Government Shutdown 2013-2014 My Civil Servant Brethern...what you think

president is da face of da nation, if this ship goes down he's talking da biggest hit..easily.

Gotta agree cause avg Americans don't know anything about this fake tan Boehner. It's easier to blame the face of the Govt which is Obama!

Hell even the military and their families right now are pissed off that military death benefits aren't getting paid.

the avg american surprisingly doesn't know a lot about washington in general. what the 3 branches of gov't are, what the difference between obamacare and affordable health care act is (srs), hell some people think he's muslim.

i disagree with ninjahood on obama taking the blame for this 100%, a lot of people understand the GOP is wholly effing ish up...and there isn't really much union within the party.

but part of me has been thinking that because of the lack of understanding about american politics outside of what people watch on the news (aka mainstream media, esp fox news) , that there is a small chance ninjahood might be..dare i say it...right. if people are putting obama's face to everything that happens in washington, then yea i can see people blaming obama for the GOP's foolery.

and its sad. i wouldn't be surprised if i walked on the street, asked 10 random people who the speaker of the house is, and get a right answer 50% of the time.

i swear i cannot stand this country sometimes. sometimes i think i should just live my life ignorant to it all...politics, social issues...but that would make me another dumb american. which is worse :x
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If I was president I wouldn't want to pass those mini bills either. That's essentially allowing them to pick and chooses which ever government they please

THAT part of govt? Food stamps? No **** that we don't want that. But THAT type of govt? A statue of Ayn Rand with a gun in one hand and an anti abortion pamphlet in the other? Yes we want that

That's flipping democracy upside down and allowing the minority to decide laws.
I think ninja is right that eventually Obama gets the blame. Most Americans don't know why the house even IS. How can they blame them?

Especially if you thinking 60 years from now. No way in hell average people gonna be talking about John boner

But it honestly doesn't matter unless you talking about ego, legacy etc.

Either way big business with smack fire out of the tea party if we default. Koch and the like will stop funding them and thongs will go back to normal establishment lines
the avg american surprisingly doesn't know a lot about washington in general. what the 3 branches of gov't are, what the difference between obamacare and affordable health care act is (srs), hell some people think he's muslim.

Agree. I test these Anti-Obama clowns all the time on social media... talking all this mess and they don't even know that the Supreme Court is a branch of the Govt. Hell one chick said, Democrats, Obama and Republicans are the 3 branches! :lol:
yea because ya can disagree with me all ya want, da truth i know more about whats going on then 99.99999999999999999% of da average public.

they have ample opportunity to know about da death benefits too, obama is not off da hook with that....far from it.

debt limit gonna be da big *** kool-aid stain on obama's legacy if it happens...he's gonna make carter look like George Washington....
yea because ya can disagree with me all ya want, da truth i know more about whats going on then 99.99999999999999999% of da average public.

they have ample opportunity to know about da death benefits too, obama is not off da hook with that....far from it.

debt limit gonna be da big *** kool-aid stain on obama's legacy if it happens...he's gonna make carter look like George Washington....

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Brah you are toooo far gone.

This past Saturday, Oct. 5th, a U.S. Marine was killed in Helmand province. On Sunday, four troops were killed by an IED in southern Afghanistan. Until the shutdown ends, none of their families can expect to receive the “death gratuity” of $100,000 promised to immediately reach them within 24 to 36 hours
yea because ya can disagree with me all ya want, da truth i know more about whats going on then 99.99999999999999999% of da average public.

they have ample opportunity to know about da death benefits too, obama is not off da hook with that....far from it.

debt limit gonna be da big *** kool-aid stain on obama's legacy if it happens...he's gonna make carter look like George Washington....

the problem with you is you want him to fail. and your rhetoric reaks of ignorance like the GOP is doing no wrong here. you don't shut down the gov't because you are butt hurt over obama being president, talking about we don't like the healthcare law, even tho SCOTUS cosigned it, and people actually like the idea of getting healthcare.

obama is doing nothing wrong by telling boner to ****. did the democrats shut the gov't down because SCOTUS put bush in power again? no. did democrats shut the govt down because the voting rights act was trashed? no.

