the rest of us" because nobody else is over here cosigning your nonsense, you sound like a one man choir singing some BS. Your afraid of some GM Chinese reseller putting limits on you? Like you can't go find a hundred other sites on TB willing to sell you the exact same shoes for less. Even if Rstor or Kinstor decided to stop selling to the American market there are a million other shops that would fall right in behind them. The fact alone that your ignorant of that shows me that you don't even fully understand the Grey Market or know what your dealing with.

And lastly I don't believe you've been a NTer for a decade, You sound green as hell and it's pretty easy to sniff out a noob. Specially since your so into GM shoes, usually the 10+ year vets on NT don't buy/sell/believe in GM practices. Sounds like YouTube brought you into the game and you found NT recently sonny.

I know all this and haven't purchased one pair of GM shoes.

I think "Lean Ambrose" = Methodical Management trolling :rofl:
The problem is people buying them and turning around and selling them as authentic, that's why people get so upset about them. And another thing is, it's devaluing authentic shoes because when the market floods it brings down resale value since someone can just buy a GM shoe instead of pay reseller price for an authentic.

Here's my thing, the only reason a lot of these shoes have the market value they currently hold is because resellers game the system and end up with complete size runs which they then proceed to sell for exorbitant amounts.

I haven't even bought a pair of Jordans since Black Friday last year, and it's not because I had no interest in anything, but more because I didn't have the desire to deal with jumping through hoops to get a pair of mass produced shoes. If GM pairs make getting a pair to wear easier, than maybe I'll take a look at the best people to deal with. This thread has honestly made me reevaluate how I look at things, was a time I argued back and forth that if it wasn't completely above board authorized by Nike, no way was I going to spend any money on it. While I haven't made the plunge on an order yet, I am willing to give it a shot. If only to get a pair to beat into the ground.
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