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Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Via his Twitter:
"…Knicks-Chubby Wells (R.Sessions agent) in serious talks rt now. Could get decision later today…30 min ago"

no comment

The Knicks remain in negotiations with restricted free agent Ramon Sessions.

A person familiar with those talks said they reached an impasse over the weekend, but the line of communication remains open.

The Knicks and Sessions' camp exchanged proposals on Friday and again Monday, without coming to terms on an offer sheet.
im sorry but the %##% is an impasse??? What does this mean??? Does this mean this is stalled again??
A bargaining impasse occurs when the two sides negotiating an agreement are unable to reach an agreement and become deadlocked.

usually seen as mutually harmful to both sides

(yes i looked it up)
Originally Posted by THE GR8

The Knicks remain in negotiations with restricted free agent Ramon Sessions.

A person familiar with those talks said they reached an impasse over the weekend, but the line of communication remains open.

The Knicks and Sessions' camp exchanged proposals on Friday and again Monday, without coming to terms on an offer sheet.
im sorry but the %##% is an impasse??? What does this mean??? Does this mean this is stalled again??

i aint say anything in the title
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With Hahn saying that the two sides are still far apart, I'm wondering why they were comfortable dipping into 2010 for Jason Kidd, but not for Sessions. Remember, they reportedly offered 3 for 18.

I understand Kidd may be the better player, but why are they concerned about 2010 in dealing with Sessions, but not for Kidd?

Is it because it's later in the summer?
I'm getting freaking angry already

This is getting to be absurd.

NO nate, NO lee.... go for freaking kidd and hill and when sessions drops in our lap we don't want him? First time I'm puzzled on what donnie is doing.Is he saving money on sessions and planning on giving it to lee? What the hell is going on
Donnie is clearly being careful in whatever he decides to do. But at a certain point just make a decision when we need to. If we want Sessions then go out andget him, figure out Nate and Lee, just make some moves.
The Knicks will open the 2009-10 season on the road in Miami on October 28th, according to a team source. The home opener is two days later, on a Saturday, against Philadelphia.

whoopee-doo, this is the only news of the summer
They need to stop playing games and just sign Sessions.

I think it is bc its later in the summer.

Walsh is trying to play all his cards right, which isnt a bad thing I guess.

Williams meeting with the Knicks today.

Not a great reliable source but NBARumors on Twitter is saying that the Bucks WON'T match the Knicks offer if Ramon signs the sheet.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Not a great reliable source but NBARumors on Twitter is saying that the Bucks WON'T match the Knicks offer if Ramon signs the sheet.
I think they'll match up to $3 mill per. Higher than that and they will let him go.
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by Proshares

Not a great reliable source but NBARumors on Twitter is saying that the Bucks WON'T match the Knicks offer if Ramon signs the sheet.
I think they'll match up to $3 mill per. Higher than that and they will let him go.
Yep. If something doesnt get done today i'll be
. First they said last week, then monday, and now they saytuesday. How hard is it to +@##+ sit down and get a deal across the table knowing the other team wont match. We %$+%$$% offer kidd 3yrs/18 mill and we cantoffer sessions 3-5 years? Donnie is starting to piss me the +*%$ off
My true feelings for Walsh and D'antoni are coming out with this bs. Sign Sessions, he's a budding star. Give him the MLE. They need to stop focusingsolely on 2010 and really look towards the future.
Sessions wants the entire MLE. The Knicks don't want to give him that much. And at this point they are the only team interested in Sessions, so can youblame them for trying to get a bargain? If Zeke was still involved im sure he'd give Sessoions the MLE and then give the bucks a first round pick just incase.
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Sessions wants the entire MLE. The Knicks don't want to give him that much. And at this point they are the only team interested in Sessions, so can you blame them for trying to get a bargain? If Zeke was still involved im sure he'd give Sessoions the MLE and then give the bucks a first round pick just in case.
5 Games on national tv this year
(cavs, heat, raptors, lakers, clippers)

We're playing on Christmas (noon game on ESPN)
I can't see from my phone but which are home and which are away?

I seriously can't remember the last time we've had a national TV home game.
[table][tr][td]Wed, Oct 28[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]Miami[/td] [td]7:30 PM ET[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Fri, Oct 30[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]Charlotte[/td] [td]7:00 PM ET[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Sat, Oct 31[/td] [td]Philadelphia[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]7:30 PM ET[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Mon, Nov 02[/td] [td]New Orleans[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]7:30 AM ET[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Wed, Nov 04[/td] [td]Indiana[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]7:30 PM ET[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Fri, Nov 06[/td] [td]Cleveland[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]8:00 PM ET[/td] [td]ESPN[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Sat, Nov 07[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]Milwaukee[/td] [td]8:30 PM ET[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Mon, Nov 09[/td] [td]Utah[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]7:30 PM ET[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Wed, Nov 11[/td] [td]Atlanta[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]7:30 PM ET[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Fri, Nov 13[/td] [td]Golden State[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]7:30 PM ET[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Wed, Nov 18[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]Indiana[/td] [td]7:00 PM ET[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Sat, Nov 21[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]New Jersey[/td] [td]1:00 PM ET[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Sun, Nov 22[/td] [td]Boston[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]1:00 PM ET[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Tue, Nov 24[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]L.A. Lakers[/td] [td]10:30 PM ET[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Wed, Nov 25[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]Sacramento[/td] [td]10:00 PM ET[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Fri, Nov 27[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]Denver[/td] [td]9:00 PM ET[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Sun, Nov 29[/td] [td]Orlando[/td] [td]New York[/td] [td]6:00 PM ET[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][/table]
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