Goodbye, 2010 COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON - twas a great year,

Omega psi phi Brand.

He suffers from Keloid, so it bubbled up on him. they dont usually turn out like that.

My Boy Greg is an alpha and has 06 brand, and he has keloid skin, and  his brand looks like Onion rings
I think it's a clock runoff if it's a false start but having too many men on the field isn't a runoff penalty so that actually helped them, I think that is how that rule goes or am I wrong?
How is there not a 5 second runoff for the penalty on the offense? You can't spike the ball with too many men on the field can you?

Unreal season. So happy for the win. Props to Tennessee. I thought Les Miles was our OC for a second.

TJ pkayed great this year, but im ready for a change. I cant wait for next year and beyond.

Props to our seniors. They built this program from the ground up. Quan going out with the int is very fitting.

Go America. Go Heela.
Watched two Bowl games today. Both with JOKE endings. Reminds me of why the NFL is such a superior product.
why would I kill myself? this is the worst Vol team we've ever had talent wise, and we were in every game except two.

Tyler Bray is a beast.

Swag still on 35 Billion

Can someone please make sure mack Brown takes Justin wilcox to texas as the new DC. #KThanxBye
 Im too sick at this loss, but our skinny secret (Bray) has been let out of the bag.  The most disappointing thing about the loss is that players like C.Walk,Luke, G.Jones, Reviez and D-Moore who really set the path for our freshmen go out like this.  But seeing Bray shed tears like that lets me know out players are gon bust their *** over the summer and become even better.
On another note, if Brian Randolph and Justin Coleman can come in and give us solid play at the corner position (or if Teague,Pre Wagg, or A.Anderson can get better
) TENNESSEE WILL WIN THE SEC EAST NEXT YEAR.  South Carolina will be the only problem and they come to Neyland halloween weekend.  Its good to be a freshman on Rocky Top right now
 good times are ahead.

EDIT: Gunna I think the defense actually looked good, alot better than normal. Our corners are atrocious though.
"Gunna I think the defense actually looked good, alot better than normal. Our corners are atrocious though."

who calls cover two with 30 seconds left tho?

O yea, New avy coming in 20 minutes. OWww
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