Going in Raw?

Jan 1, 2007
Been using condoms for the longest and never had raw sex, but this new girl I started dating recently is begging for it raw..since she isnt on the pill, I told her nah chill.

She been tryin to convince me, talking about the pull out method

What would you do? whats the safest method for going in raw? it has to be BC pills, but she refuses to go on them
Originally Posted by magneto621

Been using condoms for the longest and never had raw sex, but this new girl I started dating recently is begging for it raw..since she isnt on the pill, I told her nah chill.

She been tryin to convince me, talking about the pull out method
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]OP, did you have a male father figure in your life?

Just wondering.[/color]
yo, first make sure she's clean, get all the test results back, make sure she's a girl you see yourself having a kid with, if she isnt dont do it, not worth it.
The pull out method isn't for everyone my dude. Don't let a !!!@+ trick you into that @$+#.
don't pull out...push in, shoot it straight into her heart through her mouth fam
Don't do it.

You will never want to have protected sex again. Once you go raw doing it with condoms is terrible.

Also begging for it raw? where they do that at? Its a huge blue TARP if you ask me
well since u not an experienced puller-outer....i wouldnt recommend it....but you was pose to master this method in high school bro

best thing to do...get a chick on bc n practice with her 3 times...learn urself...2 outta 3 times u make it outta there, u good to go

save money for the morning after thingy and the smsmortion ahead of time if u not feeling too confident
Originally Posted by luxurious24

yo, first make sure she's clean, get all the test results back, make sure she's a girl you see yourself having a kid with, if she isnt dont do it, not worth it.

Sage like advice
How about you go ahead and get a vasectomy? It's quick and reversible.

On another note, one of friends had it done a few years back and just recently his fiance became pregnant... She was so happy and beaming saying stuff about how they were starting a family and everything. He played along and even suggesting having dinner with her parents and family to tell them the news. Let's just say that I wish I could have been there at the dinner when he told everyone, after she told her family that she was pregnant, that he had a vasectomy and that she was a %!#*#.
^So your friend got engaged and didn't tell his fiance he was sterile? What a %$*%#%!@%.

And he should know that there is a slim possibility that he could have impregnated her.
OP, don't do it man! It feels great, but don't do it...i went away from condoms back in college and its nervewracking when you waitingfor test results and hoping the chick isn't pregnant. I used to be one of the best at the pull out but not every guy has the will power to do that. Plus a lotta chicks will try to pull you in for reasons that are crazy.

SHe is telling you that she has no protection and kids cost as does the relationship with their mom.

Wait a while because once you go raw there is no going back, sex NEVER feels the same
Jking0821 wrote:
Don't do it.

You will never want to have protected sex again. Once you go raw doing it with condoms is terrible.

Also begging for it raw? where they do that at? Its a huge blue TARP if you ask me
strap up OP if you haven't ever done it raw don't start.

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