you right wing neo conservatives need to eat a **** already :smh: obama is president. so let that hate in your heart out

and keep it moving. go get butt hurt over something else. u kno more than 99.9%? word? >D
yea because ya can disagree with me all ya want, da truth i know more about whats going on then 99.99999999999999999% of da average public.

they have ample opportunity to know about da death benefits too, obama is not off da hook with that....far from it.

debt limit gonna be da big *** kool-aid stain on obama's legacy if it happens...he's gonna make carter look like George Washington....
the problem with you is you want him to fail. and your rhetoric reaks of ignorance like the GOP is doing no wrong here. you don't shut down the gov't because you are butt hurt over obama being president, talking about we don't like the healthcare law, even tho SCOTUS cosigned it, and people actually like the idea of getting healthcare.

obama is doing nothing wrong by telling boner to ****. did the democrats shut the gov't down because SCOTUS put bush in power again? no. did democrats shut the govt down because the voting rights act was trashed? no.

you right wing neo conservatives need to eat a **** already
obama is president. so let that hate in your heart out

and keep it moving. go get butt hurt over something else. u kno more than 99.9%? word?
oh so assocating da GOP with da old are we again?

obama only controls da executive branch, and he's da face of da nation..his JOB is to make sure **** is moving,

why do "i want him to fail?" sounds like fear mongering liberal left wing rhetoric.

most americans are agreeing with da individual mandate being delayed is FAIR because da employers got da same thing..hell congress

and certain unions got waviers and/or subsidizes...da more that becomes apparent da more obama looks like a hypocrite.
guys 17% of the public workforce isnt a shutdown. if its more than 50% then i will be like ok it is. the state and i mean both democrats and republicans are furloughing the lower level dudes to be used as leverage against the debates and the ones they hurt will automatically side on the side that benefits them. its all a game.

now janet yellen on the other hand............
why do "i want him to fail?" sounds like fear mongering liberal left wing rhetoric.

Oh the irony, all your post from Benghazi, "Obamacare" or whatever other 'scandals' you're told to be 'outraged' reeks of fear mongering GOP rhetoric talking points. I really don't recall you being so vocal about the president when Bush Jr. was in office.

Do you get employer based insurance?
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why do "i want him to fail?" sounds like fear mongering liberal left wing rhetoric.
Oh the irony, all your post from Benghazi, "Obamacare" or whatever other 'scandals' you're told to be 'outraged' reeks of fear mongering GOP rhetoric talking points. I really don't recall you being so vocal about the president when Bush Jr. was in office.

Do you get employer based insurance?
all those sentences...yet nothing is presented..why would i want obama to fail?

meanwhile nothing substantial has been put forth on why do businesses and unions get a one year delay and everyone else doesn't...
This is the beginning of the end for America. It may not happen a year or ten years or even fifty years but it's over. Our priorities as a whole are in the wrong place. We complain about democrats aren't doing this or republicans aren't doing that. Why don't we force change ourselves like other first world countries instead waiting for a guy to do it for us. The parliament is afraid of their citizens revolting. You know why we nothing is going to change? Because deep down we as a whole don't care. We are too comfortable. However, when the middle class is fully merged with the poor..standby for the revolution.
*sigh* more spin...we're gonna try this again.

why are employers delayed for a year and individuals aren't?

RustyShackleford answered this already.

Now, let's try this one again.

What's the reason for delaying it for year for individuals?
*sigh* more spin...we're gonna try this again.

why are employers delayed for a year and individuals aren't?,0,6344095.story

There's one answer. Yes, the Administration allowed large businesses to be exempt from the employer mandate until 2015, but the reason is due to those employers claiming they won't be ready to comply with the law until 2015 and the Administration not wanting those insured under large employers' plans to lose coverage. There are also answers in the article to the myth that Congress is exempt, and that unions got the waiver they wanted.

At the end of the day, you and the rest of the fear-mongering Tea Partiers need to realize that there is no conspiracy behind the law, and that it affects employers and individuals in different ways. There is not an equivalency between large employers, small businesses, unions, congress and individuals.
